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Do Mind

Explore o bem-estar mental com a apresentadora Hannah Russell enquanto ela conversa com convidados inspiradores sobre suas estratégias para manter-se positiva e equilibrada na vida acelerada de hoje.

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Chris Ruane, politician and MP on a 30 year interest in meditation and mindfulness

E6 • 31 mins • Jul 10, 2018

Episódios recentes

Jul 10, 2018

Chris Ruane, politician and MP on a 30 year interest in meditation and mindfulness

E6 • 31 mins

Jul 3, 2018

Myles Hopper, founder of Mindful Chef on maintaining mental strength as an entrepreneur and the importance of nutrition

E5 • 45 mins

Jun 26, 2018

Rhiannon Lambert, celebrity nutritionist on being a 17-year-old opera singer, social media sabbaticals and foods for your brain

E4 • 42 mins

Jun 19, 2018

Sophie Scott, Editor of Balance Magazine on mindful technology and the importance of morning routines

E3 • 40 mins

Jun 12, 2018

Renée Elliott, founder of Planet Organic on the importance having fun, having kids who meditate and coping with everything

E2 • 30 mins

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