Apple Podcasts – Portugal – Books
Top podcasts in Portugal from the Apple Podcasts charts for Books.
- 1Increased by 0Renascença
Renascença - Em Grande Reforma
- 2Increased by 0Mariana Alvim
Vale a pena com Mariana Alvim
- 3Increased by 0Raquel Marinho
O Poema Ensina a Cair
- 4Increased by 88Luís Escudeiro / Eugénia de Oliveira
Livros para Ouvir
- 5Increased by 66Mariana Trinchão
Mulheres que Correm com os Lobos (estudo do livro)
- 6Increased by 0Marco Neves
Pilha de Livros
- 7Decreased by 3Magda Cruz
Ponto Final, Parágrafo
- 8Decreased by 1Diogo Vaz Pinto e Fernando Ramalho
Enterrados no Jardim
- 9NEWRicardo Lugo
- 10Decreased by 2Poeta da Cidade
- 11NEWMaria Isaac
- 12Increased by 66Justice for Dumb Women
Sentimental Garbage
- 13NEWGreat Literature
Great Audiobooks
- 14Increased by 177London Review Bookshop
London Review Bookshop Podcast
- 15Increased by 131Barnes & Noble
Poured Over
- 16Increased by 54Anne Bogel
What Should I Read Next?
- 17Increased by 27WNYC Studios and The New Yorker
The New Yorker: Fiction
- 18Decreased by 6chroniclesofmariana
The Books and The Tea
- 20Increased by 34iHeartPodcasts
The Greatest True Crime Stories Ever Told
- 22NEWThe Prancing Pony Podcast
The Prancing Pony Podcast
- 23NEWThe Tolkien Road
The Tolkien Road
- 24NEWHannah, Micaela and Kyleigh
It Gets Good
- 25NEWVanity Fair Spain
Nota al pie
- 26NEWIn Our Bookish Era
In Our Bookish Era
- 27NEWThe Tolkien Professor (Corey Olsen)
The Tolkien Professor
- 28Decreased by 23Marta Santos
Julgo pela Capa
- 29Increased by 21El País Audio
Qué estás leyendo. El podcast de libros de EL PAÍS
- 30Increased by 134Plosive
Sara & Cariad's Weirdos Book Club
- 31Increased by 156Gilson Joy
- 32NEWSandra Pimenta
- 33NEWAmante de Libros Clasicos
Crimen y Castigo - Lectura completa
- 34NEWThe Podcast Network
Mystery & Suspense Library
- 35Increased by 80FNAC Portugal
Ponto de desencontro FNAC
- 36Decreased by 27Flávio Alves
O Leitor Comum
- 37Increased by 22Neolivros
Audiolivros em português
- 38Increased by 9NPR
Fresh Air
- 39Increased by 61Worst Bestsellers
The Worst Bestsellers
- 40Increased by 65NPR
NPR's Book of the Day
Velshi Banned Book Club
- 42NEWMethod and Madness
Method and Madness
- 43NEWJ. M. Barrie
Peter Pan Audiobook
- 46NEWLumar Matos
The Daily Stoic - 366 Daily Meditations
- 48NEWإذاعة مختلف
- 49NEWAna Sardinha
- 50NEWLuciana Alves Borba Couto
- 51Decreased by 11Quatro cinco um
451 MHz
- 52Decreased by 34Renascença
Renascença - Ensaio Geral
- 53Increased by 8Vanessa Augusto / Rádio Nova
Mesa de cabeceira
- 55Increased by 21Audio Books
The Audiobooks Podcast
- 56NEWThe Paris Review
The Paris Review
- 57NEWNunca tires la toalla
Nunca tires la toalla
- 58Increased by 2Octávio Nuno
Prazeres Interrompidos
- 59Decreased by 43Imprensa Nacional
O Essencial Sobre
- 60Decreased by 49Radio Literal
Radio Literal
- 61Decreased by 51On Being Studios
Poetry Unbound
- 62NEWSatya Doyle Byock and Carol Ferris
Carl Jung's Red Book + Astrology
- 63Decreased by 50Imprensa Nacional
A Poesia Dita
- 64Decreased by 50Студія Калідор
Аудіокниги українською Студія Калідор
- 65Decreased by 50Cultura Editora
É Outra História
- 66Decreased by 49Medieval Death Trip
Medieval Death Trip
- 67Decreased by 47Iandê Albuquerque
para todas as pessoas intensas.
- 68Decreased by 46Casa do Aço
Só se estraga uma estante
- 69Decreased by 48The Meow Library
MEOW: A Literary Podcast for Cats
- 70Decreased by 47Fantasy Fangirls | QCODE
Fantasy Fangirls
- 71Decreased by 43Livros e Listas
Livros e Listas
- 72Decreased by 48Jéssica Vieira e Sara Lopes
Surtos Literários
- 73Decreased by 48Pedro Pacífico
Daria Um Livro
- 74Decreased by 48Poetry Foundation
Poetry Off the Shelf
- 75Decreased by 48Podcast Record
كنوز السيرة للشيخ عثمان الخميس
- 76Decreased by 46Thais Ferreira
A Arte Da Guerra - Sun Tzu
- 77Decreased by 43Antonia Negreiros
Histórias Infantis
- 78Decreased by 49The Horny Book Club
The Horny Book Club
- 79Decreased by 48Agatha Crimstie
Agatha Crimstie
- 80Decreased by 47ADN RADIO
Cuatro ojos
- 81Decreased by 46Tom Dussek
Poetry read by Tom Dussek
- 82Decreased by 46Jessica
Era outra vez...
- 83Decreased by 46miguel branco
Quinteto Literário: conversas na Livraria Martins
- 84Decreased by 46Ariel Bissett & Raeleen Lemay
Books Unbound
- 85Decreased by 46Rita França Ferreira
Vit'a Ler
- 86Decreased by 44Vanessa Teixeira
Tenho, mas não li... ainda!
- 87Decreased by 46Терменвокс
Мрачные сказки
- 88Decreased by 69LibriVox
Chopin: the Man and His Music by James Huneker (1857 - 1921)
- 89Decreased by 43The New York Times
The Book Review
- 90Decreased by 28I'll Read What She's Reading
I'll Read What She's Reading
- 91Decreased by 46Destiny Sidwell
Bookmark'd with Sara & Des
- 92Decreased by 40Livrólicos Anónimos
Livrólicos Anónimos
- 93NEWLuis Carballés
El Arte de la guerra - Sun Tzú
- 94Decreased by 36文化有限
- 95NEWpodcast – The Methods of Rationality Podcast
podcast – The Methods of Rationality Podcast
- 96Decreased by 47Benjamin McEvoy
Hardcore Literature
- 97Decreased by 49Mentor New York
TheAge of the Condottieri: A Short History of Mediaeval Italy from 1409-1530, by Oscar Browning
- 98Decreased by 45Inês Santos
Só Mais Uma Página
- 99Decreased by 48Helena Mota e Rita Campos
Bookstruck - Podcast literário
- 100Decreased by 45procrastinationplanet
The Procrastination Planet Podcast
- 101Decreased by 45Mariana Rebocho
Escrito Por Linhas Tortas
- 102Decreased by 45Andreia Cabral e Cláudia Cipriano
Edição de Bolso
- 103Increased by 11Micha’s Bookshelf
Micha’s Bookshelf
- 104Decreased by 39Tiago Novaes
- 105Decreased by 42Traci Thomas
The Stacks
- 106NEWMythologie Grecque Décomplexée
Mythologie Grecque Décomplexée
- 107Decreased by 38Laila B.
Dois Livros Por Mês
- 108Decreased by 44Game of Thrones
Bend the Knee: A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast
- 109Decreased by 43José Rezende Jr
Audiolivros - Clássicos
- 110Decreased by 43Monica Leite
Clássicos Da Humanidade Audiolivros
- 111Decreased by 43Chautona Havig
The Because Fiction Podcast
- 112Increased by 23Jason Weiser, Carissa Weiser, Nextpod
Myths and Legends
- 113Decreased by 31London Review of Books
Close Readings
- 114NEWHistory of Westeros
History of Westeros (Game of Thrones)
- 115Increased by 43Neil McRobert
Talking Scared
- 116Increased by 46Robots Radio
Lord of the Rings Lorecast
- 117Increased by 81Nacho Vega
Los audiolibros de Nacho Vega (audiolibros de Harry Potter)
- 118Decreased by 24Backlisted
- 119NEWDavid Naimon, Tin House Books
Between The Covers : Conversations with Writers in Fiction, Nonfiction & Poetry
- 120Increased by 4Symphony Space
Selected Shorts
- 121Decreased by 48蜜獾吃书
- 122Decreased by 47Juliana Bazanelli
Áudio-book Mulheres que Correm com os Lobos
- 123Decreased by 51Adam Lehrer, Matthew Denicola
System of Systems
- 124Decreased by 50ABC News | Charlie Gibson, Kate Gibson
The Book Case
- 125Decreased by 48Süreyya Yayınları
- 126NEWLost in Roshar
Lost in Roshar
- 127Increased by 2Between Pages & Friends
Between Pages & Friends
- 128NEWChristina Kann
The Restricted Section
- 129NEWThe L.A.M.E Book Club, Bleav
L.A.M.E. Book Club Podcast
- 130NEWBrad Listi
Otherppl with Brad Listi
- 132NEWMitzi Rapkin
First Draft: A Dialogue on Writing
- 133Decreased by 54Luís Ricardo Duarte
Verdes Anos
- 134NEWKelton Reid
The Writer Files: Writing, Productivity, Creativity, and Neuroscience
- 135Decreased by 5Eduardo Cárdenas Mx
52 libros al año | con Eduardo Cardenas
- 136NEWLuís Vaz de Camões
Os Lusíadas
- 137NEWsisreads
- 138NEWMerve Emre
The Critic and Her Publics
- 139NEW法鼓山香港道場
聖嚴法師有聲書 (粵語版)
- 140Decreased by 59Chris Hedges
The Chris Hedges Report
- 141Decreased by 61تاريخ مسموع
الزمن بأعين ابن كثير
- 142Decreased by 55Penguin Random House UK
On the Road with Penguin Classics
- 143Decreased by 60Arash kaviani
LalaLand | لالالند
- 144Decreased by 60Peter Sirr and Enda Wyley
Books for Breakfast
- 145Decreased by 60Adriano Ribeiro e Mary Ratier
Ideias de Livros
- 147Decreased by 59Bru VidaViva
Histórias e Meditações Para Crianças
- 148Decreased by 26Merriam-Webster
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
- 149Decreased by 18Eric Lewis
tipsyturvy Ulysses
- 150Decreased by 60Mike Ingram and Tom McAllister
Book Fight
- 151Decreased by 60Brooklyn Public Library
- 152NEWTop Audiolivros Resumos
Top Audiolivros Resumos
- 153NEWIsaac Wong from Sparksine
Sparksine廣東話讀書會Podcast --With Isaac
- 154NEWF. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby
- 155NEWThe Thing About Austen
The Thing About Austen
- 156NEWФёдор Замыцкий
Книжный разговор
- 157Decreased by 68National Review
The Great Books
- 158NEWClassic Literature
Classic Audiobook Collection
- 159Increased by 30Elite
Elite Microbooks
- 160NEWIl Post
Wild Baricco
- 161NEWJanie, Judy, Tasha
BookTok Made Me Do It
- 162Decreased by 67LibriVox
Concerning the Spiritual in Art by Wassily Kandinsky (1866 - 1944)
- 163NEWSalty Vixen
Bedtime Stories With Salty Vixen
- 164NEWMis Propias Finanzas
Club de lectura de MPF
- 165NEWAustin & Richard
2 To Ramble
- 166NEWPlanetadeLibros en colaboración con El Terrat
¿Te quedas a leer?
- 167NEWRead Me Romance
Read Me Romance
- 168NEWTerapia en Voz Alta
Psicoanálisis en voz alta
- 169Decreased by 56Sherlock Holmes Bedtime Pod
Sherlock Holmes Bedtime Stories
- 170Decreased by 77Lauren Martin & Words of Women
- 171NEWSwish and Flick Podcast
Swish and Flick: A Harry Potter Podcast
- 172Decreased by 76Christopher Hermelin
So Many Damn Books
- 173Decreased by 76Jon Menaster : Lover of Literature
Read Learn Live Podcast
- 174Decreased by 76Mean Book Club
Mean Book Club
- 175Decreased by 76Poetry Foundation
Audio Poem of the Day
- 176Decreased by 75Pushkin Industries
Well-Read Black Girl with Glory Edim
- 177Decreased by 75鼓腹而游播客
- 178Decreased by 75Alexander Armstrong
The World of Wodehouse
- 179NEWMaryna Moynihan
Районна бібліотека
- 180Increased by 1FELIPE AUDIOBOOK
- 181NEWThe Academy of American Poets
- 182NEWLoyal Books
Os Lusíadas by Luís Vaz de Camões
- 183NEWShawn Q and Jack
Heroes of presents: The Stormpod (A Stormlight Archive podcast)
- 184NEWGrayson Melvin Webb
6 dicas sobre como estudar recomendações e podcasts de livros online
- 186NEWRádio Morabeza
Às Páginas Tantas - Rádio Morabeza
- 187NEWApple Inc.
Kate DiCamillo: Meet the Author
- 188NEWEverton Esquivel
- 189NEWJúlia Mafuz
A Princesa e o Grão de Ervilha
- 190NEWSérgio Araújo
tanta poesia
- 191NEWMike Schubert
The Newest Olympian
- 192NEWMarcus Aurelius
The Meditations - Audiobook
- 193Decreased by 67Bryan Cohen and H. Claire Taylor: Self Publishing Author Entrepreneurs
The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice
- 194Decreased by 58Shardbreaker
The Shardbreaker Podcast
- 195NEWFollowing Nohadon
Following Nohadon: A Stormlight Podcast
- 196Decreased by 90Potluck Podcast Collective
Books and Boba
- 197Decreased by 90Morgan Harper Nichols
Spaces with Morgan Harper Nichols
- 198Decreased by 90Constant Reader
Stephen King Cast
- 199Decreased by 90Clara and Clare
One More Chapter
- 200Decreased by 56Joanna Penn
The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers