Alicia Domínguez Pérez

You are Gothic but you don't know it

Explore your hidden Gothic identity in this engaging video podcast. Embrace your fears and find confidence while enhancing your critical thinking and communication skills.

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You are Gothic but you don’t know it #18 - Sleep Paralysis and the Gothic

E18 • 13 mins • Feb 4, 2023

Recent Episodes

Feb 4, 2023

You are Gothic but you don’t know it #18 - Sleep Paralysis and the Gothic

E18 • 13 mins

Jan 14, 2023

You are Gothic but you don’t know it #17: Travel Blog - Day trip to Perpignan

E17 • 10 mins

Aug 6, 2022

You are Gothic but you don’t know it #16 - The shadow self and its connection with the Gothic

E16 • 27 mins

Jul 29, 2022

You are Gothic but you don’t know it #15 - The Gothic elements in Stranger Things

E15 • 30 mins

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