Apple Podcasts – Czech Republic – Medicine
Top podcasts in Czech Republic from the Apple Podcasts charts for Medicine.
- 1Increased by 0Český rozhlas
- 2Increased by 13IKEM
IKEM Podcast
- 3Increased by 1Peter Attia, MD
The Peter Attia Drive
- 4Increased by 50Ludmila Bezdíčková, Jáchym Bednář
- 5Increased by 47B. Braun CZ/SK
- 6Increased by 44Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.
- 7Decreased by 5URGENŤÁCI
- 8Increased by 6Bára a Proky
Doktoři bez rukavic
- 9Increased by 48Neuro Athletics
The Neuro Experience
- 10Increased by 78Dr. Matt Walker
The Matt Walker Podcast
- 11NEWDr. Zubin Damania
The ZDoggMD Show
- 12Increased by 7Český rozhlas
Moci bez nemoci
- 13Increased by
Svět Fyzioterapie Talk
- 14Increased by 24Po Medině
Po medině
- 15NEWEuropean Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery (EACTS)
A Cut Above: Cardiothoracic insights from EACTS
- 16NEWKasey Hankins, PT, DPT, OCS
PT Snacks Podcast: Physical Therapy with Dr. Kasey Hankins
- 17NEWBehind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast
Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast
- 18NEWTyler Rouse
Legends of Surgery
- 19NEWSurgery 101 Team
Surgery 101
- 20Increased by 29MUDr. Barbora Brezová PhD. a Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Měšťák
- 21Increased by 53Rasstriga.doc
Накопились токсины
- 22Decreased by 17Společnost estetické a laserové medicíny
Nejkrásnější podcast
- 23Increased by 79Julia Appelskog
The Pharmacovigilance Podcast
- 24Increased by 68GPnotebook
GPnotebook Podcast
- 25Increased by 10NEMOC není BEZMOC
- 26Increased by 10Dr Rupy Aujla
The Doctor's Kitchen Podcast
- 27Increased by 147Psychopharmacology Institute
Psychopharmacology and Psychiatry Updates
- 28Increased by 114STVR
Záhady mysle
- 29NEWChristopher Habig
Healthcare Americana
- 30NEWLucas und Justin
- 31NEWThe Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
The Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology Podcast
- 32Increased by 61Maiia Goldobina
Нетипичный косметолог
- 33Increased by 62Život po mrtvici
Život po mrtvici
- 34Decreased by 31CNN Prima NEWS
- 35Increased by 28DM Operations Inc.
The Checkup with Doctor Mike
- 36Decreased by 29Veterinární podcast
Veterinární podcast
- 37Decreased by 31Roche Česká republika
- 38Decreased by 30The Lancet Group
The Lancet Voice
- 40Decreased by 30Climate Check-up
Climate Check-up
- 41Decreased by 30The Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education
Climate Clinic
- 42Decreased by 30Ashley McClure, MD
Courageous Medicine for The Climate Health Crisis: Activating the Medical Community on Climate
- 43Decreased by 30American Psychiatric Association Publishing
Psychiatry Unbound
- 44Decreased by 21Český rozhlas
- 45Decreased by 28ISUOG
ISUOG Podcast
- 46Decreased by 28Andrew Dixon & Frank Gaillard
The Radiopaedia Reading Room Podcast
- 47Decreased by 31Радіо Сковорода
Подкаст здорової людини
- 48Decreased by 11Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
The Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show
- 49Decreased by 20Medicína bez traumy
Medicína bez traumy
- 50Decreased by 3NA PORODU ZÁLEŽÍ
- 51Decreased by
- 52Decreased by 30Critical Care Time Podcast
Critical Care Time
- 53Decreased by 14Matt Covington
The Radiology Review Podcast
- 54Decreased by 30AMBOSS-Redaktion
AMBOSS Podcast – Ärztliches Wissen für Klinik und Praxis
- 55Decreased by 35Mobymedia
RadioM Zprávy týdne
- 56Decreased by 35Радио ЗВЕЗДА
Алексей Водовозов. ЗАПИСКИ ВРАЧА
- 57Increased by 47Mladí lekári
- 58Decreased by 27Neticho
Tinnitus – Neticho
- 59Decreased by 4Asociace Studentů Fyzioterapie
- 60Decreased by 33Lázně Darkov
Jsme Darkov
- 61Decreased by 5Dr. Mark Hyman
The Dr. Hyman Show
- 62Decreased by 34NEJM Group
NEJM This Week
- 63Decreased by 33Mark Mullen, MD
Psychiatry Boot Camp
- 64Decreased by 38Tanina Rottmann & Peter Gellner
Tatort Krankenhaus - Wenn Ärzte Fehler machen...
- 65Decreased by 33NYSORA
Anesthesia Updates
- 66Decreased by 33Thieme Gruppe
TakeCARE – Dein Pflege-Podcast von Thieme
- 67Decreased by 33Litti & Ollschgich
- 68Increased by 9JAMA Network
JAMA Clinical Reviews
- 69NEWMayoClinicOphthalmology
Mayo Clinic Ophthalmology Podcast
- 70Decreased by 19American Academy of Neurology
Neurology® Podcast
- 71NEWAmerican College of Cardiology
ACCEL Lite: Featured ACCEL Interviews on Exciting CV Research
- 72Decreased by 2Dr. Tanner Hewitt, Dr. Larry Wang and Dr. Bradley Miller
PsychRounds: The Psychiatry Podcast
- 73Decreased by 33Jan Musil, Ondřej Neufus
Protonoví bojovníci
- 74Decreased by 12Natalie Crawford, MD
As a Woman
- 75Decreased by 34Tomáš Helmich
Fyzio Podcast
- 76Decreased by 34Jon Lowrance
Anesthesia Guidebook
- 77Decreased by 34Mirko Mostaghimi
The Anesthesia Thrive Guide
- 78Decreased by 34Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
Anesthesia Patient Safety Podcast
- 79Decreased by 34TopMedTalk
- 80Decreased by 34Rob Mac Sweeney
Critical Care Reviews Podcast
Headmirror's ENT in a Nutshell
- 82NEWČeský rozhlas
- 83NEWDr. Anton Helman
Emergency Medicine Cases
- 84Increased by 34Audio Alliance / RTL+
Dr. Anne Fleck - Gesundheit und Ernährung
- 85Increased by 69曾記西藥房
- 86NEWUEG United European Gastroenterology
UEG Talks
- 87NEWTim Ahmels, Tobias Batram
Augenblick - Augenheilkunde für die Ohren
- 88NEWTami Stackelhouse
Fibromyalgia Podcast®
- 89NEWUnstress Health
Unstress with Dr Ron Ehrlich
- 90Increased by 44The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast
The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast
- 91Increased by 66Thieme Gruppe
NOTFALLeinsatz – retten: für alle im Rettungsdienst und in der Notfallmedizin
- 92Increased by 101Alex Smith, Eric Widera
GeriPal - A Geriatrics and Palliative Care Podcast
- 93Increased by 105American College of Cardiology
Eagle's Eye View: Your Weekly CV Update From
- 94NEWSlate Podcasts x Anna Roy
Tout sur Elles
- 95NEWרשת עושים היסטוריה
עושים רפואה Osim Refua
- 96Decreased by 32PedsCases Team
PedsCases: Pediatric Education Online
- 97NEWFrance Télévisions / Mediawan Digital Studio / Reservoir Prod
Laurent Karila : Addiktion
- 98Decreased by 39Simon Laing, Rob Fenwick & James Yates
The Resus Room
- 99Increased by 96Т—Ж
- 100NEWDr. med. Konstantin Wagner
Let the Show be Gyn
- 101NEWOncology Brothers
Oncology Brothers: Practice-Changing Cancer Discussions
- 102Decreased by 442. lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
- 103Decreased by 43The Quantum Biology Collective
The Quantum Biology Collective Podcast
- 104Decreased by 43BMJ Group
Thorax Podcast
- 105Decreased by 16Choses à Savoir
Choses à Savoir SANTE
- 106NEWSt Emlyn’s Blog and Podcast
The St.Emlyn’s Podcast
- 107NEWBrandon Oto, PA-C, FCCM and Bryan Boling, DNP, ACNP, FCCM
Critical Care Scenarios
- 108NEWIan Drummond
The Undifferentiated Medical Student
- 109Decreased by 38zlutabedna
Žlutá bedna
- 110Increased by 6NDR Info
Das Coronavirus-Update
- 111NEWШторм х Настя Данилова
Между нами химия
- 113Decreased by 35CNN Prima NEWS
- 114Decreased by 9Zuzka Kvapilová a Ondra Blažek
- 115Decreased by 48American Academy of Neurology
Continuum Audio
- 116Increased by 33Paul Saladino, MD
Paul Saladino MD podcast
- 117Decreased by 44155 odtieňov urgentu
155 odtieňov urgentu
- 118Decreased by 11PsychEd
PsychEd: educational psychiatry podcast
- 120Decreased by 55Robert Kennedy Jr
RFK Jr Podcast
- 121Decreased by 55The Cribsiders
The Cribsiders
- 122Increased by 33Klinik für Anästhesiologie UKHD
- 123NEWScott D. Weingart, MD FCCM
EMCrit FOAM Feed
- 124Decreased by 56EB Medicine
EMplify by EB Medicine
- 125Increased by 53JAMA Network
JAMA Medical News
- 126NEWSanoPass
- 127Increased by 16Perfect Talk
Perfect Talk
- 128Increased by 25American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) Podcast
- 129NEWAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology
Experts InSight
- 130Decreased by 46DiaIntEndo
- 131Decreased by 59BMJ Group
Practical Neurology Podcast
- 132Decreased by 53Univerzita Karlova, Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové
LF HK Medicast
- 133Decreased by 6Dr. med. Kai Gruhn, Dr. med. Dietrich Sturm, Prof. Markus Wübbeler
Klinisch Relevant Podcast
- 134Increased by 11Cataract Coach with Uday Devgan MD
Cataract Coach with Uday Devgan MD
- 135Decreased by 27TV Nova
- 136Decreased by 56Liberate Life
Na vlastní žíly
- 137Decreased by 40CardioNerds
Cardionerds: A Cardiology Podcast
- 138Decreased by 47Datarun
Bílý plášť
- 139NEWpin-up-docs – don't panic
Pin-Up-Docs-titriert Archive - pin-up-docs - don't panic
- 140NEWCuraprox Slovensko
Medzi nami zubami
- 141NEWRhonda Patrick, Ph.D.
The Aliquot Preview
- 142Decreased by 11Justin Eastzer
Diabetech - Diabetes Tech, News, and Management
- 143Decreased by 22Ben Courchia & Daphna Yasova Barbeau
The Incubator
- 144Decreased by 50Redaktion
Der Springer Medizin Podcast
- 145Decreased by 58NDR Fernsehen
Abenteuer Diagnose - der Medizin-Krimi-Podcast
- 146NEWNatasha Wilch
The Concussion Nerds Podcast
- 147NEWProvidence Oregon Region
Providence Medical Grand Rounds
- 148Decreased by 67Kelly Casperson, MD
You Are Not Broken
- 149NEWMedscape Podcasts
Keeping Current
- 150Decreased by 26medici_a_medicky
- 151Increased by 26ABC listen
Health Report - Full program podcast
- 152NEWOliver Flower
Neuro Resus
- 153Decreased by 13Осторожно: подкасты!
Красота требует кэш
- 154Decreased by 56Українська правда
Температура – нормальна
- 156Decreased by 56Dr. Ted O'Connell
Crush Step 1: The Ultimate USMLE Step 1 Review
- 157Increased by 35Richard Jacobs
Finding Genius Podcast
- 158NEWTiffany Cruikshank L.Ac, MAOM | Founder of Yoga Medicine®
Yoga Medicine
- 159Increased by 30BMJ Group
BMJ Best Practice Podcast
- 160Decreased by 10Henry Bair and Tyler Johnson
The Doctor's Art
- 161NEWJAMA Network
JAMAevidence JAMA Guide to Statistics and Methods
- 162Decreased by 61Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně
Anna na vlnách
- 163Decreased by 57ozdravme s.r.o.
ozdravme podcast
- 164Decreased by 50RadioJ
C'est bon pour la santé, le Mag
- 166NEWFOAMcast
FOAMcast - An Emergency Medicine Podcast
- 167Decreased by 9Valerio Rosso
Lo Psiconauta
- 168Increased by 32Pediater na vandrovke
Pediater na vandrovke
- 169NEWAmerican Society of Addiction Medicine
This Week in Addiction Medicine from ASAM
- 170NEW2000 MP
Diario di uno studente di Medicina
- 171Decreased by 51American College of Physicians
Annals On Call Podcast
- 172Decreased by 119The Uromigos
The Uromigos
- 173Decreased by 40Techniker Krankenkasse (TK)
Ist das noch gesund? – Der Gesundheitspodcast der Techniker
- 174NEWPodPovrchFyzioterapie
Pod Povrch Fyzioterapie
- 175NEWLong Pause Media | FlightBridgeED
The FlightBridgeED Podcast
- 176Decreased by 93Roche Česká republika
MEDx Talks
- 177Decreased by 87The Curious Clinicians
The Curious Clinicians
- 178Decreased by 50Dr. Taz MD
hol+ by Dr. Taz
- 179NEWTony Guerra
Memorizing Pharmacology Podcast: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Side Effects for Pharmacy and Nursing Pharmacology by Body System
- 180Decreased by 70Neuroscience Education Institute
NEI Podcast
- 181Decreased by 35Ninja Nerd
Ninja Nerd
- 183NEWCTSNet
CTSNet Podcasts
- 184NEWInstitute for Research in International Assistance at Akkon University
Akkon для України
- 185NEWEFIM Academy Dr Amie Burbridge
Home of Medicine with Dr Amie Burbridge and Dr Ben Lovell
- 186Decreased by 110Core IM Team
Core IM | Internal Medicine Podcast
- 187Decreased by 50IFMSA CZ
IFMSA CZ - podcasts
- 188Decreased by 50VitaDAO
The Aging Science Podcast by VitaDAO
- 189Decreased by 76元婴
- 190Decreased by
- 191NEWEric Christianson, PharmD; Pharmacology Expert and Clinical Pharmacist
Real Life Pharmacology - Pharmacology Education for Health Care Professionals
- 192NEWMaureen Osuna, MSN, RN - Nursing school educator, author, and nursing student enthusiast.
Straight A Nursing: Study for nursing school exams & NCLEX
- 193Decreased by 124Luke Johnson
Dermasphere - The Dermatology Podcast
- 194Decreased by 46EAACI
EAACI Podcast
- 195NEWAcilci.Net
Acilcinin Sesi
- 196NEWDavid Pope at Clinical Edge
Physio Edge podcast with David Pope
- 197Decreased by 112Dr. med. Cordelia Schott
- 198Decreased by 112Dennis Kraus und Jan-Fabio La Malfa
OMNIdirekt Podcast
- 199Decreased by 35Dr. Jolene Brighten
The Dr. Brighten Show
- 200Decreased by 35milad amiri
لیدوپاد / LIDOPOD