Apple Podcasts – Switzerland – Mental Health
Top podcasts in Switzerland from the Apple Podcasts charts for Mental Health.
- 1Increased by 0DER SPIEGEL
Smarter leben
- 2Increased by 0Dipl. Psych. Franca Cerutti
Psychologie to go!
- 3Increased by 0Louie Media
Émotions : le podcast pour mettre des mots sur vos émotions
- 4Increased by 1RTL+ / Stefanie Stahl
Stahl aber herzlich – Der Psychotherapie-Podcast mit Stefanie Stahl
- 5Decreased by 1RTL+ / Stefanie Stahl / Lukas Klaschinski
So bin ich eben! Stefanie Stahls Psychologie-Podcast für alle "Normalgestörten"
- 6Increased by 0iHeartPodcasts
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
- 7Increased by 2Dominik Spenst
Der 6-Minuten-Podcast – Hör dich glücklich!
- 8Decreased by 1Verena König
Verena König Podcast für Kreative Transformation
- 9Decreased by 1Paulina Thurm
Meditation für jeden Tag - Dein Podcast für geführte Meditationen und Entspannung
- 10Increased by 12Louie Media X ELLE
Faut que je te dise
- 11Increased by 0Peter Beer
Achtsamkeit leben – Dein Podcast mit Peter Beer
- 12Increased by 1Ildikó von Kürthy
- 13Decreased by 3The Wellness Scoop
The Wellness Scoop
- 14Increased by 0Achtsamkeit & Mentales Wohlbefinden
Der 7Mind Podcast
- 15Increased by 1Jessi & Wiebke (M. Sc. Psych. & Psychotherapeutinnen), Nora (M. Sc. Psych. & Psychotherapeutin i. A.)
glücklich verkopft - der Psychologie Podcast
- 16Increased by 1Timon Krause & Studio Bummens
- 17Increased by 7Psychologue
Psychologie et Bien-être |Le podcast de
- 18Decreased by 6Franziska Behlert - Mentorin für Intuition
Moment mal - Geführte Meditationen mit Franziska Behlert
- 19Decreased by 1Lewis Howes
The School of Greatness
- 20Increased by 31Dami Charf
Dami Charf - Wie wir werden, die wir sind
- 21Decreased by 1Kathi Klaudel - Meditationslehrerin, Entspannungstrainerin & magische Audioproduzentin :)
Bleib entspannt! Der Meditations-Podcast - magische Momente für Kinder & Eltern
- 22Increased by 1Der Mutmacher Podcast des KURIER
Ich weiß, wie es ist – der Mental Health Podcast
- 23Decreased by 8Petra Hess I Gründerin von Koala Mind
Koala Mind - Meditation & Achtsamkeit
- 24Decreased by 5Alexandra Matthes
Die Märchentante, Meditation und Geschichten zum Einschlafen
- 25Increased by 5Julep Studios - Entspannung & Meditation
Ruhe und Kraft - Meditation für alle Lebenslagen
- 26Increased by 15Ro Mitchell and Jaycie Fry
The Comfort Zone
- 27Decreased by 6Major Mouvement
RÉALIGNÉ par Major Mouvement
- 28Increased by 25argon podcast
einfach ganz leben
- 29Decreased by 2Melanie Pignitter Selbstliebe Trainerin, Autorin, Dipl. Mentaltrainerin
Honigperlen für mehr Selbstliebe
- 30Increased by 19Sabine
ADHS.ja.krass -Dein Podcast für ADHS-Spätdiagnostizierte und ADHS im Erwachsenenalter
Hisse l'Âme : Coeur. Âme. Corps
- 32Decreased by 3Sarah Desai
The Mindful Sessions - Für mehr Achtsamkeit & Soulpower
- 33Decreased by 5iHeartPodcasts
A Really Good Cry
- 34Increased by 18WDR 5
Innenwelt – Der Psychologie-Podcast von WDR 5
- 35Decreased by 9Rick Hanson, Ph.D., Forrest Hanson
Being Well with Forrest Hanson and Dr. Rick Hanson
- 36NEWDr Daniel & Tana Amen
Change Your Brain Every Day
- 37Increased by 33Hugh van Cuylenburg, Ryan Shelton & Josh van Cuylenburg
The Imperfects
- 38Increased by 33Camille Tomat
Pas de soucis !
- 39NEWSara Taubman-Hildebrand
- 40Increased by 39Place des Sciences
Les Maux Bleus, dire les troubles de santé mentale
- 41Increased by 47Elias Münzel
Adhs Success - Erfolg mit Adhs
- 42Decreased by 3Mindvalley
The Mindvalley Podcast
- 43Increased by 152Deniz Dülgeroğlu
Merdiven Altı Terapi
- 44Decreased by 7Evelyn Weigert, Seven.One Audio
Alle meine Eltern – Der Real Talk mit Evelyn Weigert
- 45Increased by 45Dear Media, Bryony Deery
Beyond the Mat
- 46Increased by 80Das Alkoholfrei Coaching zum Anhören mit Maria Brehmer
Frau Brehmer trinkt nicht mehr Podcast
- 47Decreased by 7Auf die Ohren GmbH
Jakobs Weg - Psychologie erleben mit Lukas Klaschinski
- 48Decreased by 16Tellyst - Iononmistresso
TV Therapy
- 49Increased by 75Caroline Wirthle
Yoga Nidra Deutsch
- 50Decreased by 17Bauer Media
RISE with Roxie
- 51Decreased by 13WellnessByJade
Tais-toi (aka t'es toi)
- 52Decreased by 18OnePodcast
- 53NEWNDR Info
Raus aus der Depression
- 54Decreased by 8Veronika Bamann und Anna-Maria Torkel
- 55Decreased by 13Ismene, Sebastian und Christa
Jung und Freudlos
- 56Increased by 91Nadine Gerhardt ~ Inspiration zu Selbstliebe, Selbstwert & Intuition
BREATHE! Meditation • Power Talks • Breathwork
- 57Increased by 96Sarah Carina Schäfer
Weibliche Energie Podcast | feel & love
- 58Increased by 75Aaron Jurenka - Therapeut
Selbstheilung durch Gedanken
- 59Decreased by 24Deepak Chopra
21 Days of Abundance - Meditation Series
- 60Decreased by 24Morphée
Somnifère, le podcast pour s'endormir
- 61Decreased by 1110% Happier
10% Happier with Dan Harris
- 62Decreased by 14Business Insider
Never Mind – Psychologie in 15 Minuten
- 63Decreased by 32Marco König
Entspannt einschlafen
- 64Decreased by 1Julia Sahm - Abnehmcoach, Autorin, Life Coach, Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie
LIFESTYLE SCHLANK - abnehmen ohne Diät
- 65NEWMayim Bialik
Mayim Bialik's Breakdown
- 66Decreased by 12Fabienne Meyer und Nadja Weber
Der Geburtspodcast
- 67NEWJonas Höhn | Autor & Gründer detoxRebels
Rebellisch gesund | by detoxRebels für deinen gesunden Lifestyle
- 68Decreased by 25BosePark und LifeXLab
LÄNGER GUT LEBEN - mit Diane Hielscher
- 69NEWÇa Va Bien S'Passer
Ça Va Bien S'Passer
- 70Decreased by 26Kristen Carder
I Have ADHD Podcast
- 71Decreased by 24Chris Bloom
Realtalk für deine Seele
- 72NEWThe Autistic Woman™
Meet My Autistic Brain
- 73NEWMathilde BESSET & Loïc CROBU
Le Militanpsy
- 74Decreased by 10Kathie Kleff
Get happy! mit Kathie Kleff
- 75Decreased by 30Sven Rohde
Gefühlserben – der Podcast
- 76Decreased by 51sydney
entspannt einschlafen - Deep Rest with Yoga Nidra
- 77Increased by 5High Energy Mind
Positive Affirmationen
- 78NEWWake Word Studios
Mein ADHS - Chaos im Kopf
- 79NEWАлена Борьессон
Медитации для вашей реальной жизни
- 80NEWKlänge für Schlaf und Fokus
Weißes Rauschen für Schlaf und Fokus | Schlafklänge
- 81Decreased by 16Sleep Hypnosis, Meditations and Bedtime Stories
Guided Sleep Meditation & Sleep Hypnosis from Sleep Cove
- 82Decreased by 25Noure jfl
- 83NEWАнетта Орлова
Обнимаю словом
- 84NEWDr. Sharon Brehm und Anika Landsteiner, Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe
Hello, Lovers! Wie wollen wir heute lieben?
- 85NEWBiyon Kattilathu
Fragen des Lebens
- 86NEWConSol - Berufliche Perspektiven
ConSol, der Podcast
- 88NEWKatharina Renke
Gestalt Café
- 89NEWZeit für (Blau)Pause
Zeit für (Blau)Pause
- 90Decreased by 28Martina Leisten - Business-Coach / Autorin / Podcasterin
"Mutig, Mutig! - Dein Empowerment-Podcast" von Coach und Autorin Martina Leisten
- 91Decreased by 30Michael 'Curse' Kurth
Meditation, Coaching & Life / Der Podcast mit Michael 'Curse' Kurth
- 92NEWConor Stone
The Mindful Minute
- 93Decreased by 37Diana Huth
Die Aufwärtsspirale von ACTitude
- 94NEWJanine Isabel Chemnitz
Gedankenkarussell by janiisa
- 95NEWДаша Аглиуллина
Что они скажут
- 96NEWStefan Völker
- 97NEWAngela Strassburger
- 98NEWClaudia Täubner
Dein neues Ich - Claudia Täubner
- 99NEWRobert Duff, Ph.D.
The Hardcore Self Help Podcast with Duff the Psych
- 100Decreased by 45Lee Hammock
The Narcissists' Code
- 101NEWNicole Dawna Mitchell
elephants in the room
- 102Decreased by 44suzanne
The Sober Mom Life
- 103NEWSophia Krappweis & Alexander Waschkau
Alle bekloppt
- 104NEWBettina Ugolini
- 105NEWKonbini
Bienvenue dans ma tête - Konbini
- 106Decreased by 47famPLUS GmbH
famPLUS - Leben und Beruf. Kompetent in Balance.
- 107Decreased by 47Sonia Kahlon and Kathleen Killen
Sisters In Sobriety
- 108NEWPlus Fort Ensemble
Plus Fort Ensemble
- 109Increased by 13Rula Badeen, François Matthey
- 110Decreased by 43Nicole Davidow
Selbstbewusstsein, Sexappeal und Charisma - TO GO!
- 111Decreased by 36Cait Donovan
FRIED. The Burnout Podcast
- 112Decreased by 40William Curb
Hacking Your ADHD
- 113Decreased by 47Melanie Wolfers
- 114Decreased by 41Janina Jörgens
Authentisch autistisch - Autismus ist bunt!
- 115Increased by 8Podcastschmiede | Hauptpartnerin: Plattform Mäander
Chopfsach - Demenz
- 116Decreased by 42Ramsey Network
The Dr. John Delony Show
- 117Decreased by 39Andrea Schwiebert
Begabungslust – Leben, lieben und arbeiten mit Hochbegabung und Neurodiversität
- 118Decreased by 50Cloud10
HEAL with Kelly
- 119Decreased by 28Emma Nicholson and Dr. Chris Wells
Positive Disintegration Podcast
- 120NEWBenjamin Lubszynski
- 121Decreased by 40Dr Florence DUFOURNET
Méditation de Pleine Conscience
- 122Decreased by 53Michael Begelspacher
Das Tor zu Dir - Podcast
- 123Decreased by 47Nikki Eisenhauer
Emotional Badass
- 124Decreased by 40Spiritland Creative
The Mid•Point with Gabby Logan
- 125Decreased by 42Maik
Autismus Talk mit Maik
- 126Decreased by 46Sommeil
Dormir sans soucis
- 127Decreased by 50Sleepiest & Karissa Vacker
Sleep Wave: Sleep Meditation & Sleepy Stories
- 128Decreased by 30Janet Tannen
Ayuformation Health Talk
- 129Decreased by 1iHeartPodcasts
The Psychology of your 20s
- 130Decreased by 45Jonas Shahin
KOMM KLAR DIGGA – Dein letzter Selfhelp-Podcast.
- 131Decreased by 32Laura Fröhlich, Mental Load Expertin
Lauras Mental-Load-Sprechstunde
- 132Decreased by 46Gwenn Melscoët
Couple et amour
- 134Decreased by 45Anonyme Alkoholiker Schweiz
Iz isch gnue!
- 135Decreased by 32Audry Henriet
Expérienceurs : La Santé ET l'Invisible
- 136Decreased by 25Ali Habibbi
Islam et Psychologie
- 137Decreased by 42Yasemin Kaymak
Produktiv Jetzt – Der Podcast für Produktivität & Zeitmanagement
- 138Decreased by 46Shivani Pau
A Millennial Mind
- 139Decreased by 46Megan Barrow
Unbuckle Your Fears | Agoraphobia Recovery
- 140Decreased by, Laura Key
- 141Decreased by 47John Clarke, LPCC
Going Inside: Healing Trauma from the Inside Out
- 142Decreased by 46John Moe, Maximum Fun
Depresh Mode with John Moe
- 143Decreased by 46Dr. Les Carter
Surviving Narcissism with Dr. Les Carter
- 144Decreased by 43Alexis Sofia Weavind
Masken und Narben: Ein Fokus auf Autismus und Trauma
- 145Decreased by 43Kopfkanal
Kopfkanal - Geführte Meditationen
- 146Decreased by 42Jules De Vitto
Highly Sensitive Humans Podcast
- 147Decreased by 42Cheska Nicole - adult adhd coach, adhd mom coach, emotional regulation coach, adhd mentor
Do I have ADHD? | mental health, procrastination, organization, overstimulated, focus, ADHD mom
- 148Decreased by 41Dominique Sullivan of the Zen Librarian
Mostly Mindful for Teens and Tweens
- 149Decreased by 40Georgian Benta
The Gratitude Podcast
- 150Decreased by 40OpenMind
Mantra with Jemma Sbeg
- 151Decreased by 39CSS
Hallo Entspannung - Meditationen, Atemübungen & mehr
- 153Decreased by 38Etat de Vaud - Direction générale de la santé
Le mois de la santé mentale
- 154Decreased by 38FENVAC
- 155Decreased by 38Maria Reich
,,Voll Herz & Seele" Maria Reichs Podcast
- 156Decreased by 38Hanan Alshehri
حنان الشهري | كلام من القلب
- 157Decreased by 38Vanessa Schmitz
Neuro Dino - Autismus & ADHS im Erwachsenenalter
- 158Decreased by 38Pretty Fire Audio Productions
Open with Emma Campbell
- 159Decreased by 38Internal Family Systems Sessions
Live IFS
- 160Decreased by 60Andrea Iengo
Attacchi di panico -
- 161Decreased by 27Engle
Sandmännchen : der beste podcast zum einschlafen
- 162NEWHeadspace Studios
Radio Headspace
- 163Decreased by
Nüchtern betrachtet - Der "Nie wieder Alkohol" Podcast
- 164Decreased by 35Gordon Schönwälder
Hauptberuflich depressiv?! - Der Podcast über Depression, Mental Health und Co.
- 165Decreased by 40Mattia Mauree
AuDHD Flourishing
- 166Increased by
Ein gutes Gefühl. Aha-Erlebnisse und fundierter Rat für dein erfülltes Leben. Mit Psychologin Ulrike Scheuermann und
Chasing Life
- 168Decreased by 33Kathryn Rohweder
ADHS Perspektiven
- 169Decreased by 28OCD Land
- 170Decreased by 38Malvi
Someone to Me
- 171Decreased by 41Kendra Huffman
Brave Teen Podcast
- 172Increased by 13Hypno&Morphee
Hypno&Morphée- voyage sonore pour s'endormir
- 173Decreased by 19Mental'O
Brin de phobie, avec Mélissa Hotz
- 174Increased by 4Yoga Nidra & Beyond
Yoga Nidra & Beyond | Ayla Nova
- 175Decreased by 39Flavie Milsonneau
TCA etc - Comprendre et lutter contre les troubles alimentaires
- 176Decreased by 39Tanja Klein
GEILER COACHEN mit Tanja Klein
- 177Decreased by 39Studentisches Forum Psychoanalyse Zürich
Sometimes a Cigar is Just a Cigar
- 178Decreased by 1LiSTNR
- 179Increased by 10Joseph Lee, Deborah Stewart, Lisa Marchiano
This Jungian Life Podcast
- 180Decreased by 41tomoni mental health
tomoni mental health: Es braucht das ganze Dorf.
- 181Decreased by
ADHD Wise Squirrels for late-diagnosed adults with ADHD.
- 182Increased by 2Fearne Cotton
Happy Place
- 183Decreased by 96Gaby Tanatóloga
Después de la pérdida
- 184Decreased by 15Klara Hanstein
Gemischte Gefühle - Dein Mutmacher bei Angst & Panik
- 185Decreased by 43Mo Gawdat
Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat
- 186Decreased by 46Alexandra Matthes
Luft & Liebe, Meditation und Entspannung
- 187NEWPatrick Menne & Pascal Erb
Der Minimalist und der Banker
- 188Increased by 5Alex Partridge
ADHD Chatter
- 189Decreased by 28Noémie Sylberg
- 190Decreased by 46Psi Mammoliti
Psicologia Al Desnudo | @psi.mammoliti
- 191Decreased by 31iHeartPodcasts
The One You Feed
- 192Decreased by 43Stress- und Traumafolgen
Stress- und Traumafolgen mit Michaela Huber
- 193Decreased by 48Peter Shankman
The Faster Than Normal Podcast: ADD | ADHD | Health
- 194Decreased by 15Mari Llewellyn
Pursuit of Wellness
- 195Decreased by 47Debbie Sorensen, Jill Stoddard, Yael Schonbrun, Michael Herold & Emily Edlynn
Psychologists Off the Clock
- 196Decreased by 23Efrén Martinez
Ad Propositum
- 197Decreased by 47Male Geers
- 198Decreased by 17Lisa Vogel und Charlotte Suhr
- 199Decreased by 53Pocket Psychiatry: A Carlat Podcast
The Carlat Psychiatry Podcast
- 200Decreased by 48Stefan Peck
Heile dein Inneres Kind