A nighttime radio show that explores mysteries, paranormal phenomena, and legends. Hosted by Iker Jiménez, it connects with listeners through intriguing stories.
- 187Decreased by 3
- 118Increased by 1
- 70Decreased by 1
- 67Decreased by 4
- 27Decreased by 1
Recent Episodes
Jul 14, 2015
MILENIO 3 - 125 Las Sectas del Fin del Mundo (Especial). (31-08-2003)
76 mins
Jul 14, 2015
MILENIO 3 - 124 Preguntas de los Oyentes VIII. (25-08-2003)
52 mins
Jul 14, 2015
MILENIO 3 - 123 El Chupacabras. (24-08-2003)
52 mins
Jul 14, 2015
MILENIO 3 - 122 Preguntas de los Oyentes VII. (18-08-2003)
56 mins
Jul 14, 2015
MILENIO 3 - 121 Sectas Satánicas. (17-08-2003)
54 mins