Apple Podcasts – Germany – Alternative Health
Top podcasts in Germany from the Apple Podcasts charts for Alternative Health.
- 1Increased by 0Nils Behrens - Sunday
HEALTHWISE - Der Gesundheits- und Longevitypodcast.
- 2Increased by 0Ruth Biallowons
Unheilbar Gesund
- 3Increased by 0Dr Rangan Chatterjee: GP & Author
Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee
- 4Increased by 4Rabea Kieß
Hormon Reset Podcast
- 5Decreased by 1Dr. Petra Bracht, Roland Liebscher-Bracht
Die Liebscher & die Brachts
- 6Decreased by 1Nature's Sounds for Relaxation
- 7Increased by 2Dr. Thomas Bacharach| Podcast zu den Themen Reizdarm, SIBO, Leaky Gut und vieles mehr
Darm mit Aussicht - dein Podcast rund um die Themen Darmgesundheit, Reizdarm, SIBO und Leaky Gut
- 8Decreased by 1MW Medien und Entertainment UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
WIR. DU. NATUR. Dein Podcast für sanfte Medizin
- 9Decreased by 3Dr. Franziska Rubin und Sina Peschke
Dr. Franziska Rubin – Gibt’s da nicht auch was Natürliches?
- 10Increased by 0HEALVERSITY, Manuel Burzler, Timo Janisch
HealVersity - Die Macht der Epigenetik
- 11Increased by 2mit Lila & Steffi
PUDELNACKERT | Der schonungslos ehrliche Podcast über Liebe, Sex, Dating & Männer
- 12Increased by 21Dr. med. Janna Scharfenberg
Healthy High Performance Podcast
- 13Decreased by 2Lanserhof
Forever Young - Der Longevity-Podcast
- 14Increased by 1Slumber Studios
Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories
- 15Increased by 7Jana Müller
Darmwunder Podcast
- 16Increased by 4Dear Media, Arielle Lorre
Well with Arielle Lorre
- 17Decreased by 3Matthias Langwasser
Matthias Langwasser: Spiritualität, Ganzheitliche Gesundheit, Systemkritik.
- 18Decreased by 6Josh Rimany
Beyond the Pills
- 19Increased by 7Eliane Zimmermann
Aromatherapie für die Ohren mit Eliane Zimmermann & Sabrina Herber
- 20Increased by 4Dominik Barkow
Ganz Gesund - Dominik Barkow MyBodyMind
- 21Increased by 2Anna
Blühende Gesundheit
- 22Decreased by 6Bahar Yilmaz
New Spirit - Podcast für moderne Spiritualität
- 23Increased by 2Dr. Alina Lessenich
Body-Mind-Soul Podcast
- 24Decreased by 7Reformhaus
Natürlich gesund! Natürlich schön! Natürlich fit! Der Reformhaus-Podcast zum Wohlfühlen
- 25Decreased by 6Carola Hoffmeister
Entspannung wirkt. Ich helfe dir zur Ruhe zu kommen und einzuschlafen.
- 26Decreased by 8Julia Rudolf und Thorsten Keil
werde chronisch gesund - Heilung von Körper, Geist und Seele nach Anthony William
- 27Increased by 33Alex Broll
Raus aus dem Hormonchaos
- 28Increased by 3Vorher: Faszination Fatigue
Fasynation: Hilfe bei ME/CFS und Long Covid
- 29Decreased by 2Louise
Natürlich gesund mit Louise
- 30Decreased by 2Mindful In Minutes Meditation
Mindful In Minutes Meditation
- 31Increased by 6Dr. Dania Schumann, Ernährungswissenschaftlerin, Ayurveda Spezialistin, Yogalehrerin und Ausbildungsleiterin Ayurveda Ernährungscoach
The Science of Life
- 32Increased by 0Julia Gruber
- 33Decreased by 3Bettina Roschewitz
My Hands - Der ganzheitliche Gesundheits-Podcast
- 34Decreased by 13Dr. med. Anne-Kristin Pollok-Possekel
Ayurveda Seelengold
- 35Increased by 6Dorothea Leinung: Hashimotoexpertin, ganzheitliche Ärztin und Hypnosethera
Thea - Entdecke Deine Göttlichkeit!
- 36Increased by 7Tobias Kunert
Das Mindset der Champions
- 37Increased by 12Sonja Schmitzer
HPU and You - raus aus Erschöpfung, Reizdarm, Ängsten und Depressionen
- 38Decreased by 9Sandra Weber
THEKI® – Dein Podcast für Bewusstsein, Gesundheit und Glück by Sandra Weber
- 40Decreased by 6Babett Wollin
Ausgebrannt - Der Burnout Podcast
- 41Increased by 46Nora Hodeige & Jacqueline Hallmann
Happy HIT - Der Histaminintoleranz Podcast
- 42Increased by 26Sukadev Bretz - Entspannen und Bewusst werden
Bodyscan Tiefenentspannung und Meditation
- 43Decreased by 5Kendra Zwiefka
Krebs als zweite Chance- Der Mutmacher Podcast
- 44Decreased by 9Dear Media
The Wellness Process
- 45Increased by 63Diane Ellinghaus
Eine Spur persönlicher...
- 46Increased by 61Clara Cohen
AcuPro - The Wonders of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
- 47Decreased by 11Peter Gehlmann
Hashimoto-Podcast: für dein Leichteres Leben mit Problemen rund um die Schilddrüse
- 48Increased by 66Romina Scalco
Das Endometriose-Projekt
- 49Increased by 81John R. Miles
Passion Struck with John R. Miles
- 51Increased by 90Sukadev Bretz - Gekonnt Entspannen und Aufladen
Autogenes Training - Gekonnt entspannen und auftanken
- 52Decreased by 12To Be Magnetic™
EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™
- 53Increased by 92Johanna Naser
Zirkulär - dein Zyklus-Podcast ⭕
- 54Decreased by 15Jesse Chappus
The Ultimate Health Podcast
- 55Increased by 104spiritual mind
Achtsamkeit, Affirmationen & Meditationen
- 56Increased by 124Melina
Entspannung pur🦋💭
- 57Increased by 130Stacey
Naturopathic Beauty's Clear Skin Sessions
- 58Increased by
Tracks To Relax Sleep Meditations
- 59Increased by 116Institut für Mikroökologie
Fach-Podcasts zu Mikrobiom, Darm, Darmgesundheit und Schleimhaut
- 60NEWAndreas Paffrath
- 61NEWInstitut für Mikroökologie
Wunderwerk Darm - GUT erklärt
- 62NEWDr. Schwarzl
Gesund werden Gesund bleiben | Ganzheitliche Medizin: Ursachen finden, Gesundheit nachhaltig fördern
- 63Decreased by 21Sukadev Bretz
Tiefenentspannung, Autogenes Training, PMR - mehr Energie und Lebensfreude
- 64Decreased by 20Ingmar Marquardt mit Podcast-Team
"Krankheit ist anders" - Podcast
- 65NEWTanja Draxler
IMpuls - Lebe deine Version
- 66NEWNoémie Jobard - Sunday Natural
HEALTHWISE - Le podcast santé
- 67Decreased by 22Nicole Sachs, LCSW
The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW
- 68NEWBarbara Peckmann
Denke GANZHEITLICH - Der Prophylaxe und Business Podcast für ZMP´s und DH´s
- 69Decreased by 23Nicholas Duchnowski
Drunken Acupuncture Podcast
- 70Decreased by 23HEIDAK AG
Heilung Dank Kräutern-Podcast
- 71NEWSukadev Bretz - Entspannung durch Achtsamkeit
- 72NEWTiraraDeguello
ASMR TirarADeguello
- 73NEWDr. Daoshing Ni, Dr. James Skoien
Acupuncture Points and their Clinical Application
- 74NEWThomas Marisch, Leonie Marisch
Holistic CBD Podcast
- 75NEWQuiet. Please
Power Nap
- 76Decreased by 28Maria Schulz-Tuchen & Marco Schulz
Sauer & Glücklich
- 77NEWThe Chiropractic Forward Podcast: Evidence-based Chiropractic Advocacy
The Chiropractic Forward Podcast: Evidence-based Chiropractic Advocacy
- 78Decreased by 24Dr. Nadine Webering, Fachärztin für Neurologie, Ayurveda-Ärztin und Pranayama-Lehrerin
Stay in balance!
- 79Decreased by 29Sukadev Bretz - Gekonnt Entspannen und Aufladen
Progressive Muskelentspannung - PMR - PME
- 80Decreased by 29Dhru Purohit
Dhru Purohit Show
- 81Decreased by 29Dr. Stephanie Röhm & Ann-Katrin Kossendey-Koch
Die 2 Apothekerinnen für alle Fälle
- 82Decreased by 29Tanja Draxler und Ulrich Draxler-Zenz
SOUND ON – Der Podcast für Klangtherapie, Klangpädagogik & Sound Healing
- 83Decreased by 27Jens Lehmann & Marlén Röder
Heilpflanzenkunde - Wissenswertes über Kräuter und Gesundheit
- 84Decreased by 26Christine Schmid & Conni Biesalski
Intesoma Podcast
- 85Decreased by 28Jana Gebbeken & Friederike Damme
- 86Decreased by 27Eva-Marie Schmidt
Alltagstaugliche Spiritualität
- 87Decreased by 26Sebastian Dietrich
Epigenetik Podcast
- 88Decreased by 23Claudia Jäger
Hautgesund Glücklich ohne Rosacea & Co.
- 89Decreased by 27Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik
Almost 30
- 90Decreased by 27Christina Fischer
- 91Decreased by 27TopHealth Media
Health Unlocked: The Power of Salutogenesis
- 92Decreased by 2Sleepiest & Jessica Porter
Sleep Magic: Guided Sleep Hypnosis & Meditation
- 93Decreased by 22Weston A. Price Foundation w/ Hilda Labrada Gore
Wise Traditions
- 94Decreased by 28Chrystal Rose
Breathwork Bestie
- 95Decreased by 17Heidi Hadley
Somatic Movement & Mindset
- 96Decreased by 21Pia Möller & Bärbel Knochenhauer
Meerwert: Mensch! Direkt von Sylt
- 97Decreased by 30TopHealth Media
Midlife Unleashed
- 99Decreased by 29Manuela Steinbach
Believe in your(e)self by Manuela Steinbach…der Podcast für DICH!
- 100Decreased by 23Sukadev Bretz, Gründer und Leiter von Yoga Vidya
Mantra Meditation lernen - Der 8-Wochen-Kurs
- 101Decreased by 68 Hour Sleep Music
8 Hour Binaural Beats
- 102Decreased by 26Martina Bartsch
- 103Decreased by 31Michelle
Mias Wellness Podcast
- 104Decreased by 20Rainer Haußmann
Schlaf gut
- 105Decreased by 32Dr. Tom Cowan
Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends
- 106Decreased by 32Dr. Susanne Lapp
WildCast – dein NLP-Coaching-Podcast
- 107Decreased by 25Sarah Louise Isaacs
Mindful Breathing Exercise
- 108Decreased by 29Dr. Amy Neuzil
To Health With That! MTHFR Mutations and Methylation.
- 109Decreased by 29Dieter Rehberg | Akademie für Physio-Mentale Entwicklung
Das Somatische Quartett
- 110Decreased by 29matthew Arthurs
Breathing Workouts
- 111Decreased by 28Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers
Higher Health with Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers
- 112Decreased by 218 Hour Sleep Music
8 Hour Sleep Music
- 113Decreased by 28Steve Haines
Body College Podcast
- 114Decreased by 28Bob Forrest
Bob Forrest's Don't Die Podcast
- 115Decreased by 23Dr. Anthony Youn
The Doctor Youn Show
- 117Decreased by 29Sukadev Bretz - Wissen und Weisheit
Positiv Denken Podcast
- 118Decreased by 29Navaz Habib
The Health Upgrade Podcast
- 119Decreased by 22Darin Olien
SuperLife with Darin Olien
- 120Decreased by 21Grünhorn Academy
Grünhorn Academy Podcast
- 121Decreased by 27Dr. Bryan Ardis
The Dr. Ardis Show Podcast
- 122Decreased by 26Otis Gray
- 123Decreased by 22Anti-Akne Akademie
Anti-Akne Podcast
- 124Decreased by 26Andreas Eichmeier, Moritz Penne
Healing Humans Podcast
- 125Decreased by 20Alexander Freise
Bewusst leben.
- 126Decreased by 24Kathryn Nicolai
First This
- 127Decreased by 27Karla Gehrlach & Melanie dal Piero
Aromalogie - Wellness & Erfüllung mit ätherischen Ölen
- 128Decreased by 22Verband Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater e.V.
- 129Decreased by 2Sara Riedel und Ulrike Müller
Berliner Salon für Homöopathie
- 130Decreased by 5Sleep Resonance
Brown Noise for Sleep
- 131Decreased by 28Meditation Sounds
Meditation Sounds
- 132Decreased by 28[email protected]
The Mark Divine Show
- 133Decreased by 17Palkó Zsuzsanna
- 134Decreased by 25Holger Stuhl - Host von Rund um Zähne
Rund um Zähne - Wissenswertes aus der ganzheitlichen Zahnmedizin
- 135Decreased by 2Lofi-Lounge
Lo-Fi Lounge
- 136Decreased by 18Dr. Peter Poeckh
Yogatherapie bewegt
- 137Decreased by 27medumio
- 138Decreased by 27Josh Dech
ReversABLE: The Ultimate Gut Health Podcast
- 139Decreased by 27with Sajah & Whitney Popham, founders of The School of Evolutionary Herbalism. Herbalist, Spagyricist, Medical Astrologer
The Plant Path
- 140Decreased by 25Katie Carey
Soulfulvalley Podcast
- 142Decreased by 25LONGPLAY Studios / Bert Spitzberg
Frühling für die Seele | Ayahuasca Podcast
- 143Decreased by 24Jennifer Davoust
Tune Into You Meditation Podcast
- 144Decreased by 24The Synchromystic Podcast
The Synchromystic Podcast
- 145Decreased by 24Mountain Rose Herbs
Herbal Radio
- 146Decreased by 24The Stillness Co.
The Stillness Podcast
- 147Decreased by 24Jeremy Devens
Yoga Teacher Training Podcast: Learn Anatomy, Philosophy, Business and More
- 148Decreased by 22Adam Keen
Keen on Yoga Podcast
- 149Decreased by 25Raquelle Mantra
Your Own Magic
- 150Decreased by 19Kate O'Donnell
Everyday Ayurveda with Kate
- 151Decreased by 23Ann-Sophie Bünting - Reiki Lehrerin, Holistic Life Coach, Autorin
in balance - Ann-Sophie Bünting
- 152Decreased by 17mindbodygreen
The mindbodygreen Podcast
- 153Decreased by 17Asmr
- 154Decreased by 25Katie Silcox
Spirit Sessions: Sex, Spirit & Self-Care
- 155Decreased by 21Yvonne Burkart
Eat, Love & Heal: Dein Podcast zu Ayurveda und Rheuma
- 156Decreased by 24J. Brown Yoga
J. Brown Yoga Talks
- 157Decreased by 20Madhavi Guemoes
Natural High
- 158Decreased by 15Sandra Langschwert
Themen im Zyklus
- 159Decreased by 21Aaron Doughty
The Aaron Doughty Podcast
- 160Decreased by 2Julia Schultz
Bye Bye, Hormonstörung!
- 161Decreased by 21Khushbu Vyas
The Yoga Nidra Podcast
- 162Decreased by 23Ari Whitten
The Energy Blueprint Podcast
- 163Decreased by 19Sara and Les Raymond
The Mindful Movement Podcast and Community
- 164Decreased by 7Dr. Simone Koch
Besser leben mit Hashimoto & anderen Autoimmunerkrankungen (Autoimmunhilfe)
- 165Decreased by 12Alana Bonnemann
Health After 30 - Women's Holistic Health
- 166Decreased by 24Markus Peters, Allgemeinarzt
Der Herzerklärer
- 168Decreased by 22Margie Bissinger
Happy Bones, Happy Life
- 169Decreased by 22Marc Buddensiek
ErfolgsAnatomie - Fitness / abnehmen / Lifestyle / Gesundheit / Gewohnheiten - mit Marc Buddensiek
- 170Decreased by 22Charlie McCormick
Binaural Beats Podcast
- 171Decreased by 22Sukadev Bretz - Gesundheit und Lebensfreude
Heilsteine und Edelsteintherapie
- 172Decreased by 22Becca Holland
The Becca Holland Show
- 173Decreased by 22Katie Nickerson | Somatic Brain Retraining & Chronic Illness Coach
Retrain Your Brain | Nervous System Regulation, Chronic Illness Healing, Brain Retraining Support
- 174Decreased by
Ηχητικά άρθρα από το
- 175Decreased by 21Dr. Priyanka Venugopal
The Burn Stress Lose Weight Podcast
- 176Decreased by 21Jivana Heyman
The Teacher’s Guide to Accessible Yoga
- 177Decreased by 21Carl Franklin
The Obesity Code Podcast
- 178NEWSukadev Bretz
Ayurveda Einführung Podcast
- 179Decreased by 16Margit Sroka
SHAVAYATRA - Meditation zum Einschlafen
- 180Decreased by 18Marwin Zander - Naturheilpraktiker (NHP) mit eidgenössischem Diplom in Homöopathie
Homöopathie - Podcast
- 181Decreased by 7Natascha von Ganski
Mit Pflanzenwissen heilen lernen
- 182Decreased by 21Taylor Kruse
- 183Decreased by 11Silvia Rößler
Kraft des Lachens - Lachyoga für dich
- 184Decreased by 18Natalie Stark
Lipödem Soulsisters
- 185Decreased by 18Arthrose Hilfe
Arthrose und Gesundheits-Podcast
- 186Decreased by 22Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support
Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support
- 187Decreased by
Duft im Gespräch
- 188Decreased by 12Dr. Regina Ahrens
HORMONE | ESSEN ist Dein Podcast gegen Erschöpfung & Burnout
- 190Decreased by 20Dahlennah
Dahlennah.Entspannung | Meditationen & Fantasiereisen
- 191Decreased by 20Christine Raab | Life is for living. I am your Life Guide
Yogisch By Nature mit Christine Raab
- 192Decreased by 15Klinik Buchinger Wilhelmi GmbH
Fasting, Integrative Medicine and Inspiration - The Buchinger Wilhelmi Amplius Programme
- 193NEWAgnes Blönnigen
Gesund und Glücklich
- 194Decreased by 21gomindful
Get Sleepy and Go Mindful in Minutes: Guided Sleep Meditation
- 195Decreased by 10Sukadev Bretz - Gekonnt Entspannen und Aufladen
Fantasiereisen Anleitungen für Entspannung und Meditation
- 196Increased by 2Dr Vignesh Devraj MD (Ay)
Ayurvedic Healing And Beyond
- 197Decreased by 19Ben Azadi
Metabolic Freedom With Ben Azadi
- 198Decreased by 19Esther Yunkin - Registered Nurse, Hashimoto’s Coach, Holistic Health
Health with Hashimoto’s - Autoimmune Disease, Hypothyroid, Thyroid Problems, Woman’s Health
- 199Decreased by 17Anne Hardy
Die Therapeuten Couch - TCM Podcast
- 200Decreased by 19Veronica Wolff-Casey
The How to Take Care of Yourself Podcast