Katie barlow

Mindful Plate- Ditching Diets for Sustainable Weight Loss

Acompanhe a coach Katie Barlow, que oferece dicas práticas para hábitos alimentares saudáveis e perda de peso sustentável, promovendo uma relação positiva com a comida.

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I hate to exercise but I know it's healthy. How to incorporate more movement into your life when you don't like to exercise.

S1 E3 • 11 mins • Jul 6, 2023

Episódios recentes

Jul 6, 2023

I hate to exercise but I know it's healthy. How to incorporate more movement into your life when you don't like to exercise.

S1 E3 • 11 mins

May 10, 2023

How Lifestyle Medicine Saved Me from a Lifetime of Emotional Eating and Chronic Dieting.

S1 E2 • 34 mins

May 1, 2023

My journey to mindful eating and sustainable weightloss

S1 E1 • 21 mins

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