BBC Radio 4

Front Row Weekly

Join Kirsty Lang and John Wilson as they chat with top authors, musicians, filmmakers, and artists in this engaging arts show airing weekdays on BBC Radio 4.

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FR: Brad Pitt, Jimmy Page, Boris Johnson

71 mins • Oct 24, 2014

Recent Episodes

Oct 24, 2014

FR: Brad Pitt, Jimmy Page, Boris Johnson

71 mins

Oct 17, 2014

FR: Iggy Pop, Bob Geldof, Gillian Anderson

66 mins

Oct 10, 2014

FR: John Cleese, Tracey Emin, Genesis

68 mins

Oct 3, 2014

FR: Hilary Mantel; Lionel Shriver; Stephen Fry

58 mins

Sep 25, 2014

FR: Toby Jones, Ricky Tomlinson, Anselm Kiefer exhibition

55 mins

United Kingdom
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