Esteban Rivas

Believe Our Testimony (2nd Thess 1 : 10)

This podcast is about the testimony of believers who have come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ through the end time message. One thing all true believers have in common is how God at a certain point in time interrupted and changed their lives. Our mission is to share that testimony with as many people as possible and in doing so we pray that the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ will shine on them and through that miracle bring to them eternal life. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

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Recent Episodes

Jun 20, 2021

In this our podcast today, you can be assured that God will meet your need.

42 mins

Feb 21, 2021

Please join me today and find the change your life is crying for.

33 mins

May 6, 2020

Believe Our Testimony (2nd Thess 1 : 10) (Trailer)

1 mins
