Colette Kinsella / Red Hare Media

Science Drops!

Curious about the mysteries of the universe, like why stars twinkle or why earwax exists? This show tackles intriguing science questions in just 90 seconds!

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Why do we sneeze?

S1 E7 • 2 mins • May 11, 2020

Recent Episodes

May 11, 2020

Why do we sneeze?

S1 E7 • 2 mins

Apr 23, 2020

How does anaesthetic work?

S1 E4 • 2 mins

Apr 22, 2020

How do we know the Earth is not flat?

S1 2 mins

Apr 21, 2020

Why do bees buzz?

S1 2 mins

Apr 20, 2020

Why does rain smell?

S1 2 mins

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