Apple Podcasts – Switzerland – Education
Top podcasts in Switzerland from the Apple Podcasts charts for Education.
- 1Increased by 0Mel Robbins
The Mel Robbins Podcast
- 2Increased by 0Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
100 Sekunden Wissen
- 3Increased by 0Deutschlandfunk Nova
Eine Stunde History - Deutschlandfunk Nova
- 4Increased by 0Johnny
Wissen mit Johnny
- 5Increased by 1Ben Berndt
{ungeskriptet} - Gespräche, die dich weiter bringen
- 6Increased by 1Cari, Manuel und das Team von Easy German
Easy German: Learn German with native speakers | Deutsch lernen mit Muttersprachlern
- 7Increased by 3Maud Ankaoua
Ces questions que tout le monde se pose
- 8Increased by 0BBC Radio
Learning English from the News
- 9Increased by 8Fabian Grolimund, Stefanie Rietzler, Lara Kreischer
Deine Prise Psychologie
- 10Increased by 2Violaine et Nathan
French With Panache
- 11Increased by 3Clotilde Dusoulier
Change ma vie : Outils pour l'esprit
- 12Decreased by 1Annik Rubens
Slow German
- 13Decreased by 8Deutsch-Podcast
Deutsch Podcast - Deutsch lernen
- 14Decreased by 5Choses à Savoir
Choses à Savoir - Culture générale
- 15Decreased by 2BBC Radio
6 Minute English
- 16Increased by 2Civility Media
The Jefferson Fisher Podcast
- 17Increased by 3Ellie Media
Schuelfrey – Der Schulpodcast mit Herz, Haltung und Humor
- 18Increased by 3Maxim Mankevich
Die Köpfe der Genies mit Maxim Mankevich
- 19Increased by 3Damian Haas
- 21Decreased by 5DW
Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 22Increased by 57Prof. Dr. Volker Busch
Gehirn gehört - Prof. Dr. Volker Busch
- 23Increased by 4María Fernández
Spanisch für Anfänger von A1 bis B2
- 24Increased by 2Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan
All Ears English Podcast
- 25Decreased by 6BBC Radio
Learning English Vocabulary
- 26Increased by 6Rich Roll
The Rich Roll Podcast
- 27Decreased by 4DW
Das sagt man so! | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 28Increased by 33BBC Radio
Learning English Grammar
- 29NEWPatrick Reiser
Human Elevation Podcast von Patrick Reiser
- 30Increased by 13Fabrice Midal
Dialogues par Fabrice Midal
- 31Decreased by 7Linguistica 360
News in Slow German
- 32Decreased by 2Chris Surel
- 33Increased by 36emma chamberlain
anything goes with emma chamberlain
- 34Decreased by 9Patrick Thun und Jan Kruse
14 Minuten - Deine tägliche Portion Deutsch - Deutsch lernen für Fortgeschrittene
- 35Decreased by 7Margrit Stamm & Dominic Dillier
Margrit Stamm Education to go
- 36Decreased by 7Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich (PHZH)
Resonanzraum Bildung
- 37Increased by 28Greator – GEDANKENtanken
Greator – Inspiration, Motivation & Erfolg
- 38Decreased by 7Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
- 39Increased by 25Spanish Language Coach
Spanish for False Beginners - Español para falsos principiantes
- 40Increased by 28Biyon Kattilathu
Schokolade für die Seele
- 41Increased by 33Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break German
- 42Decreased by 8BBC Radio
Learning English Conversations
- 43Increased by 28Quarks
Quarks Science Cops
- 44Decreased by 11Binge Audio
Encore heureux
- 45NEWMartin Wehrle
Frag Martin – Der Podcast zur Lösung (fast) aller Probleme
- 46Increased by 92Daniele Ganser
- 47Decreased by 11Stefanie Giesinger & Studio Bummens
G Spot mit Stefanie Giesinger
- 48Increased by 33Lauryn Bosstick & Michael Bosstick / Dear Media
The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast
- 49Increased by 64Deutschlandfunk Nova
Hörsaal - Deutschlandfunk Nova
- 50Increased by 32Sascha Schmidt
Deutsch mit Schmidt | Advanced German Language Learning Podcast ( B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 )
- 51Decreased by 14RealLife English
RealLife English: Learn and Speak Confident, Natural English
- 52Decreased by 13BBC Radio
Learning English Stories
- 53Decreased by 18Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break French
- 54NEWCoffee Break Languages
Coffee Break Spanish
- 55Decreased by 9Élisabeth Feytit
Méta de Choc - la pensée critique appliquée à soi
- 56Decreased by 18Tanja Makarić &
- 57Decreased by 15Juliette Katz
Le Podkatz
- 58Decreased by 18DW
Wort der Woche | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 59Decreased by
Learn German | Deutsch lernen | ExpertlyGerman Podcast
- 60Decreased by 10Hoy Hablamos
Hoy Hablamos: Podcast diario para aprender español - Learn Spanish Daily Podcast
- 61NEWBabbel
Learn Spanish: Un día en español
- 62Decreased by 17swissgermanonline
Swiss German Online
- 63Decreased by 19Jonathan Focke und Maximilian Doeckel
Science Crimes
- 64Decreased by 8Claudia Bechert-Möckel
Leben Lieben Lassen - Inspirationen für dich, dein Leben & deine Beziehungen
- 65NEWJulia Layani
conversations avant la fin du monde
- 66NEWSpanish Language Coach
Más que Historias - Stories to Improve your Spanish
- 67Decreased by 16innerFrench
- 68Decreased by 21DW
Deutsche im Alltag – Alltagsdeutsch | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 69Decreased by 21Medina Lc
Era Lumineuse
- 70Decreased by 15Ralf Lederer & Chutikarn Lederer
Meditation zum Einschlafen
- 71Decreased by 19Luke Thompson
Luke's ENGLISH Podcast - Learn British English with Luke Thompson
- 72Increased by 38Handyspanish
Learn Spanish: Intermediate Spanish
- 73Decreased by 24Pierre - Français avec Pierre
Learn French with French Podcasts - Français avec Pierre
- 74Increased by 30Susanne Henkel und Astrid Kellenbenz
COACHINGBANDE - DER systemische Coaching-Podcast
- 75NEWIsra García
Disrupt Everything: La Súper Liga del 1% con Isra García
- 76Decreased by 23BBC
Learning Easy English
- 77Decreased by 19Hélène & Judith
Easy French: Learn French through authentic conversations | Conversations authentiques pour apprendre le français
- 78Decreased by 21The Sabrina Zohar Show
The Sabrina Zohar Show
- 79Decreased by 20Begin Again
Begin Again with Davina McCall
- 80Decreased by 26Christian Bischoff
Christian Bischoff - Der Mindset Podcast
- 81Increased by 46Robin Meinert
Auf Deutsch gesagt!
- 82Decreased by 22Daily Stoic | Wondery
The Daily Stoic
- 83Increased by 82Nagisa Morimoto
Little Talk in Slow French
- 84Decreased by 22Vikki Wright
The PhD Life Coach
- 85Decreased by 10Fabrice Midal
J'ai demandé à Fabrice
- 86Decreased by 19Daphné Moreau
Art de Vivre
- 87Decreased by 21Deutsch lernen durch Hören
Deutsch lernen durch Hören
- 88Increased by 79Jim Fortin
The Jim Fortin Podcast
- 89Decreased by 19Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Conversations with Tyler
- 90Decreased by
German Stories - Learn German with Stories | Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten
- 91Decreased by 19Matteo, Raffaele and the Easy Italian team
Easy Italian: Learn Italian with real conversations | Imparare l'italiano con conversazioni reali
- 93Decreased by 20ZEIT ONLINE
ZEIT Sprachen – English, please!
- 94Decreased by 18Japanese with Shun
Oyasumi Japanese with Shun
- 95NEWFiona Kimbell
The Divorced And Better Podcast
- 96Decreased by 18Pau and the Easy Spanish team
Easy Spanish: Learn Spanish with everyday conversations | Conversaciones del día a día para aprender español
- 97Decreased by 17Evy Poumpouras
Evy Poumpouras
- 98NEW
Mulligan Brothers Interviews
- 99Decreased by 22NPR
Life Kit
- 100Decreased by 9Lucrezia Oddone
Learn Italian with Lucrezia
- 101Decreased by 14Quelle Histoire
Quelle Histoire Présente
- 102Decreased by 18BBC News
Learning English For Work
- 103Decreased by 18EDU-Ai-Alliance
Klasse KI - Dein Podcast für Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung
- 104NEWLes Enseignants de Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Saint-Etienne/Lyon
La Webradio de l'Infectio
- 105Decreased by 19LCTS
Learning Chinese through Stories
- 107NEWAlex de Peasy Anglais
English avec Peasy
- 108NEWCollège Français d'ORL et Chirurgie cervico-faciale et le Studio des Griffons
Le Podcast du Collège Français d'ORL & CCF
- 109NEWshegotawaypodcast
She Got Away Podcast
- 110NEWThe Wizard Liz
The Wizard Liz
- 111NEWCoffee Break Languages
Coffee Break Italian
- 112Decreased by 22Miku
The Miku Real Japanese Podcast | Japanese conversation | Japanese culture
- 113NEWDidi
Didi의 한국문화 Podcast
- 114NEWCarl-Auer Sounds of Science
Carl-Auer Sounds of Science
- 115Decreased by 26Studio Biloba
Culture G
- 116NEWStefania Brucini
Valorizza il tuo tempo
- 117NEWEmilie
Passerelles : a French podcast for intermediate learners
- 118Decreased by 35Choses à Savoir
Real Life French
- 120Decreased by 27Matt D'Avella
Three Rules
- 121NEWThe Messy Podcast
Atomic Habits cheat sheet
- 122Decreased by 27KURIER - Verschwörungstheorien enttarnt
Fake Busters
- 123Decreased by 27Thomas Inauen
Swiss German Storytime
- 125Decreased by 25Mark Manson
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast
- 126NEWMiracle Fajr Podcast
Miracle Fajr Podcast
- 127Decreased by 29Ben Schuman-Stoler. Making big ideas personal. Get personal growth and business lessons from thought leaders and entrepreneurs.
Blinkist Podcast - Interviews | Personal Development | Productivity | Business | Psychology
- 128Decreased by 25Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break Japanese
- 129NEWEspañolistos | Learn Spanish With Fun Conversations!
Españolistos | Learn Spanish With Fun Conversations!
- 130Decreased by 31Datedoktor Emanuel Albert
Der Datedoktor Podcast
- 131Decreased by 30Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève
Pulsations Podcast
- 132Decreased by 30Olympe de Gê & Emmanuel Flamand-Roze
Le Serment d'Augusta
- 134Decreased by 23Adrien
Le Français c'est facile ! avec Adrien
- 135NEWJonathan Fields / Acast
Good Life Project
- 136Decreased by 30Mel Turner
Easy Swiss German - Learn Swiss German with Assisted Listening
- 137Decreased by 30Tam Kaur
Self Obsessed
- 138NEWBabbel
Ein Tag en español
- 139Decreased by
Deutsch Training Podcast
- 140Decreased by 23Brianna Gomez
Hot and Unbothered
- 141Decreased by 33Goethe-Institut
- 142Decreased by 30Duolingo
Duolingo French Podcast
- 143Decreased by 28BBC Radio
English in a Minute
- 144Decreased by 30Dear Media
Dear Gabby
- 145Decreased by 25Jicki - Sprachduschen
Italienisch lernen mit Jicki
- 146Decreased by 20Chloé Bloom
La vie suffit !
- 147Decreased by 31Dawid Straszak
Podcast Charyzmatyczny
- 148Decreased by 30Isabel von zur Gathen
EaseAdmin Podcast - Dein persönlicher Assistenz-Podcast
- 149NEWMichael Weber
Michael Weber Podcast
- 150NEWMy Human Design
Human Design with Jenna Zoe
- 151Decreased by 32François Lemay
Percevoir autrement
- 152Decreased by 31John Maxwell
Maxwell Leadership Podcast
- 153NEWiHeartPodcasts
Navigating Narcissism with Dr. Ramani
- 154NEWYves Karlen
Kompetent?! Ein Bildungspodcast
- 155NEWLinguistica 360
News in Slow Spanish
- 156Decreased by 27News in Slow German
German for Beginners
- 157Decreased by 69Stéphane Genêt
T'as qui en Histoire ?
- 158Decreased by 35Smart People Industries
Smart People Podcast
- 159NEWAlexander Schelle - Mentalist und Hypnotiseur - Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Kommunikation, Coaching, NLP und Psychologie
Die Geheimnisse eines Mentalisten - Kommunikation, NLP, Hypnose, Coaching und Psychologie
- 160NEWChris Aud
L'Éveil du Masculin
- 161Decreased by 36Tanja Jael Chvojan
Autismus der Podcast
- 162Increased by 25Martange
Allez j'ose !
- 163Decreased by 33Andreas Sator
Erklär mir die Welt
- 164Decreased by 42Sadhguru Français
Sadhguru Français
- 165Decreased by 41Europass Italian Language School
Italia 360°
- 166Decreased by 38Chad P. Bown
Trade Talks
- 167Decreased by 30Mimi Bouchard
- 168NEWEmilia Bartoeck
Grow Beyond
- 169Increased by 6Jordan Harbinger
The Jordan Harbinger Show
- 170Decreased by 39Charlas Hispanas
Charlas Hispanas: Aprende Español | Learn Spanish
- 171Decreased by 36Mandarin with Stories
Mandarin with Stories
- 172Decreased by 40DW
Top-Thema mit Vokabeln | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 173NEWLaura und Theresa
Let's GO! German Online - Dein Podcast zum Deutschlernen
- 174Increased by 4Fabien Sausset
Le français avec Fluidité
- 175Decreased by 36Leslie Lawson
By Less
- 177NEWThe 80000 Hours team
Effective Altruism: An Introduction – 80,000 Hours
- 178Decreased by 45PARENTALITÉ(S) - Éduquer c'est comprendre.
PARENTALITÉ(S) - Éduquer c'est comprendre.
- 179Decreased by 11Roger Rudolph / Milena Ragaz
Arbeitsrecht Inside
- 180NEWChinesePod LLC
ChinesePod - Intermediate
- 181Decreased by 39French Mornings with Elisa
French Mornings with Elisa
- 182NEWElif Erisik
- 183Decreased by 47Solmaz Barghgir
لام تا کلام
- 184Decreased by 44Institut Frühe Bildung 0 bis 8 PHSG
Frühe Bildung
- 185Decreased by 13Mischa Janiec
- 186NEWC'est qui la boss ?
C'est qui la boss ?
- 187Decreased by 7Tony Robbins
The Tony Robbins Podcast
- 188NEWMitteldeutscher Rundfunk
Weltgeschichte vor der Haustür
- 189NEWArzamas / Арзамас
Лекции Arzamas
- 190NEWCyprian Majcher
Elite Mentality
- 191NEWChina Plus
Old Wisdom, New Insights
TED Talks Education
- 193NEWJulie Canac-Marquis
- 194Decreased by 60Martin Steiger & Andreas Von Gunten, Datenschutzpartner
- 195Decreased by 52Ohlala French Course
Ohlala la France !
- 196Decreased by 55Fleet Maull
Radical Responsibility Podcast
- 197NEWEce Aybike Ala-Pettersen
Yapa Yapa Öğreniyoruz
- 198Decreased by 29Choses à Savoir
Best of - Choses à Savoir
- 199NEWDavid Hao, MD
Depth of Anesthesia
- 200Decreased by 56Dimitris and Artemis from Easy Greek
Super Easy Greek for Beginners: Listen to comprehensible Greek | Ελληνικά για αρχαρίους