Apple Podcasts – Switzerland – Documentary
Top podcasts in Switzerland from the Apple Podcasts charts for Documentary.
- 1Increased by 1WDR
Der Germanwings-Absturz – Zehn Jahre ohne euch | WDR
- 2Decreased by 1Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
- 3Increased by 0Louie Media
Passages : le podcast d’histoires vraies de Louie Media
- 4Increased by 0SWR
Das wahre Leben – Der NACHTCAFÉ Podcast
- 5Increased by 0Ky Dickens
The Telepathy Tapes
- 6Increased by 2Süddeutsche Zeitung
Wirecard: 1,9 Milliarden Lügen
- 7Increased by 0SWR3, rbb24 Inforadio, Eva-Maria Lemke
Dark Matters – Geheimnisse der Geheimdienste
- 8Increased by 1Freakonomics Radio + Stitcher
Freakonomics Radio
- 9Increased by 4Podcast-Radio
Teurer Fahren
- 10Decreased by 4Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
- 11Increased by 4BBC World Service
The Documentary Podcast
- 12Increased by 0Amira Aly, Heiko Behr, Wake Word Studios
Mensch! Promi Skandale und ihre Geschichte
- 13Decreased by 2Patricia Banzer & Sabine Meyer
Zwei Engel in Rishikesh
- 14Increased by 2BBC
World of Secrets
- 15NEWТолк
Забытые в Америке
- 16Increased by 1RTL
Ça peut vous arriver
- 17Decreased by 71LIVE für die ARD
Die Elon Musk Story
- 18Decreased by 4Vox Media Podcast Network
- 19Decreased by 1Bayerischer Rundfunk
- 20Increased by 23Wavland
- 21Increased by 3Westdeutscher Rundfunk
Erlebnis Erde – Eure Tierdoku zum Hören
- 22Increased by 1Bayerischer Rundfunk
Wild Wild Web - Geschichten aus dem Internet
- 23Increased by 13WDR 5
WDR 5 Dok 5 - das Feature
- 24Decreased by 5My Cultura, Radio Ambulante and iHeartPodcasts
Radio Ambulante
- 25Increased by 48Luzia Tschirky
Yak ty? Ukraine Live with Luzia Tschirky
- 26Decreased by 4Minuit
PARANORMAL • Histoires Vraies
- 27Increased by 1BBC World Service
13 Minutes to the Moon
- 28NEWWestdeutscher Rundfunk
ARD Radiofeature
- 29Increased by 110BBC Sounds
The Missing Cryptoqueen
- 30Increased by 2Podimo
Toxic Church - Die Hillsong-Story
- 31Decreased by 6RTBF
Le piège : dans les coulisses du développement personnel
- 32Increased by 106Danny Jones | QCODE
Danny Jones Podcast
- 33Increased by 31Wondery
This Is Actually Happening
- 34Increased by 11Tom Rosenthal
Strangers on a Bench
- 35Increased by 61Studio Bummens
Das Lederhosen Kartell
- 36Decreased by 16Justizvollzug und Wiedereingliederung Kanton Zürich
Auf Bewährung: Leben mit Gefängnis
- 37Decreased by 16Tortoise Media
Lucky Boy | Tortoise Investigates
- 38NEWElson
Chaînon manquant
- 39NEWNicola Ventura, David Barra
Borghesia violenta
- 40NEWParadiso Media
- 41NEWÉditions Zoé
Zoé: 50 ans d’édition
- 42NEWPodimo
Otze – Stasi, Punk & Mord
- 43NEWLa Vie en rouge
La vie en rouge
- 44NEWPodium Podcast Chile
Necesito poder respirar: La vida de Jorge González
- 45NEWJhoys Y Silvia
- 46Decreased by 20Tortoise Media
Sweet Bobby
- 47Decreased by 20RTL
Une lettre d'Amérique
- 48Decreased by 6Tortoise Media
Master: the allegations against Neil Gaiman
- 49Decreased by 19Stak
Dancing With Shadows | Legacy
- 50Decreased by 17Fanny Auger
L'art de l'attention
- 51Decreased by 11Svenska Dagbladet
- 52Decreased by 23BBC Radio 5 Live
I'm Not a Monster
- 53Decreased by 22Podimo
Die Akte Tengelmann - Ein Milliardär verschwindet
- 54Decreased by 20Marzie
Radio Marz | پادکست فارسی رادیو مرز
- 55Decreased by 20Aware Media
بودكاست روايتهم
- 56Decreased by 18Franziska Engelhardt mit dem Kollektiv Fennek und Daniel Hobi für das Republik Magazin
- 57Decreased by 20The New York Times
- 58Decreased by 19Relatos del Lado Oscuro
Relatos del lado oscuro
- 59Decreased by 18Association Française d'Agroforesterie
CAMBIUM, le podcast de l'agroforesterie
- 60Decreased by 16Bayerischer Rundfunk
Telephobia - Dieser eine Anruf
- 61Decreased by 14TV ON EAR
- 62Increased by 5LIFO PODCASTS
- 63Decreased by
Πρωταγωνιστές με τον Σταύρο Θεοδωράκη
- 64Decreased by 18Max & Hans
Falsche Zeit, falscher Ort
- 65Increased by 30DDD
Der Doku Dämon
- 66Decreased by 1Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
Deep Doku
- 67Decreased by 1Čestmír Strakatý
Čestmír Strakatý
- 68Decreased by 18Bayerischer Rundfunk
Blutiger Herbst - Eine bayerische Geistergeschichte
- 69Decreased by 16DreamCrew
Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy
- 70Decreased by 21WDR Lokalzeit
Mouhamed Dramé – Wenn die Polizei tötet | WDR Lokalzeit
- 71Decreased by 15Sky News
Unreliable Witness | Storycast
- 72Decreased by 21Wondery
Der Therapeut von nebenan
- 73Decreased by 21Meanings of Democracy Lab
When The Wolves Came
- 74NEWWar History
War History
- 75Decreased by 12Pablo Trincia – Sky Original by Chora Media
E poi il silenzio - Il disastro di Rigopiano
- 76Decreased by 22Superreal
What It Was Like
- 77Decreased by 22Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
NS-CLIQUEN Von Menschen und Mördern
- 78Decreased by 21Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
Diagnose: Unangepasst - Der Albtraum Tripperburg
- 79Decreased by 21Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
You are fucked – Deutschlands erste Cyberkatastrophe
- 80Decreased by 21Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
Unheimliche Heimat – Gruselgeschichten auf der Spur
- 81Decreased by 21Brazen
Corinna and The King
- 82Decreased by 21Debby De Ridder / Nieuwsblad
Voor De Eer
- 83Decreased by 21Alberto Pons
El Club de los Curiosos
- 84Decreased by 16BBC Radio 4
The Coming Storm
- 85Increased by 8BBC Radio 4
A Very British Cult
- 86Increased by 4Laure Gabus
Les femmes qui lisent
- 87Decreased by 18Europe1
Destins Extraordinaires
- 88Decreased by 18Cross Pond Productions
The Know Rogan Experience
- 89Decreased by 18Tóth Szabolcs Töhötöm
Az élet meg minden
- 90Decreased by 18Louise Tickle and Tortoise Media
Hidden Homicides
- 91Decreased by 17Tortoise Media
- 92Decreased by 16HTDE | QCODE
How To Destroy Everything
- 93Decreased by 14Pacôme Thiellement, Blast le souffle de l’info
Blast - Infernet
- 94Decreased by 16Brazen
Spy Valley: An Engineer's Nuclear Betrayal
- 95Decreased by 7Louie Media
Ou peut-être une nuit
- 96Decreased by 21Lisa Phu and Self Evident Media
Before Me
- 97Decreased by 20Compagnie des Guides de Chamonix
Suivez le guide
- 98Decreased by 18Hyperfixed & Radiotopia
- 99Decreased by 18Here Be Monsters
Here Be Monsters
- 100Decreased by 18Tamedia Publications romandes, Alice Randegger
Ondes de choc
- 101Decreased by 18RADIO IIII
- 102Decreased by 18Font de Misteris
Podcast de Font de Misteris
- 103Decreased by 18Tortoise Media
The Gas Man
- 104Decreased by 18Travis Loop
waterloop: exploring solutions
- 105Decreased by 18Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
SPRINGERSTIEFEL – Die 90er sind zurück
- 106Increased by 4Andrew Gold
- 107NEWBBC Radio 4
- 108Increased by 3BBC Radio 4
- 109Decreased by 15Reportagen X Ruhrfestspiele
Podcast Reportagen live. Weltgeschehen im Podcastformat
- 110Decreased by 19BBC Radio 4
28ish Days Later
- 111Decreased by 19Revue 21
- 112NEWAtlas Contact / Adriaan van Dis
Van Dis Ongefilterd
- 113Increased by 0Louie Media
- 114Decreased by 2Tous Parano
Tous Parano
- 115Decreased by 26Studio Bummens & Undone
Cui Bono: Wer hat Angst vorm Drachenlord?
- 116NEWOlimpia Pérez
La Biblioteca de los Sueños: Documentales para Dormir
- 117Decreased by 20Dalton Fischer
Dalton Fischer Podcast
- 118Decreased by 20libo/libo
Основано на реальных событиях
- 119Decreased by 20ohitsBigRon Studios
Weight For It
- 120Decreased by 19Wondery
Hooked on Freddie
- 121Decreased by 21Paradiso Media
En tongs au pied de l'Himalaya
- 122Decreased by 13funk – von ARD und ZDF
Scambit: Schach, Hype und Millionen
- 123Decreased by 21funk - von ARD und ZDF
Deso – Der Rapper, der zum IS ging
- 124Decreased by 21Vicky Loras
Linguistics Now
- 125Decreased by 21Tortoise Media
The Tavistock: inside the gender clinic
- 126Decreased by 21Wavland
Inconceivable Truth
- 127Decreased by 21John "Jay" Wiley
Law Enforcement Talk: True Crime and Trauma Stories
- 128Decreased by 21iHeartPodcasts and Rococo Punch
The Turning: Room of Mirrors
- 129Decreased by 21yemenusedtobe
Yemen used to be
- 130Decreased by 15The Why Files: Operation Podcast
The Why Files: Operation Podcast
- 131NEWChristoph Jan Longen
Im Leben nicht!
- 132NEWBBC Radio 4
- 133Decreased by 19Rádio Novelo
Rádio Novelo Apresenta
- 134Increased by 40ORF Ö1
Ö1 Kulinarium
- 135Increased by 22NDR 90,3
Das Hamburger Hafenkonzert
- 137Decreased by 4Écologie
Soif de Sens
- 139Decreased by 10Tortoise Media
The Slow Newscast
- 140Increased by 26Radio Diaries & Radiotopia
Radio Diaries
- 141Decreased by 25Ear Hustle & Radiotopia
Ear Hustle
- 142Decreased by 24Podme
Podme Dokumentär
- 143Decreased by 26Jim Harold
The Paranormal Podcast
- 144Decreased by 25TAG Heuer
A Matter of Time
- 145Decreased by 21ARD und Deutschlandfunk
Arthouse Doku
- 146Decreased by 25Bayerischer Rundfunk
Saal 101 - Dokumentarhörspiel zum NSU-Prozess
- 147Decreased by 25Bumbox Podcast
ELN entre fusiles y diálogos
- 148Decreased by 28APM Reports
Sold a Story
- 149Increased by 19Tomás Chiaverini
Rádio Escafandro
- 150NEWJaxxon Podcast
- 151NEWKarine de Falchi
Embarquement immédiat - Histoire de crash
- 152Decreased by 7Nouvelles Ecoutes
La Jeune Rue
- 153Decreased by 6Privateer
Privateer Station: War In Ukraine
- 154Decreased by 14funk - von ARD und ZDF
Zeitkapsel – Irene, wie hast du den Holocaust überlebt?
- 155Increased by 10Ali Bandari
ChannelB پادکست فارسی
- 156Decreased by 30Franco Delle Donne
Epidemia Ultra
- 157Decreased by 30CBC
Personally: Toy Soldier
- 158Decreased by 33Imperative Entertainment
The Agent
- 159Decreased by 36BBC Radio 4
Great Lives
- 160NEWCreation Collective / Binge Audio
1940, Winston devient Churchill
- 161Increased by 24iHeartPodcasts
Next Question with Katie Couric
- 162Decreased by 20BBC Local Radio
Love Bombed
- 163Decreased by 19BBC Radio 4
- 164Decreased by 21Hamid Mossadegh
PodCar by Hamid
- 165Increased by 10RTÉ
Documentary on One Podcast
- 166Decreased by 20NDR Info
Leonora - Mit 15 zum IS
- 167Decreased by 19majelan
Une fausse couche comme les autres
- 168Decreased by 19Sony Music Entertainment
BioHacked: Family Secrets
- 169Decreased by 19Kayleen Bell
- 170Decreased by 19Piano P
Tutta colpa di Basaglia
- 171Decreased by 19VICE
The Crisis
- 172Decreased by 19VICE
- 173Decreased by 19Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting
Reveal Presents
- 174Decreased by 19VICE
Source Material
- 175Decreased by 19Campfire & Acast Studios
Abuse of Power with David Rudolf and Sonya Pfeiffer
- 176NEWImperative Entertainment and Vespucci
The Cost of Happiness: Tony Hsieh
- 177Decreased by 4Audacy | Cement City Productions
Cement City
- 178Decreased by 50Mamamia Podcasts
Extraordinary Stories
- 179NEWRafał Gębura
7 metrów pod ziemią
- 180NEWRelatos Forenses / troop audio
Relatos Forenses Podcast
- 181Decreased by 47Slate Podcasts
Decoder Ring
- 182Decreased by 46Wondery | Pineapple Street Studios
- 183Decreased by 11Beiner Martin
- 184NEWRainero Winklero
- 185Decreased by 54Louie Media
- 186NEWDW
DW Revista
- 187Decreased by 17Arianna Pagani e Davide Lemmi
Echi da Gaza
- 188Decreased by 8Talk Eastern Europe
The Story of Belarus
- 189Decreased by 59Bayerischer Rundfunk
In 5 Tagen Mord - Die Krimi-Challenge mit KI
- 190Decreased by 14Podimo & Message Heard
Who Robs A Banksy?
- 191Decreased by 14La No Ficción
Un Periódico de Ayer
- 192Decreased by 14Simon Whistler and Daven Hiskey
The BrainFood Show
- 193Decreased by 14Peira GbR
Grauzone Pott
- 194Decreased by 13JOY 94.9 - LGBTI, LGBTIQA+, LGBTQIA+, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGB, Gay, Lesbian, Trans, Intersex, Queer Podcasts for all our Rainbow Communities
Triple Bi-Pass
- 195Decreased by 13Podplay
Kod: Katastrof
- 196Decreased by 29Directed by José Grajales | troop audio
pepe&chema podcast
- 197Decreased by 11Wir Reden Bartext
Wir reden Bartext
- 198Decreased by 35搞钱女孩小辉
- 199NEWFabrizio Coniglio - Hypercast
Il caso Calipari
Dicht dran – Der Reportage-Podcast