Apple Podcasts – Slovakia – Education
Top podcasts in Slovakia from the Apple Podcasts charts for Education.
- 1Increased by 0Denis a Patrik Kováč
Mozgová Atletika
- 2Increased by 1Pavol Neruda
- 3Decreased by
Dejepis Inak
- 4Increased by 0vedatorskypodcast
Vedátorský podcast
- 5Increased by 1Mel Robbins
The Mel Robbins Podcast
- 6Increased by 4Pavel Procházka
Podcast Pavel Procházka
- 7Decreased by 2Laufi
Angličtina do auta
- 8Decreased by 1TROSHKA
- 9Increased by 97Dr. Michael Gervais
Finding Mastery with Dr. Michael Gervais
- 10Decreased by 1Petr Ludwig
- 11Decreased by 3Moderná Psychológia
Moderná Psychológia
- 13Increased by 0BBC
Learning Easy English
- 14Decreased by 2Ai v kostce
AI v kostce
- 15Increased by 3Matej Hrabovský
Mindfulness, sebarozvoj a pozitívna psychológia
- 16Increased by 0BBC Radio
6 Minute English
- 17Increased by 6ZAPO
Búrači gastromýtov
- 18Decreased by 7Cari, Manuel und das Team von Easy German
Easy German: Learn German with native speakers | Deutsch lernen mit Muttersprachlern
- 19Increased by 25Lucie Kolaříková dipl. psych.
- 20Increased by 1Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
- 21Increased by 148Jakub Stejskal
Inspiro Jakuba Stejskala
- 22Decreased by
Schooltag (školský podcast
- 23Increased by 82Rádio Universum
Rádio Universum
- 24Decreased by 9Tayanna Ortiz
Maestra Miel: Slow English Podcast
- 25Decreased by 8Bronislava Švrčková
Dobrý kouč Vám číta
- 26Increased by 3BBC Radio
Learning English from the News
- 27Decreased by 8Mrchy z pekel
Mrchy z pekel
- 28Decreased by 8Brain We Are
Brain We Are CZ
- 30Decreased by 8BBC Radio
Learning English Conversations
- 31Increased by 41Hoaxy a podvody
Hoaxy a podvody
- 32Increased by 63emma chamberlain
anything goes with emma chamberlain
- 33Increased by 23BBC Radio
Learning English Vocabulary
- 34Decreased by 10SBS
Easy Croatian - Lagani hrvatski
- 35Decreased by 10Tomas Nytomas Corej
Thomascast | Mysteriózny podcast
- 37Decreased by 11RealLife English
RealLife English: Learn and Speak Confident, Natural English
Deutsche im Alltag – Alltagsdeutsch | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
- 39NEWinnerFrench
- 40Decreased by 13BBC News
Learning English For Work
- 41NEWLindsay McMahon, Jessica Beck, Aubrey Carter
IELTS Energy English 7+
- 42Decreased by 12The Wizard Liz
The Wizard Liz
- 43NEWOUI! francúzsky jazyk
Na káve s OUI! francúzština ☕
- 44NEWThe Sabrina Zohar Show
The Sabrina Zohar Show
- 45Decreased by 14Jack Radford
Learn English Vocabulary
- 46NEWčiernalabuť.sk
čierna labuť
- 47NEWPrávnická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity
Úvod do soukromého práva
- 48NEWAdri @taliancinaonline
- 49NEWEva Kejíková
Cyklus ženy
- 50NEWMonroe Institute
Expanding on Consciousness
- 51NEWBrain We Are Podcast
Brain We Are
- 52NEWCharisma on Command
Dropping In With Charlie Houpert
- 53Decreased by 20Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break German
- 54Decreased by 20Patrick Thun und Jan Kruse
14 Minuten - Deine tägliche Portion Deutsch - Deutsch lernen für Fortgeschrittene
- 55Decreased by 20NPR
Life Kit
- 56Decreased by 20DW
Nicos Weg – Deutschkurs A1 | Videos | DW Deutsch lernen
- 57Decreased by
Pravidelná dávka
- 58Decreased by
Speak English with - Learn English Fast
- 59Decreased by 22Shayna Oliveira
Espresso English Podcast
- 60Decreased by 21Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan
All Ears English Podcast
- 61Decreased by 20Duolingo
Duolingo French Podcast
- 62Decreased by 20Georgiana, founder of
Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar.
- 63Increased by 135SEND7
Simple English News Daily
- 64Decreased by 21Restart muže; Sláva Černý
Restart muže
- 65Decreased by 17Rich Roll
The Rich Roll Podcast
- 66Decreased by 20Real English Conversations: Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies - English Podcast
Real English Conversations Podcast - Learn to Speak & Understand Real English with Confidence!
- 67Decreased by 22Dávid Hanc
Nastavenie mysle
- 68Decreased by 19Philips Sonicare
Mezi zuby
- 69NEWPetra Kovacikova
Španielčina Jednoducho
- 70Decreased by 23Zmaturuj za minútu
- 71NEWLauryn Bosstick & Michael Bosstick / Dear Media
The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast
- 72Decreased by 13Радиотеатр (Radiotheater)
Новый Радиотеатр (New Radiotheater)
- 73Decreased by 23Spotlight English
Spotlight English
- 74Decreased by 23Ivana Cergetova
- 75NEWHoy Hablamos
Hoy Hablamos Básico: Aprender español nivel básico-intermedio | Learn Spanish
- 76Decreased by 23Sara Lövestam och Isabelle Stromberg
Livet på lätt svenska
- 77Decreased by 23The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, Copyright ©️ 2024 Prime Time US LLC.
The Secret Sessions with Rhonda Byrne
- 78Decreased by 23Spanishland School | YouTube - Podcast - Blog
Spanishland School Podcast: Learn Spanish Tips That Improve Your Fluency in 10 Minutes or Less
- 79Decreased by 22Denisa Hrubešová
- 80Decreased by 20Český rozhlas
- 81Decreased by 20The Atlantic
The Best of "How To"
- 82Decreased by 20growingannanas
Today I'm Growing
- 83NEWThe Messy Podcast
Atomic Habits cheat sheet
- 84NEWKrav Maga Worldwide
Krav Maga Worldwide Official Podcast
- 85Decreased by 22Deutsch.CharLingua
Uplevel Your German
- 86Decreased by 22Isi & Mitch
Easy English: Learn English with everyday conversations
- 87Decreased by 22Peter Sasín & Iveta Klimeková
Vysielanie NLP Akadémie
- 89Decreased by 22TED
How to Be a Better Human
- 90Decreased by
German Stories - Learn German with Stories | Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten
- 91Decreased by 17Hoy Hablamos
Hoy Hablamos: Podcast diario para aprender español - Learn Spanish Daily Podcast
- 92Decreased by 22Český rozhlas
- 93Decreased by 24Trinity Tondeleir
The Wellness Cafe
- 94Decreased by 21Sonoro | Conner Pe
Listening Time: English Practice
- 95Decreased by 24LDA
Lektorský kolotoč
- 96Decreased by 21Zbyněk Sklenský
Kriminální podcast
- 97Decreased by 19Linguistica 360
News in Slow German
- 98Decreased by 21Aleš Bednařík
Psychológia šťastia
- 99Decreased by 23The Open University
Andante: beginners' Italian - Audio
- 100Decreased by 20Rachel's English: American Accent Trainer
Conversation & Pronunciation: Learn English with The Rachel's English Podcast
- 101Decreased by 22Meditation Life Skills Podcast
Learn Powerful Meditation Techniques
- 102Decreased by 21Coach Shane
Daily Easy English Expression Podcast
- 103Decreased by 21C Barrett
Fluency Fix's Beginner English
- 104Decreased by 21OHSAS, s.r.o. BTS, OPP, VTZ
Bozp pod lupou
- 105Decreased by 21Karren Doll Tolliver
Slow American English
- 106Decreased by 21Erika De Pellegrin
The Balance Theory
- 107Decreased by 21Learn Danish Through Immersion
Daglig Dansk
- 108Decreased by 18Tomáš Bubeník
Pro bohatší život
- 109Decreased by 22Gabriel Galgóci & Juraj Surma
Sprievodca Manažéra
- 111Decreased by 22Angličtina s Alex
Angličtina pre začiatočníkov
- 112Decreased by 21VOA Learning English
VOA Learning English Podcast - VOA Learning English
- 113Decreased by 20Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break German Advanced
- 114Decreased by 22Deutsch-Podcast
Deutsch Podcast - Deutsch lernen
- 115Decreased by 19Institut Moderní Výživy podcast
Institut Moderní Výživy podcast
- 116Decreased by 19Jan Dostál
- 117Decreased by 23Thomas Wilkinson
Thinking in English
- 118Decreased by 66Ashley Corbo
Trying Not to Care
- 119Decreased by 21progresstalk
- 120Decreased by 21Our Media SR a. s.
Ide o právo
- 121Decreased by 21Juraj Surma a Martin Kunc
Sprievodca Rozvoja
- 122Decreased by 21Paulína Kikinderová
Biológia (Zamiluješ sa)
- 123Decreased by 19Spanish Language Coach
Intermediate Spanish Podcast - Español Intermedio
- 124Decreased by 22Matt D'Avella
Three Rules
- 125Decreased by 22Dr. Charles Russell Severance
Python for Everybody (
- 126Increased by
Starajme sa
- 127Decreased by 20Spanish Conversations for Beginners Series 1
Spanish Conversations for Beginners Series 1
- 128Increased by 2Anna Kovalenko
трохи [легше]
- 129Increased by 17Talk To Me In Korean
Talk To Me In Korean
- 130Decreased by 19
Mulligan Brothers Interviews
- 131Decreased by 23Amy Louise Fox
The British English Language Podcast
- 132Decreased by 23News in Slow French
French for Beginners
- 133Decreased by 23Johnny
Wissen mit Johnny
- 134Decreased by
Learn Korean |
- 135Decreased by 22Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde (FMA)
Reden wir über Geld
- 136Decreased by 22Francesco Cositore
Vaporetto Italiano Podcast
- 137Increased by 18Psychobitches Podcast
- 138Decreased by 23Tanja Makarić &
- 140Decreased by 23Hilti Talks
Hilti Talks
- 141Decreased by 23Margarita Nazarenko
BEING HER with Margarita Nazarenko
- 142Decreased by 23Jessica: Native French teacher, founder of French Your Way
French Voices Podcast | Learn French | Interviews with Native French Speakers | French Culture
- 144Decreased by 23Korean teacher 한국어 한 조각
한국어 한 조각 Korean teacher A piece of Korean
- 145Decreased by 23Storytime in korean
Cozy Storytime in Korean
- 146Decreased by 22Efficiency Junky
Work Less, Do More: Proven Productivity Hacks to Save Time and Maximize Results
- 147Decreased by 24jerry
Learn Korean and Korean Culture
- 148Decreased by 23Vanessa & Chris
Korean Study Cafe Podcast
- 149Decreased by 23Rádio Mauribox
Rádio Mauribox
- 150Decreased by 23Talk To Me In Korean
Talk To Me In Korean
- 151Decreased by 23Talk To Me In Korean
Talk To Me In Korean - Core Grammar Lessons Only
- 152Decreased by 23Talk To Me In Korean
Talk To Me In 100% Korean
- 153Decreased by 22K-mama
Let's Learn Korean with K-mama
- 154Decreased by 22Tammy Korean
Tammy Korean | Free Learning Korean Language Online Class for Beginner
- 155Decreased by 22Korean podcast for Beginners
Korean Podcast for Beginners
- 156Decreased by 22
Berkeley Korean 안녕하세요!
- 157Decreased by 22Korean Topik
Self-Study Korean Podcasts for Beginners - KIIP Level 1
- 158Decreased by 22DANBI, Korean Tutor
속닥속닥 Korean Podcast
- 159Decreased by 22Langility
Langility - The comprehensible English podcast
- 160Decreased by 22Kim Explains Korean
Slow Korean
- 161Decreased by 22CHAPTER KOREAN
Chapter Korean Podcast
- 162Decreased by 22Korean Buddy K.JIN 케이진
- 163Decreased by 22Narae Korean
Narae Korean Podcast
- 165Decreased by 22YeoniKorean
Easy Korean with Yeoni Ssaem
- 166Decreased by 22korean greenbi
Korean Greenbi 코리안 그린비
- 167Decreased by 22Zero to Fluent Korean
From Zero to Fluent Korean
- 168Decreased by 21HeeyaKorean 희야한국어
Korean podcast Heeya korean 희야한국어 韓国語ポッドキャスト한국어팟캐스트
- 169Decreased by 21Korean Oppa
Koreanoppa Learn Korean
- 171Decreased by 21Essential Korean
Essential Korean Podcast
- 172Decreased by 21Motivate Korean
The Motivate Korean Podcast
- 173Decreased by 21Korean Culture Center New York City
Korean Culture 'Cast
- 174Decreased by 21Talk To Me In Korean
Real-Life Korean Conversations For Beginners
- 175Decreased by 18Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break Spanish
- 176Decreased by 18Velmi Křehké Stavy
Velmi Křehké Stavy
- 177Decreased by 23Mark Manson
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast
- 178Decreased by 19Norbert Synčák
Akadémia čínskej metafyziky
- 179Decreased by 19Barbara Bassi
Italian Stories In Italian
- 181Decreased by 11Luke Thompson
Luke's ENGLISH Podcast - Learn British English with Luke Thompson
- 182Increased by 12Leonardo English
English Learning for Curious Minds
- 183Decreased by 18For You From Eve
For You From Eve
- 184Decreased by 21Ben Lionel Scott
Weekly Motivation by Ben Lionel Scott
- 185Decreased by 23STVR
Čierna labuť_FM
- 186Decreased by 20Deutsch lernen durch Hören
Deutsch lernen durch Hören
- 187Decreased by 23Barbora Ziková
Tak Trochen němčina
- 188Increased by
- 189Decreased by 17Duolingo
Duolingo Spanish Podcast
- 190Decreased by 23Kika's German
Kika's German | němčina 🥨
- 191Decreased by 16Jim Kwik, Your Brain Coach, Founder
Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik
- 192Decreased by 24Growth Mindset Psychology
Growth Mindset Psychology: The Science of Self-Improvement
- 193Decreased by 15Easy English
Easy English Podcast
- 194Decreased by 14Deutschlandfunk Nova
Eine Stunde History - Deutschlandfunk Nova
- 195Decreased by 7Eliška Henzlová
Vysoce citliví lidé
- 196Decreased by 19Alyssa Nobriga
Healing + Human Potential
- 197Decreased by
Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online
- 198Decreased by 24Dušan Matuška
Jednoducho Bitcoin
- 199Decreased by 28Spanish Language Coach
Spanish for False Beginners - Español para falsos principiantes
- 200Decreased by 24Kateřina Saint Germain
Co se stalo?