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Guida Disordinata di New York City

Discover the fascinating stories and unique characters of New York City, passionately narrated by Lucio Vallinseri. A lively overview of the city that never sleeps.

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Ponti sospesi e spericolati atterraggi

10 mins • May 13, 2020

Recent Episodes

May 13, 2020

Ponti sospesi e spericolati atterraggi

10 mins

May 6, 2020

I diritti civili a NYC - Stonewall e Café Society

9 mins

Apr 28, 2020

SPECIAL EPISODE - La città che non chiude mai (?)

24 mins

Apr 10, 2020

Bob Dylan a spasso per il Greenwich Village

18 mins

Mar 30, 2020

Introduzione disordinata di New York City

6 mins

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