傑克 Jack

白眼台灣 Bai Yen Taiwan


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EP18 最後一集 Joe要回美國了; Netflix 三體影集; 美國校園抗議; 台灣立委要求法案內文中國改為大陸; The final episode: Joe is returning to the United States; Netflix "The Three-Body Problem"; Campus protests in the US; Taiwanese legislators demand changing "China" to "Mainland"

S1 E18 • 66 mins • May 6, 2024

Recent Episodes

May 6, 2024

EP18 最後一集 Joe要回美國了; Netflix 三體影集; 美國校園抗議; 台灣立委要求法案內文中國改為大陸; The final episode: Joe is returning to the United States; Netflix "The Three-Body Problem"; Campus protests in the US; Taiwanese legislators demand changing "China" to "Mainland"

S1 E18 • 66 mins

Dec 10, 2023

EP17 在國際文化祭賣地瓜球成功~ 拜習會可以讓世界的未來繼續繁榮? 晚清的捻軍與太平天國。 International Cultural Festival sells sweet potato balls. Can Biden-Xi meeting bring prosperity to the future of the world? The Nian rebellion and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom during the late Qing Dynasty.

S1 E17 • 59 mins

Nov 16, 2023

EP16 日本即將結束負利率? 從中國監獄歸來的台灣人。AI的發展對音樂的影響。Joe也覺得鴉片戰爭是不義之戰? Is Japan about to end negative interest rates? Taiwanese individuals returning from Chinese prison. The impact of AI development on music. Does Joe also consider the Opium War an unjust war?

S1 E16 • 79 mins

Nov 12, 2023

EP15 訪問年輕的日本公職人員Yuto桑 ~ Interview with young Japanese public servant Yuto-san ~

S1 E15 • 73 mins

Oct 10, 2023

EP14 拜登經濟學其實並不特別?、要如何把運動當成對未來的投資、中國清代晚期的貧窮陷阱|Bidenomics isn't particularly distinctive. How to turn sports into an investment for the future. The poverty trap in late Qing Dynasty China.

S1 E14 • 83 mins

United States
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