Apple Podcasts – Spain – Books
Top podcasts in Spain from the Apple Podcasts charts for Books.
- 1Increased by 0Editorial Alma
Clásicos con Altura
- 2Increased by 0Ricardo Lugo
- 3Increased by 1Vanity Fair Spain
Hotel Jorge Juan
- 4Increased by 1Nacho Vega
Los audiolibros de Nacho Vega (audiolibros de Harry Potter)
- 5Increased by 2El País Audio
Qué estás leyendo. El podcast de libros de EL PAÍS
- 6Increased by 0Trotalibros
La taberna de Macondo
- 7Decreased by 4PlanetadeLibros en colaboración con El Terrat
¿Te quedas a leer?
- 8Increased by 7Ambre Chalumeau
Liste de lecture
- 9Decreased by 1Vanity Fair Spain
Nota al pie
- 10Increased by 2Cenobeita
El tiempo que nos dieron
- 11Increased by 5Top Audiolibros
Top Audiolibros
- 12Increased by 7Plosive
Sara & Cariad's Weirdos Book Club
- 13Increased by 61Efrén Villaverde
Audiolibros completos en español, para escuchar gratis.
- 14Decreased by 5Territorio de brujas lectoras
Territorio de brujas lectoras
- 15Increased by 14NPR
Fresh Air
- 16NEWHelios
La Biblioteca de Tizca
- 17Decreased by 7Ramón S.M.
- 18Decreased by 7Sére Skuld y Noviembre Nocturno
Onironautas Podcast
- 19NEWAudiolibros en castellano
Audiolibros en castellano
- 21Increased by 23Verika Pérez
- 22Decreased by 8Mis Propias Finanzas
Club de lectura de MPF
- 23Increased by 49Ainhoa Urquia y Jordi Serrano
Está por Leer
- 24Decreased by 6José Carlos Rodrigo & Jan Arimany
El café de Mendel
- 25Increased by 55BBC Radio 4
Take Four Books
- 26Decreased by 9Audiolibros en Castellano
Audiolibros en Castellano
- 27Decreased by 7The New York Times
The Book Review
- 29Decreased by 8Adrián Sussudio
Charlando con libros - Adrián Sussudio
- 30Decreased by 8SER Podcast
El Club de Lectura
- 31Decreased by 8Aceprensa
Una pregunta, literal
- 32Decreased by 8esRadio
Los Libros
- 33Decreased by 8Podcast Record
موسوعة الكتب الصوتية
- 34NEWLa Estación de Nieblas
La Estación de Nieblas
- 35Decreased by 9Red Key Podcast - Libros de Fantasía, Ciencia Ficción y Terror
Red Key Podcast - Libros de Fantasía, Ciencia Ficción y Terror
- 36NEWElly Griffiths
The Plot Thickens
- 37Decreased by 9amir soodbakhsh
Wrapup | رپاپ
- 38NEWCarlos Zambrano Pérez
El Mal Lector: Podcast de Literatura
- 39Decreased by 12Iohann Gualtero
Libros Hablados
- 40NEWEl Biblionauta
Esperant el Cometa
- 41NEWLectora ASMR
Lectora ASMR
Hoy toca libro
- 43NEWPablo Santiago
Historias con voz propia
- 44NEWJAliane HP
El cerebro (introducción) National Geographic
- 45Decreased by 15Michael Millward
Rest and Recreation
- 46Decreased by 15Renimar Mantilla
"La Vida Y La Muerte"
- 47NEWNicole
Comentando sobre o podcast Comentando sobre podcast robotizados pelo wha robotizados pelo WhatsApp
- 49NEWMics | مايكس
- 50Decreased by 18The Guardian
The Guardian Books podcast
- 51NEWConnor Goldsmith
- 52Decreased by 19rfog
Loleido: Libros sin Horas
- 53NEWElí Emmanuel
Susurrando eBook's
- 54NEWMario M.M.
Un Libro y un Micrófono
- 55Decreased by 21Vendula Czabak i Krzysztof Tomasik | Krytyka Polityczna
O książkach
- 56NEWAdri�n Poblaci�n Hern�ndez
El Planeta de los Libros
- 57NEWCasandra Gomora
Introducción. A Mitos Y Leyendas Del Mundo
- 58Decreased by 45MAT
Deep Dive. Tantos libros, tan poco tiempo
- 59Decreased by 23Joanna Penn
The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers
- 60Decreased by 23Alejandro
Audiolibros Cool
- 61Decreased by 23Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Revista Lengua
- 62Decreased by 23AudioLibros Dami y Vale
Cuentos Clasicos Infantiles
- 63Decreased by 23Fundación Japón
- 64Decreased by 23Ona Llibres
L'illa de Maians
- 65Decreased by 23Me lo leo
- 66Decreased by 23Doug Metzger
Literature and History
- 67Decreased by 22Ana González Duque
El escritor emprendedor
- 68Decreased by 22WNYC Studios and The New Yorker
The New Yorker: Poetry
- 69Decreased by 21RelájateConAna
RelájateConAna Audiolibros Completos en Español
- 70Decreased by 23À Punt Mèdia
Una habitació pròpia
- 72Decreased by 22Marco Neves
Pilha de Livros
- 74Decreased by 23Neil McRobert
Talking Scared
- 75Decreased by 22Women’s Prize Podcast/ Bird Lime Media
Bookshelfie: Women’s Prize Podcast
- 76Decreased by 24The Prancing Pony Podcast
Today's Tolkien Times
- 77Decreased by 23BBC Radio 2
The Radio 2 Book Club
- 78Decreased by 23Sonorus
Sonorus - Secrets de Serpentard : La Noble Famille Black
- 79Decreased by 23David Naimon, Tin House Books
Between The Covers : Conversations with Writers in Fiction, Nonfiction & Poetry
- 80Decreased by 23The Bugle
Realms Unknown
- 81Decreased by 22The Book Club Review
The Book Club Review
- 82Decreased by 22Julian Herrera y Fray Santiago Arango, O.P.
- 83Decreased by 22Apricot's Crazy Thoughts
Entre Historias
- 84Decreased by 22Constant Reader
Stephen King Cast
- 85Decreased by 22New Books Network
New Books Network en español
- 86Decreased by 22National Centre for Writing
The Writing Life
- 87Decreased by 22Brad Listi
Otherppl with Brad Listi
- 88Decreased by 22Guillermo Cuiriz
Historia sobre la brujería
- 89Decreased by 22Jorge Ramiro Márquez Calle
Relatos Divertidos en Español
- 90Decreased by 22Klara Friedl
Literatur - Romantik
- 91Decreased by 22Deanna Chapman
Chat Sematary: A Stephen King Podcast
- 92Decreased by 22ACDCómic
Menudas Viñetas
- 93Decreased by 22Aelia Phosphore
Lecture du coran
- 94Decreased by 21Libros de Trading
- 95Decreased by 7La Canción Continúa
La Canción Continúa
- 96Decreased by 21Big-Actions
- 97Decreased by 20Augustine Institute
Catholic Bible Study
- 98Decreased by 22Leyendo Ciencia Ficción
Podcast de Leyendo Ciencia Ficción
- 99Decreased by 64Audiolibros en Castellano
Lazarillo de Tormes - Audiolibro
- 100Decreased by 22Santiago García Tirado
Quimera-Revista de Literatura
- 101Decreased by 22Pari
Naaji /پادکست فارسی ناجی
- 102Decreased by 21Carmen Fernández de Blas
Quiero un libro tuyo
- 103Decreased by 21이다혜,밀리의 서재
리딩 케미스트리
- 104Decreased by 21Dunes Literàries
Dunes Literàries
- 105Decreased by 21Українська правда
Ранкова доза
- 106Decreased by 21LibriVox
Historia de la Sagrada Pasión sacada de los cuatro evangelios, Parte I by Padre Luis de la Palma (1559 - 1641)
- 108Decreased by 21Llegiu, que el món s'acaba!
Llegiu, que el món s'acaba
- 109Decreased by 18WNYC Studios and The New Yorker
The New Yorker: Fiction
- 110Decreased by 21Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
La corte del Rey, un Podcast de Stephen King producido por Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
- 111Decreased by 21El libro del año
El libro del año
- 112Decreased by 18Fantasy Fangirls | QCODE
Fantasy Fangirls
- 113Decreased by 21Editorial Alfaguara. Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial SAU
Bendita sed. La historia de la editorial Alfaguara
- 115Decreased by 20Loyal Books
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
- 116Decreased by 20LibriVox
North and South by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (1810 - 1865)
- 117Decreased by 20Radio Anagrama
Tema libre
- 118Decreased by 20Podcast Record
كنوز السيرة للشيخ عثمان الخميس
- 119Decreased by 20Bianca Marais, Carly Watters and CeCe Lyra
The Shit No One Tells You About Writing
- 120Decreased by 20Andy González
Fuego y Sangre - La Casa Del Dragón (Audiolibro Español Latino)
- 121Decreased by 20Luis Carballés
Audiolibros Carballes
- 122Decreased by 20Gabriela del Río
Gaby del Río, La voz del libro
- 123Decreased by 20LIBROS CHICO CHE
- 124Decreased by 20Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie Secret of the Chimneys
- 125Decreased by 20madison mitchell
Witches of Scotland
- 126Decreased by 20The Last Podcast Network
LPN Deep Dives: Crescent City
- 127Decreased by 20Barbara DeMarco-Barrett and Marrie Stone
Writers on Writing
- 128Decreased by 20Loyal Books
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- 129Decreased by
Sherlock Holmes Complete Audiobook Collection
- 130Decreased by 20kokipon
Harry Potter Audiobook
- 131Decreased by 20Nain Gualli Lema
Descubrimiento De América, Cristóbal Colón
- 132Decreased by 20Santiago Andres Ortega Pinilla
Música Pop
- 133Decreased by 20Lili García
Mis amigas las palabras
- 134Decreased by 20Andrea Monrroy Frias
- 135Decreased by 20Karla Emily Rodríguez Novia
Educación En Niños Con Autismo
- 137Decreased by 17Esquirlas del Cosmere
Esquirlas del Cosmere
- 138Decreased by 19David
La Audioteca, libros para escuchar
- 139Decreased by 22Lili Quant
Clásicos al oído
- 141Decreased by 20Kelton Reid
The Writer Files: Writing, Productivity, Creativity, and Neuroscience
- 142Decreased by 20Great Literature
Great Audiobooks
- 143Decreased by 20Chris Hedges
The Chris Hedges Report
- 144Decreased by 20The Prancing Pony Podcast
The Prancing Pony Podcast
- 145Decreased by 20Dan Simpson
Writer's Routine
- 146Decreased by 20Otro Libro Mas
Otro Libro Mas Podcast
- 147Decreased by 20Tony Sanchez
Podcasts Al Estilo
- 148Decreased by 20La Amiga Eres Tú
La amiga eres tú
- 149Decreased by 19محمد
- 150Decreased by 16The L.A.M.E Book Club, Bleav
L.A.M.E. Book Club Podcast
- 151Decreased by 22idíl·liQ
- 152Decreased by 21Karla Rotach y Danielle Zehnder
La literatura no es tortura
- 153Decreased by 21La Vanguardia
Los libros secretos
- 154Decreased by 21Serena_Moon06
Las Bicicletas Son Para El Verano
- 155Decreased by 20Baptiste et Grégoire
Le Petit Prince
- 156Decreased by 20Adriana Ardiles
En busca de la felicidad: "Entiende tu mente"
- 157Decreased by 20La Biblioteca de Merlin
Preguntas y Respuestas con el tío Merlin
- 158Decreased by 20elmer gallardo
Que es amor?
- 159Decreased by 19Catalunya R�dio
- 160Decreased by 19Елена Помазан
Первая глава
- 161Decreased by 19Katie Dozier and Timothy Green
The Poetry Space_
- 162Decreased by 19Ser Ezra the Watchful
The Flannel Wizard
- 163Decreased by 19Malapalabra radio
Malapalabra Radio
- 164Decreased by 19Cory Doctorow
Podcast – Cory Doctorow's
- 165Increased by 30Sinjania
Madera de Escritor
- 166Decreased by 17文化有限
- 167Decreased by 20Audiolibros en Castellano
El principito - Audiolibros en castellano
- 168Decreased by 22NPR
NPR's Book of the Day
- 169Increased by 3Loyal Books
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- 170Decreased by 22蜜獾吃书
- 171Decreased by 21Pao Galindo
Un libro, una historia
- 172Decreased by 19Siempre al Oeste
Siempre al oeste
- 173Decreased by 14Amante de Libros Clasicos
Crimen y Castigo - Lectura completa
- 174Decreased by 23Roberto García y Emil Martínez
- 175Decreased by 23The Paris Review
The Paris Review
- 176Decreased by 9Roshan Abady
پادکست ناوکست / Navcast
- 177Decreased by 19Sherlock Holmes Bedtime Pod
Sherlock Holmes Bedtime Stories
- 178Decreased by 23Hesam Ipakchi
پادکست فارسی انسانک | Ensanak
- 179Decreased by 23Gran Literatura
- 180Decreased by 23Radio Westeros
Radio Westeros ASOIAF Podcast
- 181Decreased by 21Top Audiolibros Resumen
Top Audiolibros Resumen
- 182Decreased by 19ABISMOfm
Audiollibres i relats
- 183Decreased by 22Galiana
¡Alerta, aquí leemos!
- 184Decreased by 22Dr Azarakhsh mokri
پادکست آذرخش مکری
- 185Decreased by 21Eva Comas Arnal
La Maraldina: L'univers desconegut de Mercè Rodoreda
- 186Decreased by 21Resúmenes de Sabiduría
Resumenes de Sabiduria
- 187Decreased by 21Nuestros audio libros
Nuestros audio libros
- 188Decreased by 20Michel de Polignac
En el enjambre-Byung-Chul Han
- 189Decreased by 20Jared Henderson & Wesley Walker
The Classical Mind
- 190Decreased by 20Quiana Goodrum
Sleep Sexy
- 191Decreased by 18Faeeqe Tabrizi
هیرولیک | Herolic
- 192Decreased by 21On Being Studios
Poetry Unbound
- 193Decreased by 39AudioLibros Dami y Vale
EL PRINCIPITO, Novela de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- 194Decreased by 17CFLCCDL
Club de Lectura CFLC
- 196Decreased by 22ABISMOfm
Audiolibros y relatos
- 197Increased by 3Retronauta
Los Retronautas
- 198Decreased by 23Rancho Drácula
Rancho Drácula
- 200Decreased by 7Catalunya R�dio