Apple Podcasts – Romania – Medicine
Top podcasts in Romania from the Apple Podcasts charts for Medicine.
- 1Increased by 1Mihail Pautov
Doctor Mihail
- 2Decreased by 1Peter Attia, MD
The Peter Attia Drive
- 3Increased by 0Gil Blander PhD
Longevity by Design
- 4Increased by 109Craig Heacock MD
Back from the Abyss: Psychiatry in Stories
- 5Decreased by 1Dear Media
Treated with Dr. Sara
- 6NEWMayo Clinic Aerospace Medicine
Mayo Clinic Clear Approach
- 7Decreased by 2European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery (EACTS)
A Cut Above: Cardiothoracic insights from EACTS
- 8Decreased by 1Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.
- 9Decreased by 3Mark Mullen, MD
Psychiatry Boot Camp
- 10Decreased by 1NephJC Team
Freely Filtered, a NephJC Podcast
- 11Decreased by 3Adam Rodman, MD, MPH, FACP
Bedside Rounds
- 12Decreased by 2The Curious Clinicians
The Curious Clinicians
- 13Decreased by 2Dr. Lora Shahine
Baby or Bust with Dr Lora Shahine
- 14Decreased by 2BackTable
BackTable MSK
- 15Decreased by 2grilerezidentiat
- 16Increased by 6Dr. Mark Hyman
The Dr. Hyman Show
- 17Decreased by 3RegRapPod
RegRapPod: InConversation
- 18Decreased by 3Medizin im Alltag
Medizin im Alltag
- 19Increased by 47broccoli&creier
- 20NEWDocCheck
Auskultiert: Der DocCheck Podcast
- 21Decreased by 3Neuro Athletics
The Neuro Experience
- 22Decreased by 3Robert Lufkin MD
Health Longevity Secrets
- 23Decreased by 2Rupa Health
The Root Cause Medicine Podcast
- 24Increased by 15Dr. Gabrielle Lyon
The Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show
- 25Increased by 16DM Operations Inc.
The Checkup with Doctor Mike
- 26Increased by 12PsychEd
PsychEd: educational psychiatry podcast
- 27Decreased by 4Dr. med. Kai Gruhn, Dr. med. Dietrich Sturm, Prof. Markus Wübbeler
Klinisch Relevant Podcast
- 28Increased by 57Psychopharmacology Institute
Psychopharmacology and Psychiatry Updates
- 29NEWMentors in Medicine
The Medicine Mentors Podcast
- 30Decreased by 14NDR Info
Das Coronavirus-Update
- 31Decreased by 4Pediatría Integral EC
Pediatría Integral EC 1
- 32Decreased by 4Silvina Romero
- 33Decreased by 4American College of Cardiology
JACC Podcast
- 34Decreased by 4Academia de Pediatria
Academia de Pediatria
- 35Decreased by 4Dr. Francavilla
The Dr. Francavilla Show
- 36Decreased by 19Kevin Pho, MD
The Podcast by KevinMD
- 37Increased by 161The Cribsiders
The Cribsiders
- 38Decreased by 18Dr Louise Newson
The Dr Louise Newson Podcast
- 39Decreased by 14RoVECCS E-learning
RoVECCS Podcast
- 40Increased by 19Dr Rupy Aujla
The Doctor's Kitchen Podcast
- 41Increased by 91NEJM Group
NEJM This Week
- 42NEWCadena Dial
Mis amigas preguntan
- 43Decreased by 19Dr. Matt Walker
The Matt Walker Podcast
- 44Decreased by 18Professor Martin Mücke und Esther Schweins
- 45Decreased by 13Tim Horeczko, MD, MSCR, FACEP, FAAP
Pediatric Emergency Playbook
- 46NEWDr. Ingo Krenz & Dr. Andreas Klinge
Denkfabrik Medizin
- 47Decreased by 11Providence
Heart Matters
- 48Increased by 40Natalie Crawford, MD
As a Woman
- 49NEWDr. Daniel Seidman
Quit Smoking Now Podcast with Dr. Daniel Seidman
- 50NEWDr Ben LaHood and Dr Nick Andrew
Ophthalmology Against The Rule
- 51Decreased by 18European Society of Cardiology
ESC TV Today – Your Cardiovascular News
- 52NEWThieme Gruppe
Study Snacks - Gastroenterologie
- 53Decreased by 19Doctor Vs Comedian
Doctor Vs Comedian
- 54Decreased by 14ISUOG
ISUOG Podcast
- 55Decreased by 13DW
Capsule Santé
- 56Decreased by 13British Society for Rheumatology
Talking Rheumatology Spotlight
- 57Decreased by 22BackTable
BackTable Vascular & Interventional
- 58Increased by 141Emergency Medical Minute
Emergency Medical Minute
- 59NEWUEG Journal
UEG Journal
- 60Decreased by 23Paediatric Commuter
Paediatric Commuter
- 61Decreased by 17Cristina Lauby
Sănătate Zi de Zi Podcast
- 62Decreased by 14Scott D. Weingart, MD FCCM
EMCrit FOAM Feed
- 63Decreased by 6Dr. Anton Helman
Emergency Medicine Cases
- 64Decreased by 15Anesthesiology, the journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists
Anesthesiology Journal's podcast
- 65Decreased by 15Ninja Nerd
Ninja Nerd
- 66Decreased by 15Dr. Roman Ewert
Anae-Doc: Anästhesie, Intensiv und Notfallmedizin
- 67Decreased by 15Simon Laing, Rob Fenwick & James Yates
The Resus Room
- 68Decreased by 15Core EM
Core EM - Emergency Medicine Podcast
- 69Decreased by 15FOAMcast
FOAMcast - An Emergency Medicine Podcast
- 70Decreased by 15Ingmar Finkenzeller (Klinik für Anästhesiologie der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen)
Young Urban Anesthesiologists
- 71Decreased by 15Sebastian Schiffer und Andreas Müller
Fasttrack - Der Notfallpodcast
- 72Decreased by 14Dr Sam Manger
The GP Show
- 73Increased by 64Lupus Foundation of America
Lupus: The Expert Series
- 74Decreased by 29Dr.Fang
- 75Decreased by 29De zorg laten werken
De zorg laten werken
- 76Decreased by 15Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh
The Egg Whisperer Show
- 77Decreased by 30Rasstriga.doc
Накопились токсины
- 78Decreased by 18Physio Network
Physio Network
- 79Decreased by 10Sara Dong
- 80Decreased by 10American Society for Nutrition
AJCN In Press
- 81Decreased by 19ABC listen
What's That Rash?
- 82Decreased by 19Lauren Streicher, MD
Dr. Streicher’s Inside Information: Menopause, Midlife, and More
- 83Decreased by 19BMJ Group
BMJ Best Practice Podcast
- 84Decreased by 19NEJM Group
Not Otherwise Specified
- 85Decreased by 12Robert Kennedy Jr
RFK Jr Podcast
- 86Decreased by 12Eleonora Teplinsky
INTERLUDE: Cancer Stories with Dr. Teplinsky
- 87Decreased by 20Darshan Shah, MD
Extend Podcast with Darshan Shah, MD
- 88Decreased by 20American Academy of Ophthalmology
Ophthalmology Journal
- 89Decreased by 18Dental Digest Institute & Dr. Melissa Seibert: Dentist
Dental Digest Podcast with Dr. Melissa Seibert
- 90Decreased by 12American Academy of Neurology
Neurology® Podcast
- 91Decreased by 12David Pope at Clinical Edge
Physio Edge podcast with David Pope
- 92Decreased by 11Brandon Oto, PA-C, FCCM and Bryan Boling, DNP, ACNP, FCCM
Critical Care Scenarios
- 93Decreased by 11Jason Tuori, Megan Graham, & Chris Juneau
PT Inquest
- 94Decreased by 11American Society of Pain & Neuroscience
Pain Unfiltered
- 95Decreased by 20CardioNerds
Cardionerds: A Cardiology Podcast
- 96Decreased by 24Paul Saladino, MD
Paul Saladino MD podcast
- 97Decreased by 20Adam Thomas & Josh Farkas
The Internet Book of Critical Care Podcast
- 98Decreased by 22Beur FM
- 99Decreased by 10European Society of Cardiology
CardioPractice Cardio Talk
- 100Decreased by 20Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast
Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast
- 101Decreased by 17Thieme Gruppe
NOTFALLeinsatz – retten: für alle im Rettungsdienst und in der Notfallmedizin
- 102Decreased by 16Dr. Zubin Damania
The ZDoggMD Show
- 103Decreased by 16Choses à Savoir
Choses à Savoir SANTE
- 104Decreased by 5Dr Rebecca Dunsmoor-Su, Dr Amy Voedisch
- 105Decreased by 15Matt Covington
The Radiology Review Podcast
- 106Decreased by 15JAMA Network
JAMA Clinical Reviews
- 108Decreased by 15Delphine Remy
Naître princesse, devenir guerrière.
- 109Decreased by 15Ben Young and Andrew Pouw
Eyes For Ears
- 110Decreased by 15Royal College of Anaesthetists
Anaesthesia on Air
- 111Decreased by 15BackTable
BackTable ENT
- 112Decreased by 15AOFAS Podcast Committee
The AOFAS Orthopod-Cast
- 113Decreased by 15AMBOSS-Redaktion
AMBOSS Podcast – Ärztliches Wissen für Klinik und Praxis
- 114Decreased by 14France Télévisions / Mediawan Digital Studio / Reservoir Prod
Laurent Karila : Addiktion
- 115Decreased by 14PODCAP, la série de Podcasts des Cercles d’Actualités Pédiatriques du Laboratoire Gallia
PODCAP, la série de Podcasts des Cercles d’Actualités Pédiatriques du Laboratoire Gallia
- 116Decreased by 14RTL
- 117Decreased by 14American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Flip your Script
- 118Decreased by 14American College of Physicians
Annals On Call Podcast
- 119Decreased by 14Gabriella Bondoc
Hope for Mind and Soul
- 120Decreased by 6Uppsala Monitoring Centre
Drug Safety Matters
- 121Decreased by 15Dr. Karim Ladak
Rheumatology For The Royal College
- 122Decreased by 15La Médicale
Et toi c'était comment ? Le podcast des jeunes praticiens
- 123Decreased by 15The Newly Meds
The Newly Meds
- 124Decreased by 15Acast • Stay Awake
Är jag sjuk?
- 125Decreased by 13The Nocturnists
The Nocturnists
- 126Decreased by 16Redaktion
Der Springer Medizin Podcast
- 127Decreased by 16Dr. Dennis Kim
Trauma ICU Rounds
- 128Decreased by 12ESAIC
ESAIC Podcast series on anaesthesia & intensive care
- 129Decreased by 14The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast
The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast
- 130Decreased by 13European Association for the Study of the Liver
EASL Podcasts
- 131Decreased by 13Various
Fertility Docs Uncensored
- 132Decreased by 13Scott Benner
Juicebox Podcast: Type 1 Diabetes
- 133Decreased by 10American Academy of Neurology
Continuum Audio
- 134Decreased by 14Kyle Gillett and James O'Hara
The Gillett Health Podcast
- 135Decreased by 14Cataract Coach with Uday Devgan MD
Cataract Coach with Uday Devgan MD
- 136Decreased by 8milad amiri
لیدوپاد / LIDOPOD
- 137Decreased by 8Docs Who Lift
Docs Who Lift
- 138Decreased by 8Dr foad shahabian
- 139Decreased by 17Channel Your Enthusiasm
Channel Your Enthusiasm
- 140Decreased by 16Nibras Naami & Florian Babor
Hand, Fuß, Mund
- 141Decreased by 16Core IM Team
Core IM | Internal Medicine Podcast
- 142Decreased by 16Podcast Pediatría
Podcast Pediatría
- 143Decreased by 16DOZA DE MEDICINĂ
- 144Decreased by 9Dear Media
- 145Decreased by 14NDR Fernsehen
Abenteuer Diagnose - der Medizin-Krimi-Podcast
- 146Decreased by 4Dr. Vonda Wright
HOT For Your Health
- 147Decreased by 14BMJ Group
Practical Neurology Podcast
- 148Decreased by 14AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics
Pediatrics On Call
- 149Decreased by 13Elena Mattuschka
Medizin im Ohr - Der Podcast mit „Natürlich Elli“
- 150Decreased by 12ABC listen
Health Report - Full program podcast
- 151Decreased by 12NASPGHAN
Bowel Sounds: The Pediatric GI Podcast
- 152Decreased by 9Andrew Davies
Mastering Intensive Care
- 153Decreased by 13Zack Olson, MD and Michael Estephan, MD
EM Clerkship
- 154Decreased by 13Maxime Delbarre & Camille Rambaud
- 155Decreased by 5SFAR - Comité Réanimation
AR-Pod : le Podcast de l'anesthésie-réanimation
- 156Decreased by 5RARRE (Recherche en Anesthésie Réanimation REnnaise)
Les Lundis du RARRE
- 157Decreased by 5Tutorías Medicina Interna
Tutorías Medicina Interna
- 158Decreased by 5Juan Carlos Cardenas
Medicina Interna
- 159Decreased by 5Medicina
- 160Decreased by 16Dr. Linda Bluestein, MD
Bendy Bodies with Dr. Linda Bluestein
- 161Decreased by 16Société Française de Radiologie
Trajectoire(s) aux rayons X
- 162Decreased by 16American Thoracic Society
Breathe Easy
- 163Decreased by 7Ben Courchia & Daphna Yasova Barbeau
The Incubator
- 164Decreased by 7European School of Neonatology
Neonatology Now
- 165Decreased by 7Vadim Bondar
Детский офтальмолог Вадим Бондарь
- 166Decreased by 19Eric Christianson, PharmD; Pharmacology Expert and Clinical Pharmacist
Real Life Pharmacology - Pharmacology Education for Health Care Professionals
- 167Decreased by 19Andrew Dixon & Frank Gaillard
The Radiopaedia Reading Room Podcast
- 168Decreased by 19ESSTS
Gilles is in the air
- 169Decreased by 10Medmastery
Medmastery's Cardiology Digest
- 170Decreased by 10American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Fertility and Sterility On Air
- 171Decreased by 10AMBOSS
AMBOSS: Beyond the Textbook
- 172Decreased by 17Performance Medicine
The Common Sense MD
- 173Decreased by 10SFORL
- 174Decreased by 9Kirstie Segarra
Fascia & Bones: Unpacking the Mystery
- 175Decreased by 9European Society of Cardiology
ESC Cardio Talk
- 176Decreased by 14Medscape
What to Know About Depression: A Podcast Series for You and Your Family
- 177Decreased by 13Asra Hashmi
Plastic Surgery Experts
- 178Decreased by 11Dr. Jolene Brighten
The Dr. Brighten Show
- 180Decreased by 10Dr. Dominic D'Agostino PhD, Dr. Angela Poff PhD, and Victoria Field
The Metabolic Link
- 181Decreased by 10The Lancet Group
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology in conversation with
- 182Decreased by 14Brett Mitchell
Infection Control Matters
- 183Decreased by 10Institut für Allgemeinmedizin Marburg
Allgemeinmedizin konkret - Spannende Fälle aus der Sprechstunde
- 184Decreased by 12Gary Pepper, M.D.
Dr. Pepper....Really?
- 185Decreased by 10AccessMedicine
Harrison's PodClass: Internal Medicine Cases and Board Prep
- 186Decreased by 10Richard Jacobs
Finding Genius Podcast
- 187Decreased by 13pin-up-docs – don't panic
Hauptfolge Archive - pin-up-docs - don't panic
- 188Decreased by 11MayoClinicOphthalmology
Mayo Clinic Ophthalmology Podcast
- 189Decreased by 8Dr. Juri Tassinari
Chirurgia Plastica e Medicina Estetica
- 190Decreased by 8American College of Gastroenterology
Behind the Case: An ACG Case Reports Journal Podcast
- 191Decreased by 8Medicina & Cirurgia
Medicina e Cirurgia
- 192Decreased by 8Dr. Kota Reddy
Everyday Health Stories
- 193Decreased by 15Marie und Tabea
Tablettentalk | Der Apotheken-Podcast
- 194Decreased by 15Jennifer Doorey, MD, MS
Procedure Ready: Ob/Gyn
- 195Decreased by 15Simon Platt
Web-Vet Neurology Specialists - Feed Your Brain Podcast Series!
- 196Decreased by 6Nicolas Verhoeven
- 197Decreased by 6Dr. Chelsie Todd
Mouth Breathers
- 198Decreased by 6RNCN
Health & Harmony Beyond the Teeth
- 199Decreased by 14WebMD
Health Discovered
- 200Decreased by 14Sara Schaefer
Neurology Nuts and Bolts: Constructing Your Career