Apple Podcasts – Spain – Arts
Top podcasts in Spain from the Apple Podcasts charts for Arts.
- 1Increased by 0Aquí Hay Dragones
Aquí hay dragones
- 2Increased by 0SER Podcast
Un Libro Una Hora
- 3Increased by 0Editorial Alma
Clásicos con Altura
- 4Increased by 0Blackie Books
Grandes Infelices
- 5Increased by 2Cadena Dial
Nutrizión con Zeta
- 6Increased by 5El País Audio
Qué estás leyendo. El podcast de libros de EL PAÍS
- 7Decreased by 2Bella Freud
Fashion Neurosis with Bella Freud
- 8Increased by 4PlanetadeLibros en colaboración con El Terrat
¿Te quedas a leer?
- 9Decreased by 1Nacho Vega
Los audiolibros de Nacho Vega (audiolibros de Harry Potter)
- 10Decreased by 4El Descampao
El Descampao
- 11Decreased by 2Vanity Fair Spain
Hotel Jorge Juan
- 12Increased by 1Onda Cero Podcast
- 13Decreased by 3Podium Podcast
Las paredes hablan
- 14Increased by 0Sére Skuld y Noviembre Nocturno
Onironautas Podcast
- 15Increased by 37Revista Elle
Perder el hilo
- 16Increased by 6arte compacto
arte compacto
- 17Decreased by 2Audiolibros en Castellano
Audiolibros en Castellano
- 18NEWRicardo Lugo
- 19NEWAinhoa Urquia y Jordi Serrano
Está por Leer
- 20Increased by 38TELVA
La Belleza es Nuestra
- 21Increased by 97Mentesliterales Podcast
MentesLiterales - Recomendaciones y reseñas de libros
- 22NEWAna González Duque
El escritor emprendedor
- 23Increased by 20AudioLibros Dami y Vale
Cuentos Clasicos Infantiles
- 24Increased by 127La Vanguardia
Quédate a Comer
- 25Decreased by 5Cenobeita
El tiempo que nos dieron
- 26Increased by 129Nicholas Wilton
- 27NEWLili Quant
Clásicos al oído
- 28Decreased by 5Aelia Phosphore
Lecture du coran
- 29NEWGreat Literature
Great Audiobooks
- 30Increased by 2José Carlos Rodrigo & Jan Arimany
El café de Mendel
- 32Decreased by 13Roman Mars
99% Invisible
- 33Increased by 4David
La Audioteca, libros para escuchar
- 34Increased by 0Joanna Penn
The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers
- 35Increased by 0Louise Fletcher/Alice Sheridan
Art Juice: A podcast for artists, creatives and art lovers
- 36Increased by 2Mis Propias Finanzas
Club de lectura de MPF
- 37Increased by 3Chris Hedges
The Chris Hedges Report
- 38Increased by 1Vida Potencial
Vida Potencial
- 39Increased by 9GIADA | JustPod
- 40Decreased by 13Eugenia López-Fonta
- 41Increased by 12Blackie Books
Reinas del grito
- 42Increased by 12Alexis Ren and Allie Michelle
Easy A Podcast
- 44Decreased by 28Rick Rubin
Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin
- 45Increased by 16Cory Doctorow
Podcast – Cory Doctorow's
- 46Increased by 33Planeta Montaña
Poesía Podcast
- 47Increased by 49Janina Doyle
- 48Increased by 66La Vanguardia
Los libros secretos
- 49Increased by 66Radio Anagrama
Tema libre
- 50Increased by 66Despierta
Universidad del Despertar
- 51Increased by 66Mara Valderrey
- 52Increased by 147NPR
Fresh Air
- 53Decreased by 20Anxo López y Patricia Izquierdo
Diseño y todo lo demás
- 54Increased by 86Montagud Editores
Se me Antoja by Montagud
- 56Decreased by 39Trotalibros
La taberna de Macondo
- 57Increased by 81SER Podcast
Picasso. La forja del genio
- 58Increased by 77Wine Enthusiast Magazine
Wine Enthusiast Podcast
- 59NEWJuan Pablo Silvestre
- 60Increased by 105Plosive
Sara & Cariad's Weirdos Book Club
- 61Increased by 118Audiolibros en Castellano
El principito - Audiolibros en castellano
- 62Increased by 138Láudano
Podcast Noviembre Nocturno
- 63NEWJessie Ware
Table Manners with Jessie and Lennie Ware
- 64Decreased by 46Carrete Digital
Carrete Digital
- 65Decreased by 44蜜獾吃书
- 66NEWLorena Pérez-Jácome
Arte en Diálogo
- 67NEWSER Podcast
El Club de Lectura
- 68Decreased by 42Druni
NPR's Book of the Day
- 70Decreased by 45Berger y Montero Asociados
Drama o Qué
- 71Increased by 12Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories
- 72Decreased by 48Jessica DeFino
The Review of Mess
- 73Increased by 50Rusty Quill
The Magnus Archives
- 74NEWK.M. Weiland
Helping Writers Become Authors
- 75NEWBegoña Beristain
La librería de Bego Beristain
- 76NEWAnnie Sloan Interiors
The Colourist
- 77NEWmirā
- 78Decreased by 50Fundación Japón
- 79NEWciesse
Aventuras de Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930)
- 80Decreased by 51Roberto García y Emil Martínez
- 81NEWEl libro del año
El libro del año
- 82NEWFinancial Times
Life and Art from FT Weekend
- 83NEWThe Paris Review
The Paris Review
- 84Decreased by 54Rubén Moya Aparicio
Especialmente Café
- 85NEW文化有限
- 86NEWHallie Batchelder
Extra Dirty with Hallie Batchelder
- 87NEWCynthia Graber and Nicola Twilley
- 88NEWOnda Regional de Murcia
- 89NEWJuan Jose Vila
El Conector AV
- 90NEWRussell Tovey and Robert Diament
Talk Art
- 91NEWEvery Outfit
Every Outfit
- 92NEWPep Pazo Gutiérrez
Historias de RNE - con Juan José Plans
- 93NEWFalcó
Las Aventuras de Tintín
- 94NEWLevi Dalton
I'll Drink to That! Wine Talk
- 95NEWEstrella SIN Michelin
La Comanda. Un podcast de Estrella SIN Michelin
- 96NEWKen Wolf, Artistic Director, Manhattan Repertory Theatre, Playwright, Direc
The Playwriting Podcast
- 97NEWClarinesyTimbales
Clarines y Timbales
- 98NEWiHeartPodcasts
Ruthie's Table 4
- 99NEWSiempre al Oeste
Siempre al oeste
- 100NEWFujifilm España
Podcast Oficial de Fujifilm España
- 101NEWAlex Gagne
The Photo Banter
- 102NEWMariana Salgado
Diseño y Diáspora
- 103NEWThe Business of Fashion
The Business of Fashion Podcast
- 104NEWRadio Westeros
Radio Westeros ASOIAF Podcast
- 105NEWPao Galindo
Un libro, una historia
- 106NEWBernard Davidoff
David Copperfield (Unabridged)
- 107NEWEl Perseguidor
El Perseguidor
- 108NEWPlan Fiction
ENDÉMICO - Ficción Sonora
- 109NEWAmante de Libros Clasicos
Crimen y Castigo - Lectura completa
- 110NEWNúvol
Pò de Núvol
- 111NEWTodo Perfecto
Todo Perfecto
- 112NEWSherlock Holmes Bedtime Pod
Sherlock Holmes Bedtime Stories
- 113NEWGran Literatura
Audiollibres i relats
- 115NEWDoctores del Tiempo
Entre Cómics
- 116Decreased by 85Eva Comas Arnal
La Maraldina: L'univers desconegut de Mercè Rodoreda
- 117NEWLuke Jones & George Gingell Discuss Architecture, History and Culture
About Buildings + Cities
The Wine News in 5
- 119NEWLuke Darracott & Roque Madrid
Spanish Wine Experience
- 120NEWClare Press
WARDROBE CRISIS with Clare Press
- 121NEWBlamo! Media, Jeremy Kirkland
- 122NEWDesign Freaks
Design Freaks
- 123NEWGaliana
¡Alerta, aquí leemos!
- 124NEWNational Geographic España
Comerse el mundo (por Viajes National Geographic)
- 125NEWGema Escudero
- 126NEWPerfumes y cosas
Perfumes y cosas
- 127NEWMartina Sacchi
- 128NEWDr Azarakhsh mokri
پادکست آذرخش مکری
- 129NEWTop Audiolibros Resumen
Top Audiolibros Resumen
- 130NEWChef Fadi Kattan
Sabah Al Yasmine - Ramblings of a Chef
- 131NEWVivi Furlong
Vivir del Arte con Vivi Furlong
- 132NEWPaul K from the Original Wine of the Month Club
Wine Talks with Paul K.
- 133NEWImmediate Media
Good Food
- 134NEWRoshan Abady
پادکست ناوکست / Navcast
- 135NEWMaria
- 138NEWBedrock Wine Co.
Bedrock Wine Conversations
- 139NEWNuestros audio libros
Nuestros audio libros
- 140NEWResúmenes de Sabiduría
Resumenes de Sabiduria
- 141NEWMichel de Polignac
En el enjambre-Byung-Chul Han
- 142NEWRachel Belle
Your Last Meal with Rachel Belle
- 143NEWسبحان گنجی
- 144NEWJared Henderson & Wesley Walker
The Classical Mind
- 145NEWThe Wine Makers
The Wine Makers on Radio Misfits
- 146NEWQuiana Goodrum
Sleep Sexy
- 147NEWCRI Español
Presencia de cultura
- 148NEWAlex Andreou
Alex Andreou's Podyssey
- 149NEWLaure Guilbault
Sunday Night Live with Laure Guilbault
- 150NEWMarvin J. Towler
Beats Vines and Life
- 151NEWAlvaroK
Los Siete Soles
- 152Decreased by 110Cadena SER
Gastro SER
- 153Decreased by 117Vanity Fair Spain
Nota al pie
- 154NEWPenguin Random House Grupo Editorial
La corte del Rey, un Podcast de Stephen King producido por Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
- 155Decreased by 114Esto no es un museo
Esto no es un museo
- 156Decreased by 111Aceprensa
Una pregunta, literal
- 157Decreased by 111Doug Metzger
Literature and History
- 158Decreased by 114Y. Delgado
Escuchando Libros
- 159Decreased by 112Podium Podcast / Thyssen
- 160Decreased by 105Clara Fernández
El Podcast de Holisticmango
- 161Decreased by 112Ruben Gabelli
Ruben Gabelli Foto y Video
- 162Decreased by 111Mandragora Fotografos
Fotografía Sin Filtro
- 163Decreased by 113NADIA AZZOUZ
- 164Decreased by 108Michael y Antun
Michael y Antun - El Podcast
- 165NEWCharlando sobre moda
Charlando sobre moda
- 166Decreased by 104Fantasy Fangirls | QCODE
Fantasy Fangirls
- 167NEWThe Curiosity Department, LLC
Design Better
- 168Decreased by 101Alejandro
Audiolibros Cool
- 169Decreased by 106S:E Creative Studio
- 170Decreased by 51Jota Barros
Calle Oscura
- 171Decreased by 114Vénus s'épilait-elle la chatte ?
Vénus s'épilait-elle la chatte ?
- 172Decreased by 113Ansia Viva Comics
Ansia Viva Comics
- 173Decreased by 113Podium Podcast
Territorios improbables
- 174NEWRancho Drácula
Rancho Drácula
- 175Decreased by 101Alguien -
Página Dos
- 176Decreased by 106Katerina
Людині потрібна людина
- 178NEW呼叫仙贝
- 179Decreased by 106On Being Studios
Poetry Unbound
- 180Decreased by 104BBC Radio 4
Cook The Perfect...
- 181Decreased by 117iHeartPodcasts
Minnie Questions with Minnie Driver
- 182NEWLibriVox
North and South by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (1810 - 1865)
- 183Decreased by 105Denise Afonso
Trabajando en Moda
- 184Decreased by 119Viva El Vino
Viva El Vino
- 186Decreased by 114La República Independiente de la Radio
- 187Decreased by 77Off Script / Simon Rimmer
- 188Decreased by 98Gema Gutiérrez Medina
Píldoras UX - Aprende diseño de experiencia de usuario
- 189Decreased by 108Fated Mates
Fated Mates - A Romance Novel Podcast
- 190Decreased by 124Loyal Books
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- 191Decreased by 123Poetry Foundation
Poetry Off the Shelf
- 192Decreased by 123Jim Duane: Winemaker, Grape-grower, and Wine Educator
Inside Winemaking - the art and science of growing grapes and crafting wine
- 193Decreased by 118Brandon Andre
Industry Talk with Brandon Andre
- 194Decreased by 110Rodrigo Sujodoles Gazzero
- 195Decreased by 118The Legendarium Podcast
The Legendarium
- 196NEWLoyal Books
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
- 197NEWXataka
Laberinto de papel (by Xataka)
- 198Decreased by 118Neale James
The Photowalk
- 199Decreased by 73The Moth
The Moth
- 200Decreased by 94Zoavision
Visionary: How William Blake Changed the World