Apple Podcasts – Italy – Fiction
Top podcasts in Italy from the Apple Podcasts charts for Fiction.
- 1Increased by 1Manume - Look At Me Podcast
Mitologia Gettata
- 2Decreased by 1Gianni Gozzoli
Il diario degli oggetti
- 3Increased by 1NOISER
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories
- 4Increased by 2Ariel Goodbody, Polyglot English Teacher & Glassbox Media
Easy Stories in English
- 5Decreased by 2Il Post
Paolo Nori legge
- 6Increased by 55Sonoro | RDLN
Relatos de la Noche
- 7Increased by 2tanzpardazi | طنزپردازی
طنزپردازی | tanzpardazi
- 8Decreased by
Storie pazzesche, tra leggenda e realtà
- 9Decreased by 2Johnny Faina
C'è vita nel Grande Nulla Agricolo?
- 10Increased by 54Bloody FM
Mayfair Watchers Society
- 11Increased by 1Sirene Records
- 12Increased by 98Akasha Nova 🌙
ESOTERICA - il podcast della strega
- 13Increased by 2Rokh Podcast
پادکست رخ
- 14Decreased by 6Caliburn
La Divina Commedia - INFERNO
- 15Increased by 21Artisti Fuori Posto
Audio libri e Audio racconti
- 16Increased by 50DeepNerd Media
Old Gods of Appalachia
- 17Decreased by 6Lino Guanciale - Luca Bianchini - Corìma - Marco Ponti
Il mio sogno americano
- 18Increased by 163d4 – TREdQUATTRO
La Guerra dei Fratelli - MTG Lore - BRO
- 19Increased by 39Wired Italia
- 21Increased by 71Bloody FM
The Antiquarium of Sinister Happenings
- 22NEWSergio Succu
UFO e alieni
- 23Increased by 112Dr. NoSleep Studios
Scary Horror Stories by Dr. NoSleep
- 25Increased by 132Danilo Bertazzi
Mostri Sotto Il Letto - Danilo Bertazzi
- 26Increased by 133Podium Podcast
El Gran Apagón
- 27NEWImaginary Comma
- 28NEWEscape Artists, Inc
Cast of Wonders
- 29Increased by 126Fepo
- 30NEWEeriecast Network
Redwood Bureau
- 31NEWRadio Genius
Esercizi di Scrittura creativa
- 32NEWRadio Svolta
- 33NEWDavid Carminati
Brasca - Storie de pùra
- 34NEWDaniel Pires
- 35NEWiHeartPodcasts
The Hookup
- 36NEWSonoro | Try Stan Terror
Try Stan Terror
- 37NEWSir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Red Headed League - Sir Arthur Conan
- 38NEWRealm
Undertow: Trio of Nightmares
- 39Decreased by 29Little Nightmares - Bandai Namco Europe
Il Suono degli Incubi
- 40Decreased by 21Valerio Di Stefano
Canne al vento by Grazia Deledda (1871 - 1936)
- 41Increased by 21Sowt | صوت
Juha | جحا
- 42Increased by 35arash kaviani
Ravi | پادکست فارسی راوی
Knallhart - Die ARD Thriller-Hörspiele
- 44Increased by 29Harlan Guthrie
- 45Decreased by 32Banshee Studio
La suite di Java
- 46Increased by 145Fool and Scholar Productions
The White Vault
- 47Increased by 32Corriere della Sera
- 48Increased by 36Lucky Red
LE REGOLE DEL VENERABILE - La storia del tutto autentica, tranne le parti in cui è menzognera, di Licio Gelli, il capo della loggia P2
- 49Increased by 107Radio_Sitcom
- 50NEWAudible Originals
Impact Winter
- 51NEWBrennan Storr & Brandon Schexnayder
Fear Daily
- 52NEWMaria Gargiulo | Podcast Master
Le Storie della Buonanotte
- 53NEWBilly
Horror Stories
- 54NEW方鸣远播
- 55Increased by 5Déia Freitas
Não Inviabilize
- 56NEWJack Wolf
Le cassette di Jack
- 57NEWAlessandro Ghisalberti
Counselling e Letteratura
- 58NEWEskew Productions Ltd
The Silt Verses
- 59NEWChilling Entertainment, LLC & Studio71
Horror Hill: A Horror Anthology and Scary Stories Series Podcast
- 60NEWThe Wrong Station
Wrong Station
- 61NEWЮлия Платонова
12 книг, которые меняют жизнь
- 62NEWFool and Scholar Productions
VAST Horizon
- 63Decreased by 24Amico Diverte
La Notte delle Creepypasta
- 64Decreased by 50Frank Moretti
Cronache dalla Terra di Mezzo
- 65Decreased by 30BBC Radio 4
The Archers
- 66Decreased by 50Fabio Fabiano
- 67Decreased by 49Atypical Artists
The Bright Sessions
- 68Decreased by 42Goalhanger
Sherlock & Co.
- 69Decreased by 52Justine Norton-Kertson
Demand Utopia: A Solarpunk Podcast
- 70Decreased by 50Misteriossa
I Racconti di Misteriossa - Storie Horror e Fantasy
- 71Increased by 20当年明月
- 72Increased by 9Sigrid Dufraimont
The Lesbian Romantic - Immersive Stories
- 73Decreased by 51iHeartPodcasts
Cancellation Island
- 74Decreased by 53Fan Friction Podcast
- 75Decreased by 47Gli Ascoltabili
Il peso dell'aria
- 76Decreased by 52Valentina Poddighe
Questo Podcast NON ESISTE
- 77Decreased by 50TA2 Productions
Sorry About The Murder
- 78Decreased by 55Penny4
Up In Smoke
- 79Decreased by 54Emerald Audio
The Royals of Malibu
- 80Decreased by 50Jon Hagadorn
1001 Classic Short Stories & Tales
- 81Decreased by 52Pod People
Ghosthoney’s Dream Machine
- 82Decreased by 51Bloody FM
SCP Archives
- 83Decreased by 51Rogue Dialogue
- 84Decreased by 51Roberta Lelli
Storie per Ragazzi Grandi
- 85Increased by 12BBC Radio 4
The Archers Omnibus
- 86Increased by 13Wayland Productions Inc
We're Alive
- 87Decreased by 49Entertainment Radio
Dangerously Yours
- 88NEWSarah Rhea Werner
Girl In Space
- 89Decreased by 24Pit Enjoy Ever
Pit Enjoy Ever - Paranormale, Horror, Mistero
- 90Decreased by 48Kinda Evil Genius Productions, LLC
Wolf 359
- 91Decreased by 54ciesse
Ludovico Ariosto - Orlando Furioso
- 92Decreased by 48Athan
The Grotto
- 93Decreased by 25oSuonoMio
Uccidimi Adesso
- 94Decreased by 44魏小河
- 95NEWDipsea
Fictional Men Written By Women
- 96Decreased by 56Jeff Schmidt
- 97Decreased by 56ll
Audiolibri "Liber Liber"
- 98Decreased by 52Azaria Scavuzzo
Il Silmarillion (J.R.R. Tolkien) - AUDIOLIBRO
- 99Decreased by 50Sleep Cove
Mysteries at Midnight - Mystery Stories read in the soothing style of a bedtime story
- 100Increased by 29Harlan Guthrie
- 101Decreased by 56Marios Christou
Mythology & Fiction Explained
- 102Decreased by 55Devlin Wylde
Erotic Stories from Wylde in Bed
- 103Decreased by 55Coffee Break Languages
La Vérité éclate toujours - Advanced audio drama from Coffee Break French
- 104Decreased by 53Voyage Media
The Genome Killer
- 105Decreased by 53Voyage Media
- 106Decreased by 53Sowt | صوت
Sindbad | سندباد
- 107Decreased by 53Rosy Di Carlo
Babbo Natale è Donna
- 108Decreased by 53Строки
Слушайте и Читайте
- 109Decreased by 53皇甫名玥
- 110Decreased by 53XOW
X of Words
- 111Decreased by 48Lucia Laura Ferrari
VIVI: Storie di qui e d'altrove
- 112Increased by 34Hörspiel und Feature
- 113NEWSlumber Studios
The Sleepy Bookshelf
- 114Increased by 37Imploding Fictions
The Amelia Project
- 115Increased by 67Amin Matin
Saate Sefr Podcast | پادکست ساعت صفر
- 117Decreased by 50Caliburn
La Divina Commedia - PURGATORIO
- 118Decreased by 49Format Mentis
- 119Decreased by 48小拾柒_ZY
- 120Decreased by 48Alessandro Cocilova
RAEE - Storie digitali
- 121Decreased by 47Airship / Wondery
- 122Decreased by 47Sol Good Media
Old Time Radio Superman
- 123NEWGabriel Urbina
Dracula: The Danse Macabre
- 124Decreased by 35Signor Creepypasta
Creepypasta: I Racconti Horror del Web
- 125Decreased by 12Night Vale Presents
Welcome to Night Vale
- 126Increased by 6Marco Bassi
- 127Decreased by 12Bloody FM
Scare You To Sleep
- 128Decreased by 27Daniele Bencivenni
- 129NEWWestdeutscher Rundfunk
WDR Hörspiel-Speicher
- 130Increased by 65RADIO GIANO PH
- 131Increased by 7Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
Tolstois Krieg und Frieden – Hörspiel in 35 Teilen
- 132Increased by 37Schønlein Media
Einschlafen mit Hogwarts
- 133Decreased by 30Bepi Costantino
Fantasiosamente vero
- 134Decreased by 58Radio Bremen
Kein Mucks! – Der Krimi-Podcast mit Bastian Pastewka
- 135NEWCristina Merlini
Perry Mason e l'avversario leale
- 136Decreased by 49RADIONATIDOMANI
- 137NEWvladimir
L'Étranger, lu par Camus
- 138Decreased by 68The McElroys
The Adventure Zone
- 139Decreased by 46Cristina Merlini
Perry Mason e la nave bisca (Early Stanley Gardner)
- 140Increased by 30Abigail Eliza
Back Again, Back Again
- 141Decreased by 82Love Radio Manila
Raqi’s Secret Files
- 142Decreased by 60BBC Radio 4
Call Jonathan Pie
- 143Decreased by 20Chora Media
The horror podcast
- 144NEWWellness Loud
Stories from the Village of Nothing Much
- 145Decreased by 62BBC Radio 4
The Lovecraft Investigations
- 146Decreased by 61Deutschlandfunk
Professor van Dusen
- 147Decreased by 61DWM | Realm
- 148Decreased by 60Francesca Vizzari
- 149NEWSchokofrösche
Die Schokofrösche - Der Harry Potter Podcast
- 151Increased by 36Samuele Sciarrillo
Le Ali di Vik
- 152Decreased by 57Kontinue Productions
Red Valley
- 153Decreased by 59Andrea Tupac Mollica
- 154Increased by 19Realm
Undertow: Trio of Nightmares
- 156Decreased by 22Mattia Buffoli
I segreti del paranormale
- 157Decreased by 77Sonoro
Portal Sonoro
- 158NEWCritical Role
- 159Decreased by 50Mary Robinette Kowal, DongWon Song, Erin Roberts, Dan Wells, and Howard Tayler
Writing Excuses
- 160Decreased by 64Francesca Bosco
Sipario Semplice
- 161NEWHarrooz Team
پادکستِ هرروز
- 163Decreased by 65Ice Murdock
- 164NEWBBC Radio 4
- 165NEWVoyage Media
The Third Threat
- 166Decreased by 66Fortunate Horse, Worlds Beyond Number
Worlds Beyond Number
- 167Decreased by 63ciesse
The Short Story Podcast
- 168Decreased by 63Lighthouse Horror
Lighthouse Horror Podcast
- 169Decreased by 63Dumb-Dumbs & Dice
Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons: A D&D Podcast
- 170Decreased by 12StorySeekers Podcast
- 171NEWVoyage Media
Enemy Within
- 172NEWBBC Radio 4
Drama of the Week
- 173NEWDennis Humphrey
Radio Detective Story Hour
- 174Decreased by 47Creative Reason Media Inc.
The NoSleep Podcast
- 175NEWElisa e Francesca
- 176Decreased by 65Business Goose Media
Midnight Burger
Les Enquêtes de Sherlock Holmes
- 178Decreased by 62Rimpi Garg
Latest Peppa pig Stories
- 179Increased by 0Terrores Nocturnos
Terrores Nocturnos
- 180Decreased by 14Path of Night
Path of Night Podcast
- 181Decreased by 14B.J. Harrison
The Classic Tales Podcast
- 182Decreased by 104As The Raven Dreams
As The Raven Dreams Podcast
- 183Decreased by 75Max
Batman: The Audio Adventures
- 184Decreased by 72Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
- 185NEWDipsea
Sapphic Stories - Spicy WLW Fiction
Auf der Spur - Die ARD Ermittlerkrimis
- 187Decreased by 35QCODE
Last Known Position
- 188Decreased by 11Podium Podcast
- 189NEWNight Vale Presents
Within the Wires
- 190NEWMaeltopia
The Gentleman From Hell
- 191Decreased by 77QCODE
- 192Decreased by 66Kwentong Takipsilim
Kwentong Takipsilim Pinoy Tagalog Horror Stories Podcast
- 193Decreased by 76Cryptic Radio
Close Your Eyes
- 194Decreased by 76Lucia Laura Ferrari
VIVI: Stories of here and beyond
- 195Decreased by 76The Frankenstein Files
The Frankenstein Files
- 196NEWGZM Shows
Six Minutes
- 197NEWBBC Radio 4
Short Story
- 198NEWAndrea
Storytello: storie della buona notte per addormentarsi serenamente
- 199NEWDevlin Wylde
Sexy Stories on Sunday
- 200Decreased by 59Fool and Scholar Productions
The Liberty Podcast