Apple Podcasts – Polônia – Saúde e fitness
Os melhores podcasts em Polônia dos rankings do Apple Podcasts para Saúde e fitness.
- 1Increased by 0Klaudia i Michał
Lekki Stan - Oddech, Mindset, Medytacja
- 2Increased by 0Joanna Flis
Madame Monday - po dorosłemu
- 3Increased by 0Zwierciadło
Zwierciadło Podcasty
- 4Increased by 2Marianna Gierszewska
Tak właśnie mam
- 5Increased by 5Piotr Białasiewicz
- 6Increased by 1iHeartPodcasts
The Psychology of your 20s
- 7Decreased by 2Scicomm Media
Huberman Lab
- 8Decreased by 4Expertia
Sekrety Długowieczności
- 9Increased by 2Karolina Sobanska
Karolina Sobańska
- 10Decreased by 2Andrzej Silczuk
Andrzej Silczuk Podcast
- 11Increased by 3Bracia Rodzeń
Bracia Rodzeń. Można pięknie żyć*
- 12Increased by 0iHeartPodcasts
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
- 13Decreased by 4Power Walk
Power Walk - podcast w ruchu o zdrowiu
- 14Increased by 11Jarosław Kuźniar • by Voice House
Wszystko w głowie
- 15Increased by 2Lewis Howes
The School of Greatness
- 16Increased by 147Karolina Karabin
O długim życiu w zdrowiu z dr n. med. Karoliną Karabin
- 17Increased by 4Justyna Mazur
Pogadajmy o otyłości
- 18Increased by 4Polityka
Podkast psychologiczny
- 19Decreased by 4by Joanna Gutral
Gutral Gada
- 20Increased by 10ZOE
ZOE Science & Nutrition
- 21Decreased by 8Євген Пілецький et al.
Багатий внутрішній світ
- 22Decreased by 6Tutaj Podcast
Tutaj Podcast
- 23Increased by 11CityFit
W Swoim Tempie. Podcast CityFit.
- 24Decreased by 5Przemek Mućko
Ludzie tak mają
- 25Decreased by 5Tadeusz Oleszczuk
Dr Tadeusz - O zdrowiu i zdrowym życiu
- 26Decreased by 2Marek Sekielski
Sekielski o nałogach
- 27Decreased by 1Grzegorz Borowski, Marcin Dziedziński
Chodź na słówko
- 28Increased by 1Julia Ziółkowska
Live Better
- 29Decreased by 1Justyna Świetlicka
Owsiana Podcast
- 30Decreased by 12Dariusz Bugalski
K3 – podcast o dobrym życiu
- 31Increased by 1Małgorzata Serafin
Bez farbowania
- 32Decreased by 9Dr Rangan Chatterjee: GP & Author
Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee
- 33Increased by 4Kurs_na_DBT
Kurs na DBT
- 34NEWOrina Krajewska
Osobiste rozmowy holistyczne
- 35Increased by 10PortalYogi
PortalYogi Podcast
- 36Increased by 15Елена Мицкевич
Ты – это важно
- 37NEWTrauma Institute
Healing Trauma
- 38NEWElly Brown and Isa Banks Nieves
A Better Way to Heal: Where Faith Meets Therapy
- 39Increased by 29Slumber Studios
Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories
- 40Increased by 24Onet Audio
Newsweek Psychologia
- 41Decreased by 14Scicomm Media
Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin
- 42Increased by 65Caroline Foran
Owning It: The Anxiety Podcast
- 43Decreased by 10Lab One x Marek Fischer
N°1 PODCAST - Lab One
- 44Increased by 75Joanna Fajfer
Ogarnij chatę z ADHD
- 45Increased by 86RTL+ / Stefanie Stahl
Stahl aber herzlich – Der Psychotherapie-Podcast mit Stefanie Stahl
- 46Decreased by 15dr Robert Kowalczyk
Męskie światy
- 47Increased by 79Sukces z głową
Sukces z głową
- 48Increased by 95Bedtime Stories with Taesha Glasgow
Just Sleep - Bedtime Stories for Adults
- 49Increased by 86Maciej Klimarczyk
Maciej Klimarczyk - psychiatra, seksuolog
- 50Increased by 87Алена Борьессон
Медитации для вашей реальной жизни
- 51Increased by 113Piotr Wojcieszek/Artur Chyrek
- 52Increased by 123Ania Raimann
Medystacja - Medytacja Uważności
- 53Increased by 142RTL+ / Stefanie Stahl / Lukas Klaschinski
So bin ich eben! Stefanie Stahls Psychologie-Podcast für alle "Normalgestörten"
- 54NEWZaufaj Położnej
Podcast z położną
- 55Increased by 144iHeartPodcasts
A Really Good Cry
- 56Decreased by 21Piotr Wierzbowski
Rezerwat Przygody Podcast
- 57NEWRhonda Patrick, Ph.D.
- 58Decreased by 22Ben Greenfield
Boundless Life
- 59Decreased by 21Zuzanna Pawlak-Wagan
Życie Po Diecie
- 60NEWMichalina Maculewicz Karolina Sawka
Krok po Kroku psychologicznie
- 61NEWDr. Mark Hyman
The Dr. Hyman Show
- 62NEWMarlena Bhandari
Okiem Naturopaty
- 63NEWcezary ciszewski
ADHD UnderGround
- 64NEWDaria Abramowicz • by Voice House
Daria Abramowicz Podcast
- 65NEWKatarzyna Burzyńska, Anna Seweryńska, Cezary Biernacki
Schodami do siebie - O życiu DDD
- 66NEWAndrea Dylong
Głodna ultra
- 67NEWMari Llewellyn
Pursuit of Wellness
- 68NEWDM Operations Inc.
The Checkup with Doctor Mike
- 69Decreased by 30Monika Michalak
Głodna głowa
- 70NEWDr Daniel & Tana Amen
Change Your Brain Every Day
- 71NEWMark Mullen, MD
Psychiatry Boot Camp
- 72NEWFearne Cotton
Happy Place
- 73NEWSleepiest & Jessica Porter
Sleep Magic: Guided Sleep Hypnosis & Meditation
- 74NEWDr Rupy Aujla
The Doctor's Kitchen Podcast
- 75NEWMałgorzata Bugaj
Lepiej nie mówić
- 76NEWFizjopozytywnie o zdrowiu
Fizjopozytywnie o zdrowiu
- 77NEWRoberto Rocha
En terapia con Roberto Rocha
- 78NEWThe Psychology Sisters
The Psychology Sisters
- 79NEWChris Bloom
Realtalk für deine Seele
- 80NEWЮля Шакалида
Я так чувствую
- 81NEWpsykologspesialist Liv Selland
- 82NEWDr. Bryan Ardis
The Dr. Ardis Show Podcast
- 83NEWData Driven Strength
Data Driven Strength Podcast
- 84NEWMaxime Sigouin
The Fit Vegan Podcast with Maxime Sigouin
- 85NEWMelerowicz i Barańska
Psycho-logiczne rozmowy
- 86NEWDariusz Litera
- 87NEWDeborah Rozman, Ph.D.
HeartMath's Add Heart
- 88NEWDear Media
Treated with Dr. Sara
- 89NEWEmily Kircher-Morris
Neurodiversity Podcast
- 90NEWTomasz Kwieciński
Terapia Psychodeliczna
- 91NEWSabrina Magnan
Live Unrestricted - The Intuitive Eating & Food Freedom Podcast
- 92NEWClara Cohen
AcuPro - The Wonders of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
- 93NEWIgor Micunovic MD/Ph.D
Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM podcast
- 94NEWEmergency Medical Minute
Emergency Medical Minute
- 95NEWGeorgie Stevenson
The Rise & Conquer Podcast
- 96NEWНастя Кириченко
Коротко и по телу
- 97NEWEmilia Pabijanek ⏺ psychoterapeutka Gestalt ⏺ EAGT ⏺
- 98NEWMarek Molicki
Mocny Podcast
- 99NEWMya Kwon, MPH, RD
10 Days of Compassionate Intuitive Eating
- 100NEWSylwia Kusiak
Stacja Kobieta
- 101NEWDr. Katie Wood, PharmD, INHC, Embodied Womb Practitioner
Rising into Mindful Motherhood | Fertility Wisdom
- 102NEWThat girl : mode d'emploi
That girl : mode d’emploi
- 103NEWDr. Sarah Court, PT, DPT and Laurel Beversdorf
Movement Logic: Strong Opinions, Loosely Held
- 104NEWAsia Jaworska
Myśli w Ruchu
- 105NEWJema Lee
The Well Woman Podcast
- 106NEWJames Ochoa
The Complex
- 107NEWJAMA Network
JAMA Pediatrics Editors' Summary
- 108Decreased by 65Paweł Bieniek, Marcin Sawuła
Smart Workout - Trenuj Mądrze
- 109Decreased by 69Rob Dial
The Mindset Mentor
- 110Decreased by 69The Body School
Тіло Говорить
- 111Decreased by 69Mateusz Gawelczyk
Dietetyk Sportowy Online
- 112Decreased by 68Gary Brecka
The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka
- 113Decreased by 66Дарина Феоктистова
Тело, в котором ты живешь
- 114Decreased by 68Gosia Pielichowska
Gosia Pielichowska
- 115Decreased by 62The Mindset Meditation
Relaxing Music - Sleep Podcast
- 117Decreased by 61Kasia Iwaszczuk-Pudzianowska
Pokój w głowie
- 118Decreased by 63SEN
- 119Decreased by 71Dr. Eric Berg
Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast
- 120Decreased by 71Dr. Mariel Buqué
Break the Cycle with Dr. Mariel
- 121Decreased by 71Студия Red Barn
Собака кусает хвост
- 122Decreased by 68Honorata i Sylwia (o rozwoju duchowym)
- 123Decreased by 64Ramsey Network
The Dr. John Delony Show
- 124Decreased by 66Ola Pflumio
- 126Decreased by 61Mayim Bialik
Mayim Bialik's Breakdown
- 127Decreased by 65Маша Богданова
От девчонки слышу
- 128Decreased by 68Т—Ж
- 129Decreased by 68Radio Kampus
Jaja w kuchni
- 130Decreased by 67Akademia Płodności
Akademia Płodności
- 131Decreased by 51Nick Bare
The Nick Bare Podcast
- 132Decreased by 56My Kinky Sisters
My Kinky Sisters - Porozmawiajmy o BDSM
- 133Decreased by 45Lauren Bennett
Talk More with Laur
- 134Decreased by 68Nikki Eisenhauer
Emotional Badass
- 135Decreased by 52Meditate with me
Медитируй со мной
- 136Decreased by 47HungerFF
HungerFF Presents: Legends of Fisting
- 137Decreased by 70Małgosia Zmaczyńska
Zaburzone Historie
- 138Decreased by 69HungerFF
HungerFF Presents: Brolapse
- 139Decreased by 68Adam Meakins & Ben Cormack
The Better Clinician Podcast
- 140Decreased by 68Healthy Omnomnom
Irena Owsiak Podcast
- 141Decreased by 682x2
- 142Decreased by 68Bartosz Terka
PanTerka - O treningu i żywieniu, inaczej
- 143Decreased by
12 Minute Meditation
- 144Decreased by 67Shaun Donaghy
Mindfulness For Beginners
- 145Decreased by 67PRO-FIT Elżbieta Kowerdziej
Stomatologia Implanty Nauka Biznes
- 146Decreased by 67ARD
Wie wir ticken - Euer Psychologie Podcast
- 147Decreased by 65Bayerischer Rundfunk
Im Namen der Hose - der Sexpodcast von PULS
- 148Decreased by 78Gin Stephens
Intermittent Fasting Stories
- 149Decreased by 65Dorian Yates - DY Nutrition
Shadow Talk with Dorian Yates
- 150Decreased by 65J. Brown Yoga
J. Brown Yoga Talks
- 151Decreased by 65Scrolli
Modern Dünyada Hayatta Kalma Rehberi
- 152Decreased by 65Apotheken Umschau Pro & gesundheit-hören
'ne Dosis Wissen | Der Medizin-Podcast für Menschen im Gesundheitswesen
- 153Decreased by 63Елена Дружинина
Все можно исправить
- 154Decreased by 63Zale Mednick
Blind Spot - The Eye Doctor's Podcast
- 155Decreased by 63Mantra Shakti
Sound Meditation Music
- 156Decreased by 63BvDU
UroTalk - Der BvDU-Podcast.
- 157Decreased by 63Alex McRobert
Sober Yoga Girl
- 158Decreased by 63Jacek Tomaszewski & Jan Bręczewski
Zdrowy Podcast
- 159Decreased by
Master Meditation Music Tracks
- 160Decreased by 79High Performance
The High Performance Podcast
- 161Decreased by 64Kristen Carder
I Have ADHD Podcast
- 162Decreased by 64Mattia Mauree
AuDHD Flourishing
- 163Decreased by 60Peter Attia, MD
The Peter Attia Drive
- 164Decreased by 63Sylwia Maksym
Paliwo z Roślin
- 165Decreased by 61tsenormalno
- 166Decreased by 60Egor Egorov
Чай с психологом
- 167Decreased by 68GRUBE HISTORIE
- 168Decreased by 68Alex Partridge
ADHD Chatter
- 169Decreased by 67Maria Kuravska
- 170Decreased by 65ZEIT ONLINE
Ist das normal?
- 171Decreased by 60Empik Go
Dialogi waginy i penisa
- 172Decreased by 64Dear Media, Arielle Lorre
Well with Arielle Lorre
- 173Decreased by 64NeuroFreaky
- 174Decreased by 64Adam Meakins
The NAF Physio Podcast
- 175Decreased by 57Goop, Inc. and Audacy
The goop Podcast
- 176Decreased by 63Gazeta Wyborcza
Zdrowa rozmowa
- 177Decreased by 19Relaksujące dźwięki
Relaksujące dźwięki | by Relaxing White Noise
- 178Decreased by 63Rick Hanson, Ph.D., Forrest Hanson
Being Well with Forrest Hanson and Dr. Rick Hanson
- 179Decreased by 65Michelle Gauthier
Overwhelmed Working Woman: Be More Productive, Master Time Management, Overcome Overwhelm & Stop People Pleasing
- 180NEWJustyna Mazur
Słuchowisko. Pogadajmy o życiu
- 181Decreased by 65Kar Koz
Od Nowa - psychologia po prostu
- 182Decreased by 23Олександра Підгаєвська
Як це пережити?! – коротко і ясно про емоції та стани
- 183Decreased by 71TOK FM - Aleksandra Krasowska, Robert Kowalczyk
SexPodcast - Radio TOK FM
- 184Decreased by 67Miłosz Szkudlarek
🏋🏻 Świadomy Trening - Zdrowy styl życia, czyli o ruchu, diecie i zdrowiu (Miłosz Szkudlarek)
- 185Decreased by 65ADHDziewczyny
- 186Decreased by 58Анастасія Вовкотруб
- 187Decreased by 62Fizjologika Piotr Piaskowski
Rozmowy FizjoLogiczne
- 188Decreased by 65Aubrey Gordon & Michael Hobbes
Maintenance Phase
- 189Decreased by 39RMF FM
Małopolska Akademia Rodzica
- 190Decreased by 68Dan Savage
Savage Lovecast
- 191Decreased by 70Dudas Media
- 192Decreased by 65Aleksandra Miszkiewicz
Sprawa dla dietetyka PODCAST
- 193Decreased by 57Melissa Tacia
Oh, That’s Just My Autism
- 194Decreased by 65Lesley Cain - Health and Wellness Coach, Trauma Informed Coach, Healthy Boundaries Coach
THE VIBRANT SURVIVOR -How to Identify a Narcissist, Narcissistic Abuse, Toxic Relationships, Trauma Healing, Health, Wellness
- 195Decreased by 65Психологічна студія Сенс
Блог психотерапевтки Мар'яни Франко
- 196Decreased by 51Marcin Dybuk rozmawia
PodRóż do męskości
- 197Decreased by 65TRAIN HARD Media
Jason Khalipa Podcast
- 198Decreased by 65Arundhati Baitmangalkar
Let's Talk Yoga
- 199Decreased by 65Polskie Radio S.A.
Bez Tabu
- 200Decreased by 76Katarzyna Skórska
Porozmawiajmy o jedzeniu