Apple Podcasts – ブラジル – メンタルヘルス
Apple Podcasts チャートのトップポッドキャスト(ブラジル、カテゴリ: メンタルヘルス)。
- 1Increased by 0Regina Giannetti
Autoconsciente Podcast
- 3Increased by 1Carlo Guaragna
A Trilha da Meditação por Carlo Guaragna
- 5Increased by 0iHeartPodcasts
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
- 6Increased by 4Mentemania
- 7Increased by 4Monja Coen
Despertar Zen
- 8Decreased by 2Parece Terapia
Parece Terapia
- 9Decreased by 2Conselhos que você pediu
Conselhos que você pediu
- 10Increased by 20Cecilia Dassi
Um abraço, se quiser
- 11Decreased by 2Lewis Howes
The School of Greatness
- 12Increased by 52Marcio Silva
Doses da Resiliência - Insights que vão mudar a sua vida - Sua dose diária de desenvolvimento
- 13Increased by 14Psicólogo Eduardo Drummond
Conversas que Curam
- 14Increased by 2CNN
Chasing Life
- 15Decreased by 2Guilherme Barros
Psicanálise em 5 minutos - Guilherme Barros
- 16Decreased by 4Hericka Zogbi e Sharon Toledo
Psicanálise da Vida Cotidiana
- 17Decreased by 2Meditação - Mentalidade
Thais Galassi
- 18Increased by 21iHeartPodcasts
The Psychology of your 20s
- 19NEWCaroline Tiburcio
Descomplica Psi
- 20NEWDown To Sleep
Down To Sleep (Audiobooks & Bedtime Stories)
- 21Decreased by 1Lucas Nápoli
Psicanálise em Humanês - com Lucas Nápoli
- 22Decreased by 3Ana Luiza Braz e Ana Theresa Cavalcanti
Psicologia Sincera
- 23Increased by 24Globoplay
Crônicas de um Cuidado
- 24NEWJulia Pedrosa
Meditação Guiada
- 25Increased by 0Pod360
- 26Increased by 33Sleepy Sound
Rain Sounds
- 27Decreased by 10Engle
João Pestana : o melhor podcast para dormir
- 28Increased by 8High Performance
- 29Increased by 48Doca ASMR
- 30Increased by 5Rosemary Mota
Meditaçao Guiada - Cura Criança Interior
- 31Decreased by 9Sons para Relaxar
Sons para Dormir e Relaxar
- 32Increased by 26Hugh van Cuylenburg, Ryan Shelton & Josh van Cuylenburg
The Imperfects
- 33NEWGabriela Affonso
Psico pra Vida
- 34Decreased by 20Isaque Souza
Som De Chuva Com Trovões
- 35Decreased by 12Superplayer & Co
Introvertendo - Autismo por Autistas
- 36Increased by 55Alexandre Patricio de Almeida
Psicanálise de Boteco
- 37Decreased by 29Rafael Garbuio e Ricardo Pezati
Acorde - Música e Psicanálise
- 38Increased by 45Regina Giannetti
Autoconsciente Podcast
- 39NEWPatrícia Pancoti
Autoestima Na Prática
- 40NEWHumanaMente
HumanaMente: saúde mental e segurança psicológica no ambiente de trabalho
- 41Increased by 49Studio de Psicanálise
Studio de Psicanálise
- 42Increased by 18Headspace Studios
Radio Headspace
- 44NEWNicola Beer
Save Your Marriage Podcast - Nicola Beer Relationship Advice
- 45Decreased by 2Músicas para Relaxar
Musicas para Relaxar
- 46NEWThata Finotto
Tribo TDAH
- 47NEWAdriana Cardoso
Mindfulness e Compaixão na Prática!
- 48NEWMar del Cerro. Guía de Meditación y Coach de Bienestar
Medita Podcast
- 49Increased by 96Folha de S.Paulo
Modo de Viver
- 50NEWPriscila Selingardi
Neuropsicologia Prática
- 51Increased by 17Ten Percent Happier
10% Happier with Dan Harris
- 52Decreased by 15Psicólogo Adilso Israel
Pílulas de Psicologia
- 53NEWDiego Falco
FALCOcast | Psicólogo Diego Falco
- 54Decreased by
12 Minute Meditation
- 55Increased by 100Vanessa Scott - Terapeuta Energética Intuitiva e Facilitadora de Breathwork
Meditações Pura Energia Positiva
- 56Increased by 58Pocket Psychiatry: A Carlat Podcast
The Carlat Psychiatry Podcast
- 57NEWDr. Mariel Buqué
Break the Cycle with Dr. Mariel
- 58NEWVanessa Santos
O que é terapia cognitivo- comportamental ?
- 59Increased by 48Regina Chamon
- 60NEWPsicóloga Marcia Barros
Cognitiva Mente - seu podcast de Psicologia
- 61NEWDipl. Psych. Franca Cerutti
Psychologie to go!
- 62NEWGeorgian Benta
The Gratitude Podcast
- 63NEWAileen Xu
The Lavendaire Lifestyle
- 64NEWThe Shine App
The Daily Shine
- 65NEWKenly Flores
- 66Decreased by 37Dr Daniel & Tana Amen
Change Your Brain Every Day
- 67Increased by 6Mo Gawdat
Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat
- 68Decreased by 20Denise Arantes Brero
Altas Conversas Altas Habilidades
- 69Decreased by 38Elídio Almeida - psicólogo especialista em Terapia de Casal e Relacionamentos.
Terapia de Casal com o psicólogo Elídio Almeida
- 70Decreased by 46Izabella Camargo
Interioriza - com Izabella Camargo
- 71Decreased by 33Isabella Mondin Giusti
Psicologia e Saúde Mental por @psicolloga
- 72Increased by 39Marcello Cotrim
- 73Decreased by 52Nando Pinheiro
- 74Decreased by 19Brennda Aderne
Depressão e ansiedade
- 75NEWRick Hanson, Ph.D., Forrest Hanson
Being Well with Forrest Hanson and Dr. Rick Hanson
- 76NEWADDitude
ADHD Experts Podcast
- 77Increased by 80Thiago Queiroz
Sobre a Vida - Reflexões Contemplativas
- 78Increased by 3Dr. Renato Silva
Voo Bipolar
- 79Increased by 5ESPEcast
- 80Increased by 30Dra Camila Teixeira
Reduzir o Estresse
- 81Increased by 12Thayná Mendonça
O transtorno de Borderline através dos olhar de um Border
- 82NEWWilliam Curb
Hacking Your ADHD
- 83Increased by 42Joseph Lee, Deborah Stewart, Lisa Marchiano
This Jungian Life Podcast
- 84NEWAmerican Academy of Neurology
Neurology Minute
- 85Increased by 110iHeartPodcasts and Joy Harden Bradford, Ph.D.
Therapy for Black Girls
- 86NEWAna Beatriz Barbosa Siqueira
O desenvolvimento de doenças no século XXI- ansiedade e depressão em foco- por que estamos cada vez mais adoecidos?
- 87Decreased by 59Sol Good Media
Rain Sounds
Querem falar sobre TDAH?
- 89NEWScott Lynch
The Motivated Mind
- 90NEWTherapy in a Nutshell -Emma McAdam
Therapy in a Nutshell
- 91Increased by 95Profa Mônica Sant'Ana
Dormir com propósito:Reprogramação Emocional Guiada
- 92NEWDennis Simsek
The Anxiety Guy Podcast
- 93NEWBruno Nunes
Café #Das4 - TDAH
- 94NEWUm Bipolar
Um Bipolar
- 95NEWSoledade Reis
Luto, ansiedade e depressão.
- 97NEWLetícia Gabriela
Transtorno de Ansiedade
- 98NEWinara ximenes
Transtorno De Personalidade Histriônico
- 99NEWIlana, Cleisla, Lara e Jayane
Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial
- 100NEWEspectroCast
- 101Decreased by 83SANDRA SILVA TERAPEUTA
- 102Increased by 51Voz da Bíblia
Livro de Provérbios
- 103Increased by 17Deepak Chopra
21 Days of Abundance - Meditation Series
- 104Decreased by 63UOL
Desculpa o Transtorno
- 105Decreased by 44Thiago Queiroz
Pausa Pra Sentir - Psicanálise na Prática e Autoconhecimento
- 106Decreased by 44Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation
- 107Decreased by
Savvy Psychologist
- 108Decreased by 76iHeartPodcasts
Unbreakable with Jay Glazer: A Mental Wealth Podcast
- 109Decreased by 76Maria Eduarda Santos
- 110Decreased by 76ashra
Autistic After Hours
- 111Decreased by 71Psicóloga Thalita Couto
- 112Decreased by 3Baioque Conteúdo
- 113Decreased by 68NVP Nova Vertente Produções
NVP Nova Vertente
- 114Increased by 13Case Kenny
New Mindset, Who Dis?
- 115Increased by 28Relax Body and Mind
Relax Mind and Body
- 116Decreased by 64Lilly Balch
The Morning Ritual
- 117Decreased by 75Kara Loewentheil
UnF*ck Your Brain: Feminist Self-Help for Everyone
- 118Decreased by 65Being Known Podcast
Being Known Podcast
- 119Increased by 66Emerson Rocha
Relaxa Som
- 120Decreased by 69Cris Blanco
Como si nadie escuchara
- 121Decreased by 72Walquíria Siqueira Costa
Psicologia para o Cotidiano
- 122Decreased by 50Fractais –Caminhos típicos por pessoas atípicas -Neurodivergência e autismo leve
Fractais - Caminhos típicos por pessoas atípicas Neurodivergente, autismo, TDAH e altas habilidades
- 123Decreased by 77Joana Pereira Bastos e Helena Bento
Que voz é esta?
- 124Decreased by 80Eric Tivers, LCSW, ADHD-CCSP
ADHD reWired
- 125Increased by 12iHeartPodcasts
The One You Feed
- 126Decreased by 72Canal dos Berrekas
BerrekasCAST feat DíadeLab
- 127Increased by 31Vinícius Mayon
Liberte-se da Sua Mente
- 128Increased by 0Headspace Studios
Dear Headspace
- 129Decreased by 21Bedtime Stories with Taesha Glasgow
Just Sleep - Bedtime Stories for Adults
- 130Decreased by 74Kályton psicanalista
Pobreza Em Análise | Psicanálise
- 131Decreased by 36Instituto Frontale
Dependência Química com Psicanálise e Terapia Familiar
- 132Decreased by 17The Wellness Scoop
The Wellness Scoop
- 133Decreased by 51Psi Mammoliti
Psicologia Al Desnudo | @psi.mammoliti
- 134Increased by 4Paul Churchill
Recovery Elevator
- 135NEWPragmática Psiquiatria
Pragmática Psiquiatria
- 136Increased by 13Miguel Abib
Meditações Numa Emergência
- 137NEWMundo Minduflness
Podcast Mundo Mindfulness
- 138NEWNaoko
- 139Increased by 20Buffy's Rain Recordings
ASMR Rain Recordings
- 140NEWTumpats Podcasts
Bocadinho por Flavia Machioni
- 141Decreased by 71Enric Corbera Oficial
Enric Corbera Más Cerca
- 142Decreased by 79Márcia Fernandes
SenseCast, por Márcia Fernandes
- 143Increased by 9Adriana Ricci
Meditação Guiada - Yoga & Terapia - Adriana Ricci
- 144Decreased by 73Alexandre Coimbra Amaral
Cartas de um Terapeuta
- 145Decreased by 78Jornada da Autoconfiança
Jornada da Autoconfiança
- 146Increased by 38Podcast Plenae
Podcast Plenae - Histórias para Refletir
- 147Decreased by 59Tornar-me Eu
Meditação Cristã Guiada
- 148Decreased by 79Celeste Said
- 149Decreased by 75Alessandra Oliveira
Atenção Plena/Mindfulness Psicóloga
- 150Decreased by 26Brown Noise Sleep Sounds
Brown Noise Sleep Sounds
- 151Decreased by 20Thai Ribeiro
Segurança Consciente
- 152NEWLouie Media
Émotions : le podcast pour mettre des mots sur vos émotions
- 153Decreased by 68Mindvalley
The Mindvalley Podcast
- 154Decreased by 79Silver Sleeper Productions LLC
Sleep With Me
- 155Increased by 19PodeGay
- 156Decreased by 80Valeria Montserrat Salas
Inteligencia Emocional Para Adolescentes
- 157NEWBrittany Wilson, MFT | Christian Mental Health Coach
MORNING, MAMA | Reclaim Your Peace Through the Power of God and the Tools of Psychology- Christian Mental Health, Biblical Parenting, Mindset, Christian Mom, Spiritual Growth, Mom Rage, Anxiety, Anger
- 158NEWSharon Handy
Boring Books for Bedtime Readings to Help You Sleep
- 159Decreased by 30Mary Meckley
Daily Meditation Podcast
- 160Decreased by 42AGÊNCIA DE PODCAST
- 161Decreased by 61Humberto Junior
Alô, Lacan?
- 162Decreased by 14Aline Sena
Tudo é Cura
- 163Decreased by 57𝗔𝗥𝗬 𝗥𝗢𝗗𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗨𝗘𝗦
- 164NEWTeal Swan
Teal Swan
- 165NEWYoga Nidra & Beyond
Yoga Nidra & Beyond | Ayla Nova
- 166NEWJean Alessandro
Jean Alessandro Podcast
- 167NEWPsicanalista Sandro Cavallote
Psicanálise & Comunicação
- 168NEWDavid Polidi
Empowered Through Compassion: EMDR and IFS Informed Therapy
- 169Decreased by 89Thamiris de Oliveira
Escuta Isso Mulher
- 170Decreased by 92Bruna G. Janesch
Meditação Mindfulness
- 171Decreased by 106Paul Colaianni
Love and Abuse
- 172NEWGuilherme Navarro
Reino de Eros
- 173Decreased by 94Zenklub
- 174Increased by 4HARRIET FREW
The Eating Disorder Therapist
- 175Increased by 0Elsa Limma
Elsalimma-Meditação Terapêutica
- 176Decreased by 13Débora Bueno
Psicologia e Vida
- 177Increased by 5Roberto Rocha
En terapia con Roberto Rocha
- 178Decreased by 74Humana Vida
Pílulas de Saber e de Sabedoria
- 179Decreased by 29howimfeelingnow
- 180NEWSleepy Cat Meditations
Sleepy Cat Meditations
- 181Decreased by 95Alba Ferreté
Cómo vivir con calma mental
- 182Decreased by 69Cássia Zottis e Miguel Otún
- 183NEWPaul Sheppard
The Ultimate Mindset Change Podcast
Auto-Hipnose Instituto Terapia e Hipnose
- 185Decreased by 41Maria Gentlewhispering
ASMR by GentleWhispering
- 186NEWChill Palm Podcasts
Chill Palm
- 187NEWCristãos Que Meditam | Maíra Nogueira
Cristãos que Meditam - Podcast | Maíra Nogueira
- 188Decreased by 94Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation
- 189Decreased by 97Janilton Gabriel de Souza e Mônica Godoy
Psicanálise Conectada
- 190Decreased by 101Dr. K L Rich
Narcissistic Abuse No More
- 191Decreased by 95RTL+ / Stefanie Stahl / Lukas Klaschinski
So bin ich eben! Stefanie Stahls Psychologie-Podcast für alle "Normalgestörten"
- 192Decreased by 94Lívia
Amor Próprio Depois De Um Relacionamento
- 193Decreased by 94Paula Butture
Psicanálise em voz alta - leituras de Lacan, Freud e afins
- 194Decreased by 97A Invenção do Amor
A Invenção do Amor
- 195Decreased by 94Joey Kidney
The Happy Times with Joey Kidney
- 196Decreased by 94Psicóloga Camila Prado
Contando Casos
- 197Decreased by 94Eddie Penney
The Penney's Podcast
- 198NEWAmanda Fitas Fontolam
Amanda Fitas
- 199Decreased by 94Pod Ser Magra
Pod Ser Magra
- 200NEWErik Ireland
Listen To Sleep - Quiet Bedtime Stories & Meditations