Neil Jones

Covering Liverpool: Tales From The Press Box

Discover insights from the journalists and creators who cover Liverpool FC, sharing stories and experiences that highlight their passion for the team.

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Covering Liverpool Episode 4: Paul Machin on Redmen TV, YouTube life and beers with Jürgen Klopp

80 mins • Nov 7, 2023


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Recent Episodes

Nov 7, 2023

Covering Liverpool Episode 4: Paul Machin on Redmen TV, YouTube life and beers with Jürgen Klopp

80 mins

Nov 7, 2023

Covering Liverpool Episode 3: Jamie Carragher on punditry, co-comms and surviving in the Sky Sports spotlight

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Nov 7, 2023

Covering Liverpool Episode 2: James Pearce on Reds reporting, trolls and life in the social media spotlight

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Nov 7, 2023

Covering Liverpool Episode 1: Paul Gorst talks journalism, social media scrutiny and spring rolls with Robbie Fowler

60 mins

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