Town Heroine

Your Natural Hair Care Coach

Explore the beauty of tight curls with expert tips, inspiring stories, and uplifting conversations. Learn to love and care for your natural hair effortlessly.

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Episode 3: ''A gush of wind went by and this thing flew off my head - sis, I had to run after it!''

32 mins • May 29, 2020

Recent Episodes

May 29, 2020

Episode 3: ''A gush of wind went by and this thing flew off my head - sis, I had to run after it!''

32 mins

May 13, 2020

Episode 2: ''I was about to start a new job, and I was BALD.''

E2 • 17 mins

Apr 3, 2020

Episode 1: Welcome to Town Heroine

S1 E1 • 5 mins

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