Cameron Maciel

Think Studio - Filemaker Software

Think Studio is about sharing our ideas and knowledge of Real Estate and Construction software in the terms of owning software in-house vs paying other SAAS companies monthly service fees / annual fees every single year. I have a slight feeling of being of service in many companies big and small. Even though we offer SAAS service for our customers I feel there are some companies that absolutely need it and some that really don't need it all the time. Meaning there is a time and place when just getting updates will be more than enough.

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Recent Episodes

May 26, 2021

FileMaker Pro how it can save companies money

S1 E5 • 25 mins

May 22, 2021

5 Books Ive Read to be a Good Filemaker Developer

S1 E3 • 19 mins

Apr 24, 2021

Filemaker 19 true business cost

S1 E2 • 43 mins

Mar 13, 2021

Early Database Development For Real Estate

S1 E1 • 76 mins
